Title Blockchain tehnologija u suvremenim elektroenergetskim sustavima
Title (english) Blockchain technology in modern power systems
Author Milijan Dokmanović
Mentor Dubravko Franković (mentor)
Committee member Vedran Kirinčić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Dubravko Franković (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Rene Prenc (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Rijeka Faculty of Engineering (Department of Electric Power Systems) (Section of Electric Facilities and Power Systems) Rijeka
Defense date and country 2021-09-20, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline TECHNICAL SCIENCES Electrical Engineering
Abstract Tema ovog rada je primjena blockchain tehnologije u suvremenom elektroenergetskom sustavu.
Blockchain tehnologija je zasnovana na peer to peer principu. Svaki čvor u sustavu dobiva svoju
kopiju „lanca“ koju čuva. Promjena u lancu tj. dodavanje nove transakcije iziskuje zajednički rad
sudionika sustava. Jedan čvor izdaje transakciju koja se potvrđuje od drugih korisnika. Postoji
puno vrsta različitih konsenzusa. Najčešće korišteni konsenzusi su Proof of Work i Proof of Stake.
Takozvani rudari rješavaju kompleksne algoritme da bi potvrdili transakciju. To je izrazito
kompleksan proces koji osigurava stalnu funkciju mreže. Blockchain izbacuje treću stranu u
razmjeni informacija te je zamjenjuje sa transparentom i sigurnom mrežom. Na taj način sve strane
profitiraju i dobivaju pouzdan sustav za korištenje.
Prva cjelina koja se obrađuje u radu su solarne elektrane. Objašnjava se detaljnije tehnologija i
njena primjena. Navode se potrebni dijelovi za izgradnju solarnog sustava na krovu kuće. Svaki
dio se detaljnije objašnjava. Objašnjava se princip rada cijelog sustava te se navode tri osnovna
sustava: sustav povezan na mrežu, samostalni sustav i hibridni sustav. Svaki od ta tri sustava se
objašnjava detaljnije.
Druga cjelina su baterijski spremnici. Kroz cjelinu se obrađuju osnovni pojmovi i karakteristične
veličine vezane za baterijske spremnike. Navode se tri vrste baterijski spremnika: olovne, li-ionske
i baterije na slanu vodu. Svaki od tih spremnika je detaljnije opisan da bi se što bolje razumio.
Navode se baterijski spremnici sa današnjeg tržišta te primjećujemo trend ulaska velikih tvrtka u
to područje. Za kraj poglavlja daje se osvrt na isplativost baterijskih spremnika u kućanstvima.
Treća cjelina su mikromreže. U ovom poglavlju čitatelj može saznati nešto više o mikromreža.
Objašnjava se što su mikromreže te njihov osnovni koncept. Navode se tri osnove vrste
mikromreža: urbane, udaljene i agilne. Svaka od tih vrsta se pobliže objašnjava. Nakon toga se
objašnjava detaljnije arhitektura mikromreža te potom se navode mogućnosti upravljanja.
Upravljanje se dijeli u tri skupine: primarno, sekundarno i tercijarno. Ta se upravljanje izvode
prema hijerarhiji. Za kraj poglavlja navode se neke prednosti i nedostaci koncepta mikromreža.
Četvrta cjelina je opis Blockchain tehnologije. Kroz ovo poglavlje objašnjava se princip rada
tehnologije. Navodi se nekoliko vrsta konsenzusa te se oni detaljnije objašnjavaju. Kao
najpoznatije kriptovalute ukratko se objašnjavaju Bitcoin i Ethereum. Poglavlje dosta detaljno
objašnjava tehnologiju te prikazuje njenu arhitekturu i navodi kriterij za tehnološku podobnost.
Peta cjelina je usmjerena isključivo na primjenu blockchain tehnologije u elektroenergetskom
sustavu. Objašnjava se ogromni potencijal tehnologije da unaprijedi poslovanje energetskih tvrtki.
Analizira se veleprodaja električne energije i daje se moguće unapređenje strukture tržišta. Za kraj
poglavlja se govori o digitalizaciji i IoT platformama. Digitalizacije će u budućnosti zahvatiti svaki
sektor tako da je izrazio bitno objasnit način na koji će se implementira u elektroenergetski sustav.
Šesta cjelina govori o Blockchain aplikacijama u mikromrežama. Generalna ideja svega je
napraviti funkcionalnu platformu pomoću koje korisnici mogu trgovati sa svojim energetskim
viškom. U slučaju manjka energije mogu je kupiti od susjeda ili bilo kojeg drugog korisnika
platforme. Neki projekti koji se izdvajaju su: Brooklyn MicroGrid od LO3 Energy-a, Power
Ledger i SunContract. Ove tri platforme se detaljnije objašnjavaju te se još navodi Key2Energery
kao rani projekt sa velikim potencijalom.
Sedma i zadnja cjelina upoznaje čitatelje s nekim problemima blockchain tehnologije. Iako
tehnologija ima puno pozitivnih strana postoje i negativne sa gledišta potrošnje energije i emisije
CO2. Kroz ovo poglavlje daju se estimacije potrošnje energije i emisije CO2 Proof of Work
blockchaina. Ujedno se navodi utjecaj tehnologije na društvo i sveukupno globalno gospodarstvo
te se uz to sve prilažu kratki proračuni.
Abstract (english) The topic of this paper is the application of blockchain technologies in the modern power system.
Blockchain technology is based on the principle of peer to peer. Each node in the system receives
its own copy of the "chain" that it stores. To add a new part to the chain participants must work
together. One node issues a transaction that is confirmed by other users. There are many types of
consensus, and the most commonly used are Proof of Work and Proof of Stake. So called miners
solve a complex algorithm to confirm the transaction. It is an extremely complex process but it
ensures the constant function of the network. Blockchain throws out the third party in the exchange
of information that is replaced by transparent and secure network. This way each of the parties
profit and they have a reliable system to use.
The first unit that is discussed in this paper is solar power plant. The technology and its application
are explained in more detail. The necessary parts for the construction of solar rooftops are listed
and each part of the system is explained in more detail. It explains the main work of the whole
system, which is based on three basic systems: a network-connected system, a stand-alone system
and a hybrid system. Each of these three systems is explained in more detail.
The second unit that is discussed are battery tanks. Throughout the whole chapter, the basic
concepts and characteristic quantities related to battery tanks are explained. Three types of battery
tanks are listed: lead, l-ion, and salt water batteries. Each of these containers is described in more
detail to better understand the system. Battery containers from today's market are listed. It is easy
to see the trend of large company entering the area. At the end of the chapter, a review of the costeffectiveness of battery packs in households is given.
The third unit that is discussed are microgrids. In this chapter, the reader can learn more about
microgrids. The basic concept of microgrids are explained. There are 3 basic types of
micronetworks: urban, remote and agile. Each of these species is explained in more detail. After
that the chapter explains microgrid architecture in more detail and then the management
possibilities of the grid. Grid managment is separated in three groups: primary, secondary and
tertiary. This management is used according to hierarchy. At the end of the chapter, some
advantages and disadvantages of the microgrids concept are listed.
The fourth unit is description of Blockchain technology. This chapter explains the working
principle of the technology. Several types of consensus are mentioned and they are explained in
more detail. Bitcoin and Ethereum are briefly explained as the most famous cryptocurrencies. The
chapter explains technology in great detail and shows its architecture and states the criteria for
technological suitability.
The fifth unit is focused exclusively on the application of blockchain technology in the power
system. The enormous potential of technology to improve the business of energy companies is
explained. It goes through the wholesale of electricity and gives a possible improvement in the
structure of the market. The end of the chapter talk about digitalization and IoT platforms.
Digitization will capture every sector in the future. The text expresses an essential explanation of
how this will be implemented in the power system.
The sixth unit talks about Blockchain applications in micronets. The general idea of it all is to
create a functional platform through which users can trade their energy surplus. Users can buy
energy from neighbors or any other user of the platform. Some of the projects that stand out are
Brooklyn MicroGrid from LO3 Energy, Power Ledger and SunContract. These three platforms are
explained in more detail and Key2Energery is cited as an early project with great potential.
The seventh and final unit introduces readers to some of the problems of blockchain technology.
Although the technology has many positive aspects, there are also negative ones in terms of energy
consumption and CO2 emissions. This chapter provides estimates of energy consumption and CO2
emissions. At the same time, the impact of technology on society and the overall global economy
is stated, and figures are attached.
Fotonaponski paneli
baterijski spremnici
blockchain tehnologija
platforma za trgovanje
Power Ledger
Brooklyn Microgrid
emisije CO2
Proof of Work
Proof of Stake i transparentne transakcije
Keywords (english)
Photovoltaic panels
battery packs
blockchain technology
trading platform
Power Ledger
Brooklyn Microgrid
CO2 emissions
Proof of Work
Proof of Stake and transparent transactions
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:190:720942
Study programme Title: Graduate University Study of Electrical Engineering Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra inženjer/inženjerka elektrotehnike (magistar/magistra inženjer/inženjerka elektrotehnike)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Access restricted to students and staff of home institution
Terms of use
Created on 2021-10-27 12:14:33