Title Povećanje konkurentnosti industrijskih poslovnih sustava
Title (english) Increasing the competitiveness of industrial enterprises
Author Ervin Beriša
Mentor Samir Žic (mentor)
Committee member Kristian Lenić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Zoran Čarija (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Duško Pavletić (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Sunčana Smokvina Hanza (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Samir Žic (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Rijeka Faculty of Engineering (Department of Industrial Engineering and Management) (Section of Organisation and Operational Management) Rijeka
Defense date and country 2021-11-29, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline TECHNICAL SCIENCES Basic Technical Sciences Organization of Labor and Production
Abstract Tema diplomskog rada je kako povećati konkurentnost poslovnog sustava. Poslovni sustavi se
susreću sa velikim izazovima u današnjem poslovnom svijetu, svaka najmanja greška može
načiniti velike posljedice za poslovanje. Zbog toga je bitno promotriti kako spriječiti da poslovanje
krene u krivom smjeru. Na početku rada je objašnjen pojam konkurentnosti i zapisane su koje su
opće konkurentske strategije: strategija troškovnog vodstva, strategija diferencijacije i strategija
fokusa, to su jedne od najbitnijih strategija koje se koriste u poslovnim sustavima. Zatim je u radu
objašnjena PEST i SWOT analiza, gdje su za PEST utjecajni politički, ekonomski, socijalni i
tehnološki čimbenici dok SWOT analiza procjenjuje snage i slabosti te prilike i prijetnje
poslovnim sustavima. Zatim je objašnjeno na koji način razvoj ljudskih resursa utječe na
konkurentnost, kao i istraživanje i razvoj. Tehnologija je jedan od glavnih čimbenika koji
povećava konkurentsku prednost poslovnih sustava, zbog toga je objašnjena Industrija 4.0 te
tehnologija koja se koristi u toj industriji, također je umjetna inteligencija detaljnije objašnjena
radi sve češće primjene u posljednje vrijeme. Potom je dana poveznica između inovacija i
konkurentnosti. Zatim su spomenute neke od važnijih metoda za povećanje konkurentnosti:
benchmarking, kanban, kaizen. U radu se također nalaze statistički podaci sa Eurostata gdje su
prikazani podaci o tome kakva je industrija u Europi, Njemačkoj i Hrvatskoj, a uzeti su podaci o
broju zaposlenih ljudi u određenim industrijama, o vrijednosti proizvodnje te o broju poslovnih
sustava koji se bave određenim industrijama. Potom je prikazana anketa sa odgovorima od tri
poslovna sustava, a kasnije je predočena i analiza tih odgovora te usporedba poslovnih sustava.
Abstract (english) The topic of the thesis is how to increase the competitiveness of the business system. Business
systems face great challenges in today’s business world, every slightest mistake can cause great
consequences for business. It is therefore important to consider how to prevent business from
going in the wrong direction. At the beginning of the thesis is an explanation of the concepts of
competitiveness and it is written what are the general competitive strategies: cost leadership
strategy, differentiation strategy and focus strategy, these are some of the most important strategies
used in business systems. Then, the thesis explains the PEST and SWOT analysis, where PEST is
influenced by political, economic, social and technological factors, while the SWOT analysis
assesses the strengths and weaknesses and opportunities and threats to business systems. It then
explains how human resource development affects competitiveness as well as research and
development. Technology is one of the main factors that increases the competitive advantage of a
business system, which is why Industry 4.0 and the technology used in that industry are explained,
and also artificial intelligence is more detailed explained because of many recent applications.
Then the link between innovation and competitiveness is given. Then some of the more important
methods to increase competitiveness are mentioned: benchmarking, kanban, kaizen. The thesis
also contains statistical data from Eurostat, which presents data on the industry in Europe,
Germany and Croatia, as well as data on the number of people employed in certain industries,
production values and the number of business systems dealing with certain industries. Then, a
questionnaire with the answers of the three business systems was presented, and later an analysis
of these answers and a comparison of the business systems are presented.
poslovni sustav
konkurentska prednost
Keywords (english)
Business system
competitive advantage
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:190:176649
Study programme Title: Mechanical Engineering Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra inženjer/inženjerka strojarstva (magistar/magistra inženjer/inženjerka strojarstva)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
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Created on 2021-12-09 09:02:45