Title Projekt strojarskih termotehničkih instalacija za polikliniku
Title (english) HVAC System Design for a Polyclinic
Author Antonela Mijatović
Mentor Igor Wolf (mentor)
Committee member Kristian Lenić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Duško Pavletić (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Goran Gregov (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Igor Wolf (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Rijeka Faculty of Engineering (Department of Thermodynamics and Energy Engineering) (Section of Thermodynamics and Thermal Engineering) Rijeka
Defense date and country 2022-03-17, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline TECHNICAL SCIENCES Mechanical Engineering
Abstract Zdravstvene ustanove pružaju različite vrste usluga svima kojima je zdravlje na neki način
ugroženo. Kako bi liječenje bilo što uspješnije a rad osoblja učinkovitiji, potrebno je stvoriti ugodno
okružje čiji su bitni čimbenici temperatura, vlažnost i kvaliteta zraka. Tim čimbenicima upravljaju
termotehnički sustavi koji se sastoje od podsustava grijanja, hlađenja, ventilacije te pripreme potrošne
tople vode. Za razliku od običnih zgrada, zdravstvene ustanove imaju posebne kriterije za sustave za
obradu zraka, osobito ako su u sklopu njih i čiste sobe kao što su primjerice operacijske dvorane.
Tema ovog diplomskog rada je izrada projektnog rješenja za polikliniku koja se nalazi na području
grada Osijeka. Polikliniku čine tri etaže od kojih svaka predstavlja zaseban termotehnički podsustav.
Kako bi se odabrala čim adekvatnija oprema, prvi korak pri projektiranju jest proračun toplinskih
gubitaka i dobitaka te proračun potrebnih količina zraka za dobavu i odsis. Zaseban proračun izvršen
je i za prostorije operacijskog bloka koje moraju zadovoljiti najviše standarde kad su u pitanju čistoća
zraka te regulacija temperature i vlažnosti.
Za potrebe grijanja i hlađenja gotovo svih prostorija izuzev operacijskog bloka te sanitarija
odabran je sustav varijabilnog protoka radne tvari (VRF sustav). Za grijanje sanitarija predviđena je
ugradnja kupaonskih radijatora. Operacijski blok se grije i hladi pomoću posebnog sustava koji ima
sposobnost i obrade zraka i grijanja te hlađenja.
Ventilacijski sustavi podijeljeni su na tlačnu i odsisnu ventilaciju i kao takvima su odabrani i
zasebni elementi kao što su stropni anemostati, rešetke, zračni odsisni i dovodni ventili i slično.
Predviđena je i ugradnja ukupno šest klima komora kako bi se mogla izvršiti klimatizacija za svaku
etažu posebno kao i za prostorije koje zahtijevaju posebnu obradu zraka poput operacijskog bloka i
rendgenskih prostorija.
Kako bi cjelokupan sustav funkcionirao pravilno i služio za dobrobit pacijenata i osoblja odabrana
je automatska regulacija koja objedinjuje sve sustave u jednu cjelinu i predstavlja osobito važan dio
ovog projektnog rješenja.
Abstract (english) Healthcare facilities provide different types of services to anyone whose health is endangered in
a certain way. In order for the treatment to be as successful as possible for the patients and the work
of the staff to be more efficient, it is necessary to create a comfortable environment whose essential
factors are temperature, humidity and air quality. These factors are controlled by a HVAC system that
consists of subsystems for heating, cooling, ventilation and domestic hot water preparation. Unlike
other buildings, healthcare facilities have a special criteria for air treatment, especially if they include
clean rooms such as operating theaters.
This master thesis deals with development of a project solution for a polyclinic located in Osijek.
The polyclinic has three floors and each represents a separate HVAC subsystem. In order to select the
most adequate equipment, the first step in the design is calculation of heat losses and gains and
calculation of the required amount of air for supply and exhaust. A separate calculation was performed
for rooms of the operating block that have to meet the highest standards when it comes to purity of
the air and regulation of temperature and humidity.
For the needs of heating and cooling of almost all rooms except the rooms in operating block and
sanitary facilities, a variable flow system (VRF system) was selected. The installation of bathroom
radiators is planned for heating the toilets. The operating block is heated and cooled by a special
thermal ventilation system that has ability to process air and heating and cooling.
Ventilation systems are divided into pressure and exhaust subsystems and separate elements, such
as ceiling diffusers, grilles, air valves are chosen. Also, installation of six air handling units for air
conditioning for each floor separately as well as for rooms that require special air treatment such as
the operating room and X-ray rooms is planned.
In order for the entire system to function properly and serve the well-being of patients and staff,
automatic regulation system which unites all systems is chosen and represents a particularly important
part of this project solution.
termotehnički sustav
sustav automatske regulacije
čiste sobe
operacijska dvorana
VRF sustav
dizalica topline
klima komora
Keywords (english)
HVAC system
automatic control system
clean rooms
operating room
variable refrigerant flow system
heat pump
air handling unit
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:190:664854
Study programme Title: Mechanical Engineering Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra inženjer/inženjerka strojarstva (magistar/magistra inženjer/inženjerka strojarstva)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
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Created on 2022-04-08 08:15:54