Title Neizraziti estimator magnetskoga toka vektorski upravljanoga sinkronog stroja napajanoga iz ciklopretvarača : doktorska disertacija
Title (english) Fuzzy logic based flux estimator for a vector controlled synchronous machine fed by cycloconnerter : doctoral thesis
Author Dominik Cikač
Mentor Neven Bulić (mentor)
Committee member Dubravko Franković (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Rene Prenc (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Željko Hederić (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Rijeka Faculty of Engineering Rijeka
Defense date and country 2022-06-13, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline TECHNICAL SCIENCES Electrical Engineering
Universal decimal classification (UDC ) 62 - Engineering. Technology in general
Abstract Suvremeni elektromotorni pogoni visokih performansi s električnim izmjeničnim
strojevima često su upravljani vektorskim načinom upravljanja koje se zasniva na vektorskom
modelu upravljanog stroja. Vektorski način upravljanja na osnovi transformacije prostornog
vektora struje statora u rotirajući koordinatni sustav rotora omogućava neovisno upravljanje
elektromagnetskim momentom i magnetskim tokom stroja. Osnovu vektorskog upravljanja čini
estimacija prostornog vektora magnetskog toka, tj. rekonstrukcija njegove amplitude i
prostorne orijentacije upotrebom estimatora baziranih na matematičkom modelu upravljanog
Ova disertacija predstavlja cjeloviti razvoj jednog estimatora magnetskog toka
zasnovanog na detaljnom matematičkom modelu sinkronog stroja s istaknutim polovima i
električnom uzbudom. Izrađeni estimator magnetskog toka objedinjuje estimatore zasnovane
na strujnom i naponskom modelu sinkronog stroja na osnovi kojih se estimira magnetski tok te
neizrazite funkcije zasnovane na neizrazitoj logici koja koordinira njihovo zajedničko
djelovanje u ukupnoj estimaciji toka. Razvijeni estimator zasnovan na strujnom modelu
obuhvaća, tj. modelira karakteristike zasićenja obiju osi stroja te magnetsku spregu između njih.
Također, estimator sadrži posebno konstruiran nelinearni estimator struja u prigušnim
namotima sinkronog stroja s istaknutim polovima i električnom uzbudom. S druge strane,
estimator zasnovan na naponskom modelu posebno je konstruiran za elektromotorne pogone
gdje postoji značajan upliv viših harmoničkih članova u mjerenim veličinama napona i struja
što je slučaj u elektromotornim pogonima s ciklopretvaračem. Obje vrste estimatora koriste se
samo mjerenim veličinama iz elektromotornog pogona te osnovnim podacima sinkronog stroja
za samu estimaciju magnetskog toka. Razvijena neizrazita funkcija koja koordinira djelovanje
tih dvaju modela estimatora na ukupan estimirani tok, tj. određuje koji od tih dvaju estimatora
ima dominantu ulogu te čini to bez stvaranja skokovitih pojava/tranzijenta u magnetskom toku
i/ili elektromagnetskom momentu upravljanog sinkronog stroja s istaknutim polovima i
električnom uzbudom.
Eksperimentalna verifikacija neizrazitog estimatora magnetskog toka provedena je na
elektromotornom pogonu s ciklopretvaračem i sinkronim strojem s istaknutim polovima i
električnom uzbudom. U tu svrhu izrađen je cjelokupni upravljački algoritam ciklopretvarač za rad u industrijskom okruženju zasnovan na vektorskom upravljanju gdje se magnetski tok
upravljanoga sinkronog stroja estimira putem izrađenoga neizrazitog estimatora. Također,
upravljački algoritam sadrži posebno osmišljene funkcije za upravljanje samim
ciklopretvaračem, tj. funkcije za proračune kuta paljenja tiristora te njegove zaštitne funkcije.
Posljednji dio disertacije opisuje eksperimentalni postav te dobivene eksperimentalne rezultate
koji potvrđuju sve pretpostavke i hipoteze navedene u ovoj disertaciji.
Abstract (english) High performance electrical drives based on alternating current machines are often
controlled using vector control which is based on the vector model of the considered machine.
Vector control enables separate control of the electromagnetic torque and flux of the machine
by transforming the vector of stator current into the rotor reference frame. Basis for such a
control is the estimation of the magnetizing flux vector, i.e. reconstruction of its amplitude and
spatial orientation using estimators based on a mathematical model of a machine.
This thesis describes the development of a magnetizing flux estimator based on a
detailed mathematical model of a salient pole synchronous machine with electrically excited
rotor winding. Developed flux estimator estimates the magnetizing flux based on current and
voltage model of a synchronous machine, and a fuzzy logic function to determine which model
has a dominant role in the flux estimation. Current model of a flux estimator estimates the
magnetizing flux by taking into account the magnetic saturation of both axes and the cross
coupling effect between them. Furthermore, current model also includes specially designed
estimator for determining the current in the damper windings of a salient pole synchronous
machine with electrically excited rotor. On the other hand, flux estimator based on a voltage
model is designed for electrical drives with high voltage and current ripple, e.g. cycloconverter
drives. Both flux estimator models use only measured values from the drive and basic machine
data for the flux estimation. Developed fuzzy logic function for determining which estimator
has a dominant role in the flux estimation does so without causing the step transition in
synchronous machine electromagnetic torque and/or magnetic flux, i.e. it enables a bumpless
Experimental verification of the proposed flux estimator based on fuzzy logic was
conducted on the electrical drive with cycloconverter and salient pole synchronous machine
with electrically excited rotor. For this purpose, the whole control algorithm of the
cycloconverter for industry application was developed. The developed control algorithm is
based on a vector control where flux is estimated with proposed flux estimator based on fuzzy
logic. Furthermore, the developed control algorithm also includes functions for cycloconverter
control, i.e. function for thyristor firing angle calculations and safety functions. The last part of the thesis describes the experimental setup of cycloconverter drive with salient pole
synchronous machine with electrically excited rotor. Also, the experimental data are given and
explained which confirms all the assumptions and hypotheses made in this thesis.
neizraziti estimator magnetskog toka
sinkroni stroj s istaknutim polovima
digitalni sustav upravljanja
Keywords (english)
flux estimator based on fuzzy logic
salient pole synchronous machine
digital control system
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:190:017765
Promotion 2022
Study programme Title: Postgraduate university doctoral study in the area of Engineering sciences, in the field of Electrical engineering; specializations in: Electrical Engineering Course: Electrical Engineering Study programme type: university Study level: postgraduate Academic / professional title: doktor/doktorica znanosti, područje tehničkih znanosti (doktor/doktorica znanosti, područje tehničkih znanosti)
Type of resource Text
Extent 142 str. ; 30 cm
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Created on 2022-06-21 11:29:15