Author Valentina Mijatović
Mentor Vitomir Komen (mentor)
Committee member Vedran Kirinčić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Rene Prenc (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Vitomir Komen (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Rijeka Faculty of Engineering (Department of Electric Power Systems) (Section of Electric Facilities and Power Systems) Rijeka
Defense date and country 2023-07-20, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline TECHNICAL SCIENCES Electrical Engineering Power Engineering
Abstract Energija zajednice odnosi se na širok raspon kolektivnih energetskih aktivnosti koje uključuju
sudjelovanje građana u energetskom sustavu. Energetske projekte zajednice karakteriziraju različiti
stupnjevi uključenosti zajednice u donošenje odluka i dijeljenje koristi. Oni mogu opisivati zajednicu
ograničenu zemljopisnim položajem ili zajednicom interesa. Cilj ovog rada je dati pregled aktivnosti,
organizacije i implikacija energetskih zajednica kao sudionika u cijelom energetskom sustavu.
Također ima za cilj informirati i identificirati putove za buduće političke implikacije i istraživačke
inicijative. Prikazane su vrste energetskih zajednica poput energetske zajednice građana i energetske
zajednice obnovljive energije, kao i pravni okvir Europske Unije. Modele energetskih zajednica čine
: energetske zajednice temeljene na obnovljivim izvorima energije, lokalne energetske zajednice,
urbane energetske zajednice, ruralne energetske zajednice, energetske zajednice temeljene na
kogeneraciji te energetske zajednice kao prosumeri energije. Energetska zajednica Luče je prva
lokalna energetka zajednica u Sloveniji, te se na osnovu te zajednice prikazala problematika i rješenje
koje je proizašlo. Na temelju takvog primjera vidljvo je da energija zajednice može potaknuti
sudjelovanje građana i kontrolu nad donošenjem odluka. Potencijal za društvene inovacije također
leži u sposobnosti da integrira potrošače neovisno o njihovim prihodima i pristupu kapitalu,
osiguravajući da se dobrobiti decentralizacije dijele i s onima koji ne mogu sudjelovati. Paralelno s
tim, potrebne su inovativna socijalna politika i preispitane regulatorne strukture kako bi se riješili
potencijalno regresivni učinci koji bi mogli nastati kada bi neke društvene skupine mogle biti oštećene
nemogućnošću ulaganja u projekte obnovljivih izvora energije dok moraju plaćati socijalizirane
troškove podrške politikama i naknade za mrežu. Osiguravanje da što više ljudi može sudjelovati u
energiji zajednice može osloboditi kreativne snage društvenih inovacija i održivih životnih stilova u
različitim društvenim skupinama.
Abstract (english) Community energy refers to a wide range of collective energy activities that involve citizen
participation in the energy system. Community energy projects are characterized by varying degrees
of community involvement in decision-making and benefit sharing. They may describe a community
limited by geographic location or a community of interest. This paper aims to provide an overview of
the activities, organization, and implications of energy communities as participants in the entire energy
system. It also aims to inform and identify avenues for future policy implications and research
initiatives. The types of energy communities are shown, such as the energy community of citizens and
the energy community of renewable energy, as well as the legal framework of the European Union.
Models of energy communities consist of energy communities based on renewable energy sources,
local energy communities, urban energy communities, rural energy communities, energy communities
based on cogeneration, and energy communities as energy prosumers. The Luče Energy Community
is the first local energy community in Slovenia, and based on that community, the problem and the
resulting solution were presented. Based on such an example, it is evident that community energy can
encourage citizen participation and control over decision-making. The potential for social innovation
also lies in its ability to integrate consumers regardless of their income and access to capital, ensuring
that the benefits of decentralization are shared with those who cannot participate. In parallel,
innovative social policy and revised regulatory structures are needed to address the potentially
regressive effects that could arise when some social groups could be harmed by not being able to
invest in renewable energy projects while having to pay the socialized costs of policy support and
network fees. Ensuring that as many people as possible can participate in community energy can
unleash the creative forces of social innovation and sustainable lifestyles across diverse social groups.
energetska zajednica
vrste energetskih zajednica
modeli energetskih zajednica
energetska zajednica Luče
Keywords (english)
energy community
types of energy communities
models of energy communities
energy community Luče
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:190:693476
Study programme Title: Graduate University Study of Electrical Engineering Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra inženjer/inženjerka elektrotehnike (magistar/magistra inženjer/inženjerka elektrotehnike)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Created on 2023-07-22 16:30:30