Title Kompozitni materijali 2021.-e
Title (english) Composite materials in 2020
Author Ana Selak
Mentor Zrinka Tarle (mentor)
Committee member Zrinka Tarle (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Danijela Marović (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Eva Klarić Sever (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb School of Dental Medicine (Department of Endodontics and Restorative Dentistry) Zagreb
Defense date and country 2021-09-20, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline BIOMEDICINE AND HEALTHCARE Dental Medicine
Abstract Suvremena restaurativna dentalna medicina bila bi nezamisliva bez kompozitnih materijala. Kompoziti se koriste za nadoknadu izgubljenog tvrdog zubnog tkiva, uslijed karijesnih lezija i trauma, za korekciju diskoloracija i morfoloških abnormalnosti, za izradu labijalnih faseta i neizravnih restauracija – inleja, onleja i overleja. Primjenjuju se i u ostalim granama dentalne medicine.
Svakodnevnu uporabu kompozita omogućili su otkriće i razvoj adhezijskih sustava i polimerizacijskih uređaja. Kompozitni materijali sastoje se od organske matrice, anorganskih čestica punila te međugraničnog spojnog sredstva, uz dodatak inicijatora i inhibitora polimerizacije, stabilizatora boje i pigmenata. Postoji više klasifikacija kompozita, a najčešće korištena je ona prema kliničkoj primjeni. Razlikujemo kompozitne materijale za preventivno pečaćenje fisura i jamica, visokoviskozne kompozite koji se smatraju univerzalnim materijalima jer se koriste i u prednjem i u stražnjem segmentu, tekuće kompozite koji se koriste za minimalno invazivne preparacije i kao podloga, bulk kompozite koji se mogu postavljati u kavitet i u slojevima do 4 mm debljine, laboratorijske kompozite, kompozite za izradu bataljaka, kompozite za privremene restauracije i kompomere. Danas se na tržištu mogu naći kompozitni materijali s bioaktivnim svojstvima koji svojim remineralizacijskim učinkom smanjuju štetne posljedice polimerizacijskog skupljanja i preveniraju nastanak sekundarnog karijesa. Cilj je u bliskoj budućnosti kreirati bioaktivni, samoadherirajući kompozitni materijal s inkorporiranim antibakterijskim sredstvima.
Abstract (english) Modern restorative dental medicine would be unimaginable without resin composites. Composites are used to compensate for lost hard tooth tissue, due to carious lesions and trauma, to correct discolorations and morphological abnormalities, to make labial veneers and indirect restorations - inlays, onlays and overlays. They are also used in other branches of dental
medicine. The daily use of composites has been made possible by the discovery and development of adhesion systems and polymerization devices. Composite materials consist of an organic matrix, inorganic filler particles and an interstitial binder, with the addition of polymerization initiators and inhibitors, colour stabilizers and pigments. There are several classifications of composites, most commonly used is the one according to clinical application. We distinguish composite materials for preventive sealing of fissures and pits, high-viscosity composites that are considered universal materials because they are used in both front and rear segments, liquid composites used for minimally invasive preparations and
as a substrate, bulk composites that can be placed in cavities and in layers up to 4 mm thick, laboratory composites, battalion composites, composites for temporary restorations and compomers. Today, composite materials with bioactive properties can be found on the market, which with their remineralization effect, reduce the harmful effects of polymerization shrinkage and prevent the occurrence of secondary caries. The goal is to create a bioactive, self-adhering composite material with incorporated antibacterial agents in the near future.
stomatološki materijali
kompozitne smole
Keywords (english)
Dental Materials
Composite Resins
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:127:155803
Study programme Title: dental medicine Study programme type: university Study level: integrated undergraduate and graduate Academic / professional title: doktor/doktorica dentalne medicine (doktor/doktorica dentalne medicine)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Created on 2021-10-05 10:16:58