Abstract | U suvremenoj implantoprotetskoj terapiji stope preživljavanja i uspješnost terapije visoke su i gotovo neupitan dio terapije.
Glavni je fokus na estetskom ishodu, a zahtjevi pacijenata sve se više povećavaju. Razvoj novih materijala i tehnologija te znanje o parodontnoj i periimplantatnoj biologiji daju nam osnovu za sve bolje estetske rezultate. Kako bi se osiguralo postizanje optimalne estetike, osim pažljivog planiranje terapije suvremenim radiološkim dijagnostičkim metodama, implantati moraju biti postavljeni u optimalnom meziodistalnom, vestubulooralnom i apikokoronarnom smjeru. Također mora biti osiguran i dovoljan volumen kosti u sve tri dimenzije, te udaljenost od susjednih zuba i/ili implantata. Za postizanje adekvatne crveno-bijele estetike važno je uspostaviti ravnotežu između alveolarne kosti, periimplantatne sluznice i fiksnoprotetskog nadomjestka. Svrha rada je prikaz utjecaja pozicije implantata na estetski rezultat u odnosu na kost, stanje mekih tkiva, debljina sluznice i njen stupanj karatinizacije, te veze između implantata i nadogradnje. Nastoje se definirati biološki i mehanički čimbenici koji utječu na krajnji rezultat implantoprotetske terapije. Te koji parametri moraju biti zadovoljeni da se terapija može proglasiti estetski zdovoljavajućom. U radu se analiziraju biološki (PES) i mehanički (WES) parametri koji utječu na ocjenu estetike i
time uspješnost implantoloske terapije. Očekivani poželjni rezultat ocjenjuje se analizom fotografije sa minimalno 12 bodova za
zadovoljavajuću estetiku do maksimalnih 20 bodova za izvrsnu estetiku na temelju analize fotografije. Parametri su prisutnost ili odsutnost papile, razina i zaobljenost vestibularne sluznice, boja, zaobljenost i tekstura mekih tkiva te nadomjestak koji bojom, oblikom i teksturom i transparencijom odgovara susjednom prirodnom zubu. Doprinos rada je omogućavanje sistematskog pregleda objektivnih parametara koji utječu na estetski rezultat zuba na implantatu kako bi se mogao dobiti numerički, objektivan i ponovljiv rezultat sa odmakom vremena i objektivna ocjena zadovoljavajuće estetike upotrebom različitih kirurških protokola i protetske terapije. |
Abstract (english) | In modern implanto prosthetic therapy, survival rates and success of the therapy are high and furthermore they are almost an unquestionable part of the therapy. The main focus has been put on the aesthetic outcome, and moreover patients demands are constantly growing. Development of new materials and technology, as well as knowledge of periodontal and periimplant biology, give us the basics for even better aesthetic results. To insure the achievement of optimal aesthetic, apart from a carefully planned therapy with modern radiological diagnostical methods, implants must be placed in the optimal mesio-distal, vestubulo-oral and apico-coronary direction. In addition, the volume of bone in all three dimensions has to be insured, as well as the distance from neighbor teeth and/or implants, too. To accomplish optimal red and white aesthetic, it is important to achieve harmonious relation between alveolar bone, periimplant mucosa and fixed prostetic restorations. The objective of this paper is to show the impact of the position of the implant on the aesthetic result in relation to bone, the state of soft tissue, the thickness of musosa and its degree of keratinization and the relation of implant and augmentation. The paper ains to define which biological and mechanical factors influence the final result of the implant prosthetic therapy also which parameters have to be fulfilled for the therapy to be proclaimed aesthetically satisfying.Biological (PES) and mechanical (WES) parameters which influence the assessment of aesthetic, including the successfullness of implantal therapy are being analyzed in this paper. The expected desired result of the satisfying aesthetics is evaluated with a minimum of 12 points, to an excellent aesthetic with a maximum of 20 points based on photography analysis. These parameters are the presence or absence of papila, the level and contour of the vestibular mucosa membranes, colour and texture of soft tissue as well as colour appropriate restoration, the shape, texture and
transparency of the neighbour natural tooth. The contribution of the paper is to enable a systematic review of objective parameters that affect the aesthetic result of teeth on the implant in order to obtain a numerical, objective and reproducible
result over time and an objective assessment of satisfactory aesthetics using different surgical protocols and prosthetic therapy. |