Title Elektoničke naprave za registraciju kretnji donje čeljusti
Title (english) Electronic appliances for lower jaw movement registration
Author Saša Vukina
Mentor Nikša Dulčić (mentor)
Committee member Nikša Dulčić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Robert Ćelić (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Larisa Musić (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb School of Dental Medicine (Department of Removable Prosthodontics) Zagreb
Defense date and country 2022-09-26, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline BIOMEDICINE AND HEALTHCARE Dental Medicine Prosthetic Dentistry
Abstract Elektroničke naprave za registraciju kretnji donje čeljusti podrazumijevaju digitalne kinematske obrazne lukove kojima se snimaju kretnje donje čeljusti kada ih pacijent izvodi. Svrha tog snimanja kretnji je dvojaka. U dijagnostici temporomandibularnih poremećaja takav zapis mandibularnih kretnji omogućuje otkrivanje nepravilnosti zgloba ili disfunkcije žvačnog sustava. Druga namjena snimanja kretnji donje čeljusti je u stomatološkoj protetici prilikom izrade protetskih nadomjestaka, osobito kod velikih protetskih rehabilitacija. Takvi nadomjesci izrađuju se u artikulatoru, a da bi se izradio što precizniji protetski nadomjestak, odnosno da bi se uklopio u pacijentovu okluziju, artikulator mora što vjernije oponašati žvačni sustav pacijenta.
Donja je čeljust sustavom temporomandibularnih zglobova, ligamenata i mišića povezana s ostalim kostima lica i lubanje. Sustav navedenih tkiva omogućuje njenu pokretljivost u svim smjerovima u prostoru. Svaka složena kretnja donje čeljusti može se
rastaviti na više jednostavnijih osnovnih kretnji, a te kretnje podrazumijevaju otvaranje i zatvaranje usta, pomak prema naprijed i natrag te pomak u lijevu i desnu stranu. Svaki kinematski obrazni luk sastoji se od gornjeg dijela koji se montira na glavu
pacijenta prema određenim referentnim točkama. Donji dio montira se na zube donje čeljusti te se on pokreće u svim smjerovima zajedno s donjom čeljusti. Te pokrete registrira sustav odašiljača i senzora na gornjem i donjem dijelu uređaja. Signali iz senzora prenose se u računalo te se tamo obrađuju. Grafički zapis o pojedinoj kretnji prikazuje se na ekranu, a računalni sustav izračunava i brojne parametre pacijentova žvačnog sustava, primjerice kut nagiba kondilne staze, Bennettov kut, iznos trenutnog pomaka u stranu, položaj terminalne šarnirske osi, interkondilarnu udaljenost, itd. Ti parametri namiještaju se se u artikulatoru, a tako individualiziran artikulator može vjerno reproducirati pacijentove kretnje donje čeljusti.
Abstract (english) Electronic appliances for lower jaw movement registration include digital kinematic facebows that record mandibular movements when performed by the patient. The purpose of recording movements is twofold. In the diagnosis of temporomandibular disorders, such a record of mandibular movements enables the detection of joint irregularities or masticatory system dysfunction. Another purpose of recording mandibular movements in dental prosthetics can be seen in fabrication prosthetic replacements, especially in large prosthetic rehabilitations. Such replacements are fabricated in the articulator, and in order to make a prosthetic replacement as precise as possible, i.e. to fit it into the patient's occlusion, the articulator must imitate the patient's masticatory system as faithfully as possible. The lower jaw is connected to the other bones of the face and skull by a system of temporomandibular joints, ligaments and muscles. The system of the mentioned tissues enables lower jaw mobility in all directions in space. Each complex movement of the lower jaw can be divided into several simpler basic movements, and these movements include mouth opening and closing, forward-backward shift and left-right shift. Each kinematic facebow consists of an upper part that is mounted on the patient's head according to certain reference points. The lower part is mounted on the mandibular teeth and it moves in all directions together with the lower jaw. These movements are registered by a system of transmitters and sensors on the upper and lower parts of the device. The signals from the sensors are transferred to the computer and processed there. A graphic record of each movement
is displayed on the screen, and the computer system also calculates several parameters of the patient's masticatory system, for example the angle of condylar path inclination, Bennett's angle, immediate side shift, the position of the terminal hinge axis, intercondylar distance, etc. These parameters are adjusted in the articulator, and such an individualized articulator can faithfully reproduce the patient's lower jaw movements.
poremećaji čeljusnog zgloba
dentalni artikulatori
biomehaničke pojavnosti
Keywords (english)
Temporomandibualr Joint Disorders
Dental Articulators
Biomechanical Phenomena
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:127:504918
Study programme Title: dental medicine Study programme type: university Study level: integrated undergraduate and graduate Academic / professional title: doktor/doktorica dentalne medicine (doktor/doktorica dentalne medicine)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Access restricted to students and staff of home institution
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Created on 2022-10-11 08:52:19