Title Povezanost parodontitisa i Alzheimerove bolesti
Title (english) Association between periodontitis and Alzheimer's disease
Author Antea Pernek
Mentor Darije Plančak (mentor)
Committee member Darije Plančak (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Ivan Puhar (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Larisa Musić (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb School of Dental Medicine (Department of Periodontology) Zagreb
Defense date and country 2022-07-15, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline BIOMEDICINE AND HEALTHCARE Dental Medicine
Abstract Kronična upalna bolest potpornih tkiva zuba, parodontitis, uzrokovona je primarno parodontnim
patogenim bakterijama koje se nalaze u disbiotičnom subgingivnom biofilmu. Jedna od tih
specifičnih bakterija jest i Porphyromonas gingivalis, gram-negativna anaerobna bakterija, koja
je ujedno i ključni parodontni patogen. P. gingivalis i njezini faktori virulencije, poput fimbrija,
gingipaina i lipopolisaharida (LPS) usko su povezani s nastankom bolesti. Klinička prezentacija
parodontitisa karakterizirana je prisutnim gingivnim eritemom, edemom, parodontnim džepovima
i destrukcijom potpornih tkiva koja se očituje njihovim vidljivim gubitkom. Parodontni patogeni
mikroorganizmi i njihovi produkti mogu ući u cirkulaciju, što dovodi do tranzitorne bakterijemije
i sistemske diseminacije bakterijskih proizvoda. Štoviše, parodontitis može izazvati sistemske
učinke promicanjem ekspresije posrednicima upale kao što su proupalni citokini. Upravo se
putem tog mehanizma danas parodontitis povezuje sa sustavnim bolestima. Alzheimerova bolest
(AB), poznata kao progresivna neurodegenerativna bolest, prepoznata je kao vodeći uzrok
kognitivnih i bihevioralnih oštećenja. Nove spoznaje sugeriraju da periferne infekcije mogu
aktivirati mikroglijalne stanice unutar središnjeg živčanog sustava koji potiče razvoj
neurodegeneracije u AB. Mehanizam kojim periferne proupalne molekule mogu povećati
količinu upalnih molekula u mozgu uključuje najmanje dva puta, sistemsku cirkulaciju i/ili
neuralne puteve. Predloženo je kako je upravo količina upalnih molekula u mozgu mogla biti
pojačana parodontitisom, kojeg samog karakterizira povišena razina upale te bi to posljedično
utjecalo na razvoj AB. Cilj ovo preglednog rada jest pružiti literaturni pregled mehanizama
povezanosti parodontitisa i parodontopatogena P. gingivalisa s Alzheimerovom bolesti.
Abstract (english) Chronic inflammatory disease of the supporting tissues of the teeth, periodontitis, is primarily
caused by periodontal pathogenic bacteria found in the dysbiotic subgingival biofilm. One of
these specific bacteria is Porphyromonas gingivalis, a gram-negative anaerobic bacterium, which
is also a key periodontal pathogen. P.gingivalis and its virulence factors, such as fimbriae,
gingipain and lipopolysaccharide (LPS) are closely related to the onset of the disease. The
clinical presentation of periodontitis is characterized by the presence of gingival erythema,
edema, periodontal pockets and the destruction of supporting tissues, manifested by their visible
loss. Periodontal pathogenic microorganisms and their products can enter the circulation, which
leads to transient bacteremia and systemic dissemination of bacterial products. Moreover,
periodontitis can induce systemic effects by promoting the expression of inflammatory mediators
such as proinflammatory cytokines. It is through this mechanism that today periodontitis is
associated with systemic diseases. Alzheimer's disease (AD), known as a progressive
neurodegenerative disease, is recognized as a leading cause of cognitive and behavioral
impairment. New findings suggest that peripheral infections can activate microglial cells within
the central nervous system that promote the development of neurodegeneration in AD. The
mechanism by which peripheral proinflammatory molecules can increase the amount of
inflammatory molecules in the brain involves at least two pathways, systemic circulation and/or
neural pathways. It was suggested that the amount of inflammatory molecules in the brain could
be increased by periodontitis, which itself is characterized by an increased level of inflammation,
and this would consequently affect the development of AD. The aim of this review is to provide a
literature review of the mechanisms of the connection between periodontitis and the
periodontopathogen P. gingivalis, and Alzheimer's disease.
Alzheimerova bolest
Keywords (english)
Alzheimer's Disease
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:127:771934
Study programme Title: dental medicine Study programme type: university Study level: integrated undergraduate and graduate Academic / professional title: doktor/doktorica dentalne medicine (doktor/doktorica dentalne medicine)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Created on 2022-11-23 11:28:07