Title Autotransplantacija zubi
Title (english) Autotransplantation of teeth
Author Ante Perić
Mentor Josip Biočić (mentor)
Committee member Davor Brajdić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Marko Granić (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb School of Dental Medicine (Department of Oral Surgery) (Chair of Maxillofacial Surgery) Zagreb
Defense date and country 2023-06-12, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline BIOMEDICINE AND HEALTHCARE Dental Medicine Oral Surgery
Abstract Autotransplantacija zuba je postupak u kojem se pacijentovi vlastiti zubi prenose s donorskog mjesta u vlastitu postekstrakcijsku alveolu ili kirurški pripremljeno mjesto, u kosti iste donorske ili suprotne čeljusti. Cilj ove kirurške metode jest nadoknaditi izgubljeni zub vlastitim zubom donorom, koji će obnoviti estetsku, mastikatornu i fonetsku funkciju izgubljenog prethodnika u zubnom nizu. Postupak se najčešće provodi kod zubi s lošom prognozom, traumom ili karijesom izgubljenih zubi. Kirurški postupak obuhvaća vađenje zuba na receptorskom mjestu te obradu priležeće alveole, ovisno o dimenzijama zuba donora. Transplantacijom zuba omogućava se očuvanje normalne visine i širine alveole te povrat funkcije izgubljenog zuba. Osim autotransplantacijom i fiksnoprotetskim nadomjescima, izgubljeni se zubi nadoknađuju dentalnim implantatima koji se zbog svoje dugovječnosti, jednostavnosti ugradnje i dokazano dobrih postoperativnih rezultata, nameću kao terapija izbora. Razvojem novih radioloških metoda, prvenstveno CBCT snimki, omogućio se vizualni trodimenzionalni prikaz pacijentove kosti i izračunavanje veličine i širine zuba donora, receptorske kosti te prikaz odnosa prema susjednim anatomskim strukturama čime se olakšava planiranje postupka autotransplantacije. Progresijom kompjuterske tehnologije razvijen je CAD/CAM sustav kojim se izrađuje replika zuba donora u punoj veličini, a služi kao individualizirani vodič za preparaciju i oblikovanje alveole receptorskog mjesta, čime se smanjuje ekstraoralna manipulacija korijenom donora i potencijalno ijatrogeno oštećenje stanica parodontnog ligamenta, što se navodi kao glavni uzrok neuspjeha i odbacivanja transplantata. Autotransplantacija se u suvremeno doba ponovno nameće kao sjajni izbor u terapiji nadoknade izgubljenog zuba, posebno u mlađoj populaciji kod koje je kontraindicirana ugradnja dentalnih implantata.
Abstract (english) Tooth autotransplantation is a surgical method in which a patient's own tooth is transplanted into a surgically prepared alveolus or into a post-extractional alveolus in the same or the opposite jaw of the donor tooth. The main goal of this surgical procedure is to recover the aesthetic, masticatory and fonetic function of the previously lost tooth. The procedure is usually done when a certain tooth has a bad long-term prognosis, has endured significant trauma or is severely affected by caries. The surgical procedure includes extraction of the tooth in the recipient site and surgical processing of the surrounding alveolus corresponding to the dimensions of the donor tooth. Tooth transplantation restores the function of the lost tooth and allows its supporting bone to maintain its dimensions and size. Besides autotransplantation and fixed prosthetics, in today's era, a lost tooth can be compensated with dental implants, which have a good long-term prognosis/results and are simply inserted into the bone. Evolvement of the new radiological methods, primarily the developement of CBCT images, allows the surgeon to see the patient's bone three-dimensionally, which enables him to measure the dimensions of the donor tooth and the distance from the surrounding anatomical structures, as well as to makes the preoperative planning easier and more precise altogether. Progression of computer technologies and science resulted in CAD/CAM systems, in which the operator can make full-sized replicas of the donor tooth that will be used as an individualised template guide for bone processing which will shorten extra-alveolar time and potential iatrogenic damages to periodontal cells on the roots of the donor tooth. With the use of replicas, chances of patients' rejecting the transplanted tooth are reduced and the overall success rate of the therapy is increases. In today's era, autotransplantation is used again as a great option for missing teeth, especially in younger population, where dental implants are contraindicated.
autotransplantacija zuba
parodontni ligament
replika zuba
Keywords (english)
tooth autotransplantation
periodontal ligament
tooth replica
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:127:598637
Study programme Title: dental medicine Study programme type: university Study level: integrated undergraduate and graduate Academic / professional title: doktor/doktorica dentalne medicine (doktor/doktorica dentalne medicine)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
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Created on 2023-06-06 14:33:48