Title (croatian) | Rezultati paleostomatološke analize pokojnika iz groblja (16. st.) u Parku Grič na Gornjem gradu |
Title (english) | Results of paledontological analysis of deceased from a (16th century) cemetery in Grič Park in the Upper Tow |
Author | Marin Vodanović |
Author's institution | (Zagreb University Hispital Center) |
Author's institution | University of Zagreb School of Dental Medicine (Department of Dental Anthropology) |
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline | BIOMEDICINE AND HEALTHCARE Dental Medicine Morphology of the Dental Tissue System |
Description (croatian) | Paleostomatološka analiza pokojnika iz groblja Park Grič na Gornjem gradu u Zagrebu iz 16. stoljeća |
Keywords (croatian) |
Keywords (english) |
Language | croatian |
Publication type | Other |
Peer review | Peer review - domestic |
Document version | Published version |
Pages | 2 |
URN:NBN | urn:nbn:hr:127:155199 |
Publication | 2013 |
Publisher | Muzej grada Zagreba |
Publishing place | Zagreb |
Access conditions | Open access |
Terms of use |  |
Public note | Katalog izložbe "U službi arheologije" Muzej grada Zagreba |
Created on | 2023-11-02 10:47:47 |