Abstract | U ovom radu prikazani su rezultati istraživanja dobiveni retrospektivnom obradom 216 bolesnika s dijagnozom virusnog hepatitisa, koji su tijekom 2005. godine liječeni u Klinici za infektivne bolesti «Dr.Fran Mihaljević» u Zagrebu. Najmanje bolesnika (16,67%) liječeno je od virusnog hepatitisa A. Uzročnik ove bolesti prenosi se fekalno-oralnim putem, a najrašireniji je među djecom i mlađim osobama. Žene i muškarci podjednako su obuhvaćeni bolešću. Javlja se samo u akutnom obliku, sa ili bez znakova ikterusa. Hepatitis B virusna infekcija evidentirana je kod 25,93% hospitaliziranih. Najčešći način prijenosa je putem krvi i krvnih derivata, seksualnim putem te bliskim kontaktom sa zaraženom osobom. Muškarci (69,64%) su puno češće od žena (30,36%) zahvaćeni bolešću, a u dobi od 20 do 40 godina bilo je najviše hospitaliziranih. Hepatitis B bio je podjednako prisutan u akutnom i kroničnom obliku. Akutni hepatitis B najčešće je praćen znakovima ikterusa, rjeđe je anikteričan, a teški i fulminantni oblik bolesti vrlo su rijetki. Najviše hospitaliziranih bilo je s virusnim hepatitisom C njih čak 52,78 %. Najčešći načini prijenosa infekcije jednaki su kao i za hepatitis B. Bolest je osobito česta među intravenoznim narkomanima i osobama koje su primile transfuziju ili krvne derivate, a evidentirna su i 3 slučaja hepatitisa C kao profesionalnog oboljenja. Muškarci (72,81%) češće obolijevaju od žena (27,19%), a bolest je vrlo rijetka prije 20. godine života (0,88%). Većina liječenih imala je kronični oblik bolesti, a u 3 slučaja javio se akutni, anikterični oblik bolesti. Nije zabilježen niti jedan slučaj hepatitisa D i E. |
Abstract (english) | The study presents the results of the research carried out by the retrospective analysis of the total of 216 patients who were diagnosed viral hepatitis and were in the course of 2005 medically treated in Clinical Hospital “Dr. Fran Mihaljević” in Zagreb. The smallest number of patients (16.67 percent) was treated for viral hepatitis A. The agent of this disease is transmitted fecally-orally, and is most common among children and young adults. Women and men alike may be affected by this disease. There is only acute case of viral hepatitis, with or without the symptoms of icterus. Hepatitis B viral infection was reported in 25.93 percent of hospitalized patients. In most cases it is transmitted through blood or blood-based products, sexually or by person to person contact. Men (69.64 percent) are a lot more than women infected with hepatitis B, and the largest number of those hospitalized was in the age range of 20-40 years. Hepatitis B occurred both in acute and chronic form. Acute hepatitis B is usually accompanied by the symptoms of icterus, it is not so often, and the life-threatening
fulminant hepatitis is very rare. The largest number of hospitalized persons was with hepatitis C – as big as 57.78 percent. In most cases infection is transmitted in the same way as for hepatitis B. The disease is particularly common among the intravenous drug addicts and persons who were transferred blood or blood-based products, and there were also 3 cases of hepatitis B as an occupational disease. Men (72.81 percent) get ill more often than women (27.19 percent), and the disease is very rare before the age of 20 years. Most of the patients medically treated had chronic hepatitis, with 3 cases of acute,
anicteric hepatitis. No case of hepatitis D or E was reported. |