Title Samo-adhezivno cementiranje – prednosti i nedostaci
Title (english) Dos and don'ts of self-adhesive cementation
Author Ena Krebelj
Mentor Andreja Carek (mentor)
Committee member Božidar Pavelić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Martina Šlaj (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Andreja Carek (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb School of Dental Medicine (Department of Fixed Prosthodontics) Zagreb
Defense date and country 2024-07-05, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline BIOMEDICINE AND HEALTHCARE Dental Medicine Prosthetic Dentistry
Abstract Uloga cementa u fiksnoj protetici jest popuniti prostor između nadomjeska i zuba te stvoriti vezu kako bi se osigurala retencija nadomjeska na zubu tijekom vremena. Cementiranje je jedan od najbitnijih koraka za funkcijsku trajnost nadomjeska zbog čega je bitan pravilan izbor vrste cementa i provođenje postupka. Cementi se najčešće dijele na konvencionalne i adhezivne. Adhezivnim cementima smatraju se kompozitni cementi te se s obzirom na tehniku cementiranja dijele na adhezivne, samo-adhezivne i univerzalne cemente. Zbog uspostavljanja veze kompozitnih materijala sa zubnim tkivom, uključuju se adhezijski sustavi. Adhezivni cementi uključuju više koraka koji dovode do veće vjerojatnosti za greškom i komplikacijama. Razvojem samo-adhezivnih cemenata, cementiranje je svedeno na jedan korak te se postupak pojednostavljuje, smanjuje se vrijeme cementiranja i vjerojatnost za komplikacije. Međutim, samo-adhezivni cementi imaju slabiju mogućnost vezanja za caklinu. Zbog toga, u slučajevima preparacija s velikim površinama u caklini i manjom retencijom, prednost se daje adhezivnom cementiranju. Bez obzira na to radi li se o adhezivnom ili samo-adhezivnom cementiranju, potreban je predtretman nadomjeska s obzirom na materijal od kojeg je izrađen. Nova generacija samo-adhezivnih cemenata univerzalni su cementi koji se mogu koristiti kao samo-adhezivni i kao adhezivni cementi što ih čini univerzalnima za sve indikacije prema vrsti nadomjeska i materijala. Uz cement se koristi i univerzalni adhezijski sustav koji se koristi za pripremu zuba i svih vrsta nadomjestaka. Budući da se radi o novim vrstama cemenata, usprkos zasad dobrim kliničkim rezultatima, dugoročni rezultati još nisu dostupni te ih je potrebno dodatno istražiti. Osim pravilnim izborom cemenata, ojačanje veze može se provesti imedijatnim dentinskim brtvljenjem čime se dobiva veza s nekontaminiranim dentinom.
Abstract (english) In fixed prosthetics, the role of dental cements is to fill the space between the tooth and restoration and to ensure retention over time. Cementation is one of the most important steps for the longevity and success of the restoration. Therefore, it is crucial to choose the right type of cement and follow the proper procedure. Dental cements are commonly divided into two groups: conventional and adhesive cements. Adhesive cements are resin-based and are further classified into adhesive and self-adhesive cements. Due to resin cements' inability to directly bond to the tooth, pretreatment and the application of adhesive systems are necessary. Adhesive cementation involves a multi-step procedure, which can lead to a higher rate of mistakes and complications. The development of self-adhesive cements has simplified the cementation process to a single-step procedure, making it less time-consuming and reducing the rate of complications. However, the bond strength to enamel is weaker compared to adhesive cementation. Consequently, in cases of preparations with large enamel surfaces or reduced retention, adhesive cements are recommended. Regardless of the type of adhesive cementation, pretreatment of the restoration is necessary based on its material. The new generation of self-adhesive cements is considered universal. Universal cements can be used as either adhesive (multi-step) or self-adhesive cements (single-step), depending on the indication. They are suitable for all types of restorations and materials. Universal cements are used with a corresponding universal adhesive system for priming the restoration and pretreating the tooth. Although these dental cements are relatively new and have shown good clinical results so far, long-term results are not yet available. Besides choosing the right type of cement, bond strength can be improved by the immediate dentin sealing technique, which prevents bonding to contaminated dentin.
dentinski adhezivi
stomatološki cementi
samo-adhezivni cementi
univerzalni cementi
Keywords (english)
Dentin-Bonding Agents
Dental Cements
Self-adhesive Cements
Universal Cements
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:127:884375
Study programme Title: Integrated undergraduate and graduate university study of Dental Medicine Study programme type: university Study level: integrated undergraduate and graduate Academic / professional title: doktor/doktorica dentalne medicine (doktor/doktorica dentalne medicine)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Created on 2024-06-25 22:20:27