Title Djelovanje laserski aktiviranog fotoakustičnog strujanja, pasivnog ultrazvučnog isipiranja i Nd:YAG lasera na dentin korijenskog kanala
Title (english) Effect of laser activated photoacustic streaming, passive ultrasonic irrigation and Nd:YAG laser on root canal dentin
Author Adriana Katunarić
Mentor Ivona Bago (mentor)
Committee member Ivica Anić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Božidar Pavelić (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Ticijana Ban (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb School of Dental Medicine Zagreb
Defense date and country 2024-12-16, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline BIOMEDICINE AND HEALTHCARE Dental Medicine
Universal decimal classification (UDC ) 616.31 - Stomatology
Abstract Svrha doktorskog rada bila je in vitro ispitati utjecaj ultrazvučno aktiviranog ispiranja (UAI) i laserski aktiviranog fotoakustičnog strujanja novim modalitetom Er:YAG lasera (engl. Shock Wave Enhanced Emission Photoacoustic Streaming, SWEEPS) u kombinaciji s različitim endodontskim irigansima, i Nd:YAG lasera pri završnom protokolu ispiranja, na kemijska i strukturna svojstva dentina. U istraživanju su korišteni sljedeći irigansi: 3 % natrij hipoklorit (NaOCl) i 15 % etilendiaminotetraoctena kiselina (EDTA), a kao kontrola destilirana voda. Istraživanje je provedeno na dentinskim uzorcima izvađenih humanih zuba (korijenski kanali i uzdužni presjeci korijenova premolara, i dentinske pločice jednokorijenskih i višekorijenskih zuba) koji su bili raspoređeni u skupine ovisno o vrsti irigansa i tehnici aktivacije irigansa: Kontrola: destilirana voda; Skupina 1. 3 % NaOCl; Skupina 2. 15 % EDTA; Skupina 3. 3 % NaOCl + 15 % EDTA; u Skupini 4 kanali su ispirani s 3 % NaOCl + 15 % EDTA + 3 % NaOCl, ovisno o tehnici aktivacije, uzorci su raspoređeni u četiri podskupine: skupina 4A. Konvencionalno ispiranje sa špricom i iglom; skupina 4B. SWEEPS tehnika ispiranja; skupina 4C. UAI; skupina 4D. Nd:YAG laser. Infracrvenom spektroskopijom s Fourierovom transformacijom u tehnici prigušene totalne refleksije (FTIR-ATR) (Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy total attenuated reflectance) analiziran je kemijski sastav dentina korijenskih kanala premolara. Pretražnim elektronskim mikroskopom (SEM) s energijski razlučujućom rendgenskom spektrometrijom (EDS) provedena je analiza kemijskih elemenata i strukture površine dentina na uzdužnim presjecima jednokanalnih zuba. Površinska hrapavost mjerena je Perthometer uređajem, a kontaktni kut
tehnikom „položene kapi“ na dentinskim pločicama molara. Za analizu normalnosti distribucije podataka svih testiranih parametara korišten je Shapiro-Wilk test. Univarijantnom analizom varijance (ANOVA) i Tukeyevim testom analizirani su normalno distribuirani podatci. Za analizu abnormalno distribuiranih podataka korišten je Friedmanov test za unutargrupnu
usporedbu te Kruskal–Wallis test. Nije bilo značajne razlike u omjeru fosfat/amid I između kontrolne i eksperimentalnih skupina FTIR‐ATR (p > 0.05). SWEEPS i UAI aktivacija NaOCl+EDTA+NaOCl uzrokovala je najizraženije smanjene Ca i P (p < 0.05) u odnosu na konvencionalno ispiranje (KI) i kontrolu te eroziju stijenke kanala. Međutim nije bilo značajne razlike omjera fosfat/amid između skupina (irigacijskih protokola). Sve eksperimentalne metode uzrokovale su značajnu promjenu površinske hrapavosti dentina, pri čemu je najizraženije promjene uzrokovala UAI. Vrijednost kontaktnog kuta značajno se promijenila kod svih eksperimentalnih skupina osim skupine 3 (NaOCl+EDTA) i 4D ((NaOCl+EDTA+NaOCl) + Nd:YAG)). Najveće promjene izražene kroz vrijednosti kontaktnog kuta vidljive su kod uzoraka tretiranih primjenom UAI.
Abstract (english) Aim: The aim of the doctoral thesis was to evaluate the structural and chemical changes, in intracanal dentin, as well as roughness and wettability of dentin slices after root canal irrigation with sodium hypochlorite (NaOCl) and ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA) using additional activation with a novel Er:YAG Shock Wave‐Enhanced Emission Photoacoustic Streaming (SWEEPS), ultrasonic irrigation (UI), and Nd:YAG irradiation.
Materials and methods: Root canals of extracted human premolars were instrumented with distilled water and distributed into groups according to the irrigation protocol used: Group 1: conventional needle irrigation (CI) with 3% NaOCl; group 2: CI with 15% EDTA; and group 3: CI with NaOCl+EDTA. In group 4, root canals were irrigated with NaOCl+EDTA+NaOCl
using the following techniques: CI (group 4A), SWEEPS (group 4B), UI (group 4C). In group 4D, root canals were finally irradiated with Nd:YAG laser. After the irrigation, the intracanal dentin sample was collected and analyzed using a spectroscope with a Fourier transformation of the infrared spectrum in the Attenuated total reflection technique (FTIR‐ATR) to calculate the apatite/collagen ratio. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and energy dispersive x‐ray spectrometry (EDS) were used to determine its chemical composition of split root canals of premolars. Surface profilometry with a contacting stylus (Perthometer S8P, Mahr Perthen) was used to measure arithmetic roughness average (Ra) of polished dentine blocks. Drop shape analizer (DSA30S, Krüss GmbH, Germany) was used for contact angle measurements of dentin blocks extracted from coronal parts of extracted human molars.
Results: FTIR‐ATR showed no significant difference in the phosphate/amid I ratio between the control and the experimental groups (p > 0.05). SWEEPS and UI of NaOCl+EDTA+NaOCl caused the most pronounced decrease of Ca and P (p < 0.05) value compared to CI and control group, and canal wall erosion. SWEEPS and UI of NaOCl+EDTA+NaOCl caused the most pronounced decrease of Ca and P value and significant canal wall erosion. However, no difference in phosphate/amide ratio was reported among groups. All experimental groups increased the surface the surface roughness significantly with UI of NaOCl+EDTA+NaOCl causing the most pronounced surface roughness increase. CI of NaOCl and UI significantly increased wettability, while CI of EDTA and NaOCl+EDTA+NaOCl and SWEEPS of NaOCl+EDTA+NaOCl resulted in significant decrease of dentin wettability.
Conclusion: SWEEPS and UI of NaOCl+EDTA+NaOCl caused the most pronounced decrease of Ca and P values and significant canal wall erosion. There was no difference in phosphate/amide ratio among the irrigation protocols. All experimental groups increased the surface roughness significantly with UI of NaOCl+EDTA+NaOCl causing the most
pronounced surface roughness increase. CI of NaOCl and UI significantly increased wettability, while CI of EDTA and NaOCl+EDTA+NaOCl and SWEEPS of NaOCl+EDTA+NaOCl resulted in significant decrease of dentin wettability.
liječenje laserom
komora zubne pulpe
natrijev hipoklorid
infracrvena spektroskopija s Fourierovom transformacijom
Keywords (english)
Dental Pulp Cavity
Laser Therapy
Sodium Hypochlorite
Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:127:773744
Promotion 2024
Study programme Title: Dental medicine Study programme type: university Study level: postgraduate Academic / professional title: doktor/doktorica znanosti u području biomedicine i zdravstva (doktor/doktorica znanosti u području biomedicine i zdravstva)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
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Created on 2024-12-19 11:50:06