Title Izbor i prilagodba nadogradnje na implantatima
Title (english) Selection and adjustment of dental implant abutments
Author Sara Belamarić
Mentor Nikola Petričević (mentor)
Committee member Nikola Petričević (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Nikša Dulčić (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Slađana Milardović Ortolan (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb School of Dental Medicine (Department of Removable Prosthodontics) Zagreb
Defense date and country 2017-09-27, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline BIOMEDICINE AND HEALTHCARE Dental Medicine Prosthetic Dentistry
Abstract Implantatne nadogradnje su spojni elementi između tijela implantata, kirurški postavljenog u kost, koji predstavlja zamjenu za prirodni korijen zuba i protetske suprastrukture kojom se nadoknađuje oblik, boja i funkcija zuba koji nedostaje. One predstavljaju središte funkcijskih i estetskih aspekata implantološke terapije. Imaju direktan utjecaj na dugoročnu prognozu i uspjeh ovog terapijskog postupka. Danas na tržištu postoji čitav niz dostupnih implantatnih nadogradnji. Najčešći materijali od kojih su izrađene su titan i cirkonij oksidna keramika. Vrijedi uvaženo mišljenje da se, u slučajevima kad je bitnija dugoročna stabilnost rada u odnosu na estetiku, koriste titanijske implantatne nadogradnje, kao što je slučaj u stražnjim dijelovima zubnog luka. Tamo su prisutne velike funkcijske sile opterećenja i postoji veća mogućnost loma krhkih keramičkih nadogradnji. U prednjem segmentu zubog niza, prednost se daje cirkonij oksidnim nadogradnjama kojima se postiže bolji estetski rezultat. Titanijske i cirkonij oksidne nadogradnje mogu se dobiti kao gotove konfekcijske nadogradnje ili se individualno izraditi za svakog pacijenta postupkom lijevanja ili suvremenom metodom izrade CAD/CAM tehnologijom. Konfekcijske nadogradnje predstavljaju jefitniju i bržu opciju, ali se njima često ne može postići optimalan izgled okolnog mekog tkiva i sveopći uspjeh implantatne terapije. Ako se prilagodbom gotovih konfekcijskih nadogradnji ne može postići korekcija kuta umetanja implantata, granica preparacije na za to predviđenom mjestu, kao ni oblik i veličina nadogradnje potrebna da pruža dostatnu potporu protetskom radu, indicirana je izrada individualne nadogradnje. Iako ona predstavlja skuplji i složeniji postupak, omogućava bolji dugoročni uspjeh terapije implantatima.
Abstract (english) Dental implant abutments are the connecting elements between the implant fixture, which is surgically placed into the bone and represents artificial replacement for the natural dental root, and the prosthetic suprastructure, which compensates for the shape, colour and function of the missing tooth. Having a direct impact on the long-term prognosis and successs of this therapeutic procedure, they represent the center of functional and aesthetic aspects of implant therapy. Nowadays, there are numerous implant abutments available on the market. Most frequently used materials for their making are titanium and zirconium- oxide ceramics. It is commonly believed that in certain cases where longer-term stability of the work is more important than aesthetics itself, titanium implant abutments are used, as in the case of the back part of the dental arch where greater loading forces are used and there is a greater possibility of fracturing fragile ceramic abutments. In the front segment of the tooth arche the advantage is given to zirconium oxide abutments thus obtaining a better result. Titanium and zirconium oxide abutments can be obtained as finished stock abutments or they can be made for each patient individually using casting procedure or modern CAD/CAM technology. Stock abutments represent cheaper and faster option, but the optimal look of the surrounding soft tissue and the overall success of implant therapy often cannot be achieved by using them. If the correction of implant insertion angle cannot be obtained by stock abutment adjustment, neither the shape and size of the abutment required to provide sufficient support fot prosthetic suprastructure, preparation of custom abutment is indicated. Although it is more expensive and more complex procedure, it provides better long-term success of implant therapy.
implantatna nadogradnja
cirkonij oksidna keramika
Keywords (english)
implant abutment
zirconium oxide ceramics
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:127:792789
Study programme Title: dental medicine Study programme type: university Study level: integrated undergraduate and graduate Academic / professional title: doktor/doktorica dentalne medicine (doktor/doktorica dentalne medicine)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Created on 2018-01-19 11:16:08