Title Protetski nadomjesci u estetskoj zoni
Title (english) Prosthodontic appliances in aesthetic zone
Author Mateo Pierobon
Mentor Nikola Petričević (mentor)
Committee member Nikola Petričević (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Slađana Milardović Ortolan (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Dino Buković (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb School of Dental Medicine (Department of Removable Prosthodontics) Zagreb
Defense date and country 2018-07-12, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline BIOMEDICINE AND HEALTHCARE Dental Medicine Prosthetic Dentistry
Abstract Keramičke ljuske minimalno su invazivni protetski nadomjestci koji se izrađuju u području estetske zone (fronte). Idealan je materijal za njihovu izradu keramika jer nije porozna, estetski je stabilna i ne izaziva upalu gingive. Snaga sveze između zuba i nadomjestka povećava se jetkanjem i aplikacijom silana. Najveća prednost za uporabu takvih fiksnoprotetskih nadomjestaka čuvanje je tvrdih zubnih tkiva i vrhunska estetika. Estetske ljuske pripadaju djelokrugu estetske stomatologije jer mogu pružiti sjajan bijeli osmijeh lijepo postavljenih i oblikovanih zuba. Moderni dentalni materijali, poput translucencije i transparencije dentalne keramike, pružaju prirodniji izgled što je u prošlosti bilo teško postići. S obzirom na to da se ljuske lijepe na prednju površinu cakline, ne dolazi do iritacije i povlačenja zubnog mesa pa je tako, zbog minimalnog brušenja i izostanka brušenja pod zubnim mesom, izrada keramičkih ljusaka najmanje invazivan protetski zahvat za zub i zubno meso. Zubi se bruse tako da im se odstrani samo vanjski dio zubne cakline te se na taj način napravi prostor za postavljanje tankih ljuska. Kod izrade ljuski prednost je i što pacijent ne mora nositi nikakav privremeni nadomjestak (provizorij) jer je brušenje za ljuske minimalno i gotovo neprimjetno golim okom. Nakon brušenja zuba uzima se otisak i ljuske se izrađuju u zubotehničkom laboratoriju press tehnikom ili CAD/CAM tehnologijom. Nakon što zubni tehničar izradi ljusku, doktor dentalne medicine u ordinaciji vrši probu fiksnoprotetskog nadomjestka. Ukoliko ljuskica odgovara brušenom zubu te je pacijent zadovoljan estetikom, slijedi završna faza u kojoj stomatolog cementira nadomjestak.
Abstract (english) Veneers are minimally invasive prosthodontic appliances created in the area of aesthetic zone (anterior teeth). Ceramics is an ideal material for their construction, because it is not porous, it is aesthetically stable and it does not cause gingivitis. The strength of connection between the teeth and appliances increases by etching or applying silane. The biggest advantage of using such fixed-prosthodontic appliances is protecting firm dental tissue, as well as supreme aesthetics. Aesthetic veneers belong to a field of aesthetic dental medicine because they can offer shiny white smile of well-set and shaped teeth. Modern dental materials like translucency and transparency of dental ceramics offer more natural appearance, which was difficult to achieve during past. According to the fact that veneers are supposed to be pasted to the front surface of the enamel, there are no irritations or gum recession. Due to these facts, construction of ceramic veneers, because of minimal grinding or absence of grinding under the gums, is the least invasive prosthodontic intervention, both for tooth and gums. Teeth are grinded in a way that just the outer part of the enamel is removed from them in order to make more space for putting thin veneers. When it comes to construction veneers, the advantage is that the patient does not have to wear any temporary supplementation (provisory) because the grinding process for veneers is minimal and almost invisible with the naked eye. After grinding of the teeth, the imprint is taken and veneers are made in a dental technical laboratory with a press technique or by CAD/CAM technology. After a dental technician makes a veneer, a doctor of dental medicine in a dispensary performs a trial of a fixed-prosthodontic appliance. In case the veneer fits a grinded tooth, and the patient is satisfied with the aesthetics, a final phase, where the dentist cements the appliance, follows. order to strengthen the connection.
keramičke ljuske
minimalno invazivni nadomjestci
Keywords (english)
minimally invasive prosthodontic appliances
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:127:286915
Study programme Title: dental medicine Study programme type: university Study level: integrated undergraduate and graduate Academic / professional title: doktor/doktorica dentalne medicine (doktor/doktorica dentalne medicine)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Public note Rad dostavljen u .doc formatu.
Created on 2018-11-20 13:28:55