Title Bol u protetskoj terapiji
Title (english) Pain During Prosthodontic Treatment
Author Lucija Žužić
Mentor Ketij Mehulić (mentor)
Committee member Ketij Mehulić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Lana Bergman (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Slađana Milardović Ortolan (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb School of Dental Medicine (Department of Fixed Prosthodontics) Zagreb
Defense date and country 2018-07-11, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline BIOMEDICINE AND HEALTHCARE Dental Medicine Prosthetic Dentistry
Abstract Bol je, po definiciji Međunarodnog udruženja za proučavanje boli neugodan, osjetilni i emocionalni doživljaj povezan sa stvarnim ili mogućim oštećenjem tkiva ili opisom u smislu oštećenja. Bol je najizraženiji simptom svake kliničke slike bolesti usne šupljine i razlog javljanja pacijenta stomatologu. Osjećaj boli individualan je, teško ga je usporediti i izmjeriti. Bol ovisno o vremenu javljanja može biti akutna ili kronična. Akutna bol brza je i oštra, pojavljuje se tijekom aplikacije
... More podražaja ili neposredno nakon uklanjanja podražaja. Kronična bol mukla je, spora, pojavljuje se intermitentno ili kontinuirano, može biti ovisna o podražaju ili spontana. Pokazuje više varijacija u karakteru od akutne boli. Često takvi pacijenti dolaze u ordinaciju, žaleći se na bolove koji trenutno nisu prisutni. To otežava dijagnostiku i proširuje spektar patoloških promjena koje mogu uzrokovati takvu bol.
Različiti stomatološki zahvati mogu uzrokovati bolne senzacije različitog karaktera, intenziteta i trajanja. Bolne senzacije potrebno je dijagnosticirati i otkloniti uzroke. Protetska terapija može uzrokovati fizičku bol u mnogim kliničkim fazama, međutim uz protetsku rehabilitaciju vezana je i psihička bol zbog narušene žvačne, fonetske i estetske funkcije koju osigurava zdrav i saniran stomatognati sustav. Strah od neizvjesnosti u funkcioniranje i estetiku bez proteskog rada tijekom provođenja terapije te strah i neizvjesnost od novog protetskog rada jako utječe na ponašanje pacijenta. Novı̋ osmijeh mijenja izgled lica pacijenta.
Osoba toga postaje svjesna pa sigurnije ulazi u komunikaciju s drugim ljudima. Pravilno
izvedena protetska terapija podiže samopouzdanje pacijenta i može mu otvoriti nove
mogućnosti u životu. To postiže terapeut koji zna pravilno i individualno indicirati protetski
rad te prepoznati osobnost pacijenta i prilagoditi način komunikacije tijekom terapije.
Stomatolog se ne bi trebao bojati bolnih senzacija na koje se pacijent žali, nego svojim
znanjem doći do pravilne dijagnoze, prepoznati svoju moguću grešku u radu te što brže i
efikasnije smanjiti osjećaj boli. Less
Abstract (english) Pain is, according to the definition of the International Association for the Study of Pain, an unpleasant, sensory and emotional experience connected to real or possible tissue damage or descriptively in terms of damage. Pain is the most expressed symptom of every clinical picture of oral cavity disease and the reason for the patient to contact his dentist. The feeling of pain is individual, difficult to compare and measure. Depending on the time of its occurence, pain can be acute or
... More chronic. Acute pain is fast and sharp, it occurs during stimulus application or immediately after the stimulus has been removed. Chronic pain is dull, slow, it appears intermittently or continually, it can be dependent on the stimulus or spontaneous. It presents more character variations than the acute pain. Such patients often come to the dentist's office, complaining about the pain which is not present at that moment. This makes diagnostics harder and widens the spectrum of pathological changes which may cause such pain. Various dental surgeries can cause painful sensations of different character, intensities and duration. It is necessary to diagnose painful sensations and to remove the cause. Prosthetic therapy can cause physical pain in many clinical phases, however, physical pain is also connected to prosthetic rehabilitation due to disrupted chewing, phonetic and aesthetic function which is ensured by a healthy and sanitized stomatognathic system. The fear of uncertainty of functioning and aesthetics without prosthetic work during the therapy implementation and the fear and uncertainty of the new prosthetic work has great effect on the patient's behaviour. The 'new' smile changes the patient's facial appearance. One becomes aware of that and engages himself in conversation with others more confidently. Properly performed prosthetic therapy raises self-confidence of a patient and can open up new opportunities in life. This is achieved by a therapist who can correctly and individually indicate prosthetic work and recognize the personality of a patient and thus adapt the way of communication during therapy. A dentist should not fear painful sensations that a patient complains about, but using his knowledge make the correct diagnosis, recognise his possible mistake at work and as fast and as more efficiently as possible reduce the feeling of pain. Less
protetska rehabilitacija
liječenje boli
Keywords (english)
prosthodontic rehabilitation
pain management
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:127:808288
Study programme Title: dental medicine Study programme type: university Study level: integrated undergraduate and graduate Academic / professional title: doktor/doktorica dentalne medicine (doktor/doktorica dentalne medicine)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Created on 2018-11-20 13:33:08