Title Autotransplantacija zuba
Title (english) Tooth autotransplantation
Author Antonela Ćurković
Mentor Marko Granić (mentor)
Committee member Marko Granić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Anja Baraba (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Tomislav Škrinjarić (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb School of Dental Medicine (Department of Oral Surgery) Zagreb
Defense date and country 2018-07-12, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline BIOMEDICINE AND HEALTHCARE Dental Medicine Oral Surgery
Abstract Autotransplantacija zuba je kirurška tehnika presađivanja zuba ili zubnog zametka kod iste osobe. Najčešće se koristi kod nedostatka zuba u dječjoj i adolescentskoj dobi kada se, zbog nedovršenog rasta i razvoja skeleta, izbjegava implantološka i protetska sanacija. Za donorski zub obično se izabire treći molar, premolar, prekobrojni zub ili bilo koji zub za koji se procijeni da je od smanjene važnosti u denticiji. Očuvanje Hertwigove epitelne ovojnice prilikom transplantacije zuba preduvjet je za daljnji rast i razvoj korijena. Manipulacija zubom donorom od iznimne je važnosti za očuvanje vitaliteta stanica parodontnog ligamenta. Nakon transplantacije treba razmotriti potrebu za endodontskim zahvatom, a prilikom svake kontrole potrebno je pratiti radiološki nalaz, vitalitet, položaj i mobilnost zuba, zvuk perkusije, stanje gingive i dubinu džepova. U neuspjelim slučajevima autotransplantacije zuba dolazi do nekroze pulpe, ankiloze i nadomjesne resorpcije korijena. S obzirom na veliki napredak regenerativne kirurgije u posljednjih dvadesetak godina zahvaljujući uporabi faktora rasta, danas je moguće unaprijediti cijeljenje parodontnog ligamenta i revaskularizaciju zubne pulpe transplantiranog zuba. Jedna od takvih tehnologija je PRGF-Endoret, najnapredniji autologni i biokompatibilni tehnološki sustav koji omogućuje dobivanje plazme bogate čimbenicima rasta iz vlastite krvi pacijenta. Temelji se na aktiviranju pacijentovih trombocita u svrhu stimulacije regeneracije odnosno cijeljenje tkiva. Endogeni proteini utječu na proces regeneracije tkiva, stimulirajući angiogenezu, kemotaksiju i staničnu proliferaciju. Rezultat je ubrzano cijeljenje mekih i tvrdih tkiva, izostanak infekcije i postoperativne boli. Autotransplantacija zuba uz primjenu trombocita obogaćenih faktorima rasta nameće se kao sjajna alternativa dentalnim implantatima u određenim situacijama.
Abstract (english) Tooth autotransplantation is a surgical technique which includes transferring a completely developed tooth or tooth germ from one location in the alveolar process to another with the same person. It is often used as a replacement of lost or missing teeth in young growing patients, when implant and prosthetic therapy are contraindicated. The donor tooth is usually a less important tooth, such as the third molar, a premolar or a supernumerary tooth. It is essential to preserve Hertwig's epithelial root sheath during the operative process in order to ensure root growth and development. Tooth manipulation should be as short as possible, and the surgeon should not touch the root in order to preserve the vitality of periodontal ligament cells. After the autotransplantation an endodontic procedure should be considered, and during each check-up it is necessary to monitor X-rays, vitality, position and mobility, the sound of percussion, gingival condition and probing depth. Pulp necrosis, ankylosis and supstitutional tooth resorption are signs of failure. Given the great progress of regenerative surgery in the last twenty years thanks to the use of growth factors, it is now possible to improve periodontal ligament healing and dental pulp revascularization in a transplanted tooth. One of these technologies is PRGF-Endoret, the most advanced autologous and biocompatible technological system for producing plasma rich in growth factors from the patient's autologous blood. It is based on the activation of the patient's platelets in order to stimulate accelerated regeneration and tissue healing. Endogenous proteins affect the tissue regeneration process, stimulating angiogenesis, chemotaxis and cell proliferation. The result is an accelerated healing of the soft and hard tissue and the lack of infection and postoperative pain. Tooth autotransplantation combined with plasma rich in growth factors is a major alternative to dental implants in certain situations.
autotransplantacija zuba
faktori rasta
Keywords (english)
tooth autotransplantation
growth factors
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:127:210885
Study programme Title: dental medicine Study programme type: university Study level: integrated undergraduate and graduate Academic / professional title: doktor/doktorica dentalne medicine (doktor/doktorica dentalne medicine)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Created on 2018-11-22 09:33:06