Abstract | Budući da nema službenih podataka o informiranosti i primjeni CAD/CAM tehnologije (CAD – engl. computer aided design/CAM – engl. computer aided manufacturing) u Hrvatskoj, svrha ovoga istraživanja bila je procjena informiranosti o primjeni CAD/CAM tehnologije među studentima i doktorima dentalne medicine u Hrvatskoj.
U istraživanje je uključen 481 ispitanik (118 muških – 24,5% i 363 ženskih – 75,5%). Ispitanici su bili podijeljeni u tri skupine: studenti dentalne medicine pretkliničke (83 – 17,2%) i kliničke (184 – 38.3%) nastave te diplomirani doktori dentalne medicine (214 – 44,5%). S obzirom na mjesto studiranja, ispitanici su podijeljeni u dvije skupine: ispitanici koji studiraju ili su završili studij u Zagrebu (400 – 83,2%) te oni koji studiraju ili su već završili studij u Rijeci i Splitu (81 – 16,8%). Istraživanje je provedeno putem upitnika osmišljenoga za potrebe istraživanja.
Ispitanici su u najvećem broju čuli za CAD/CAM tehnologiju u sklopu nastave na fakultetu, vidjeli su CAD/CAM nadomjestak, ali samo ih je manji broj imao priliku izraditi cijeli nadomjestak (p<0,05). Smatraju da nisu dovoljno informirani o CAD/CAM tehnologiji te kako bi se o tome trebalo više podučavati na fakultetu (p<0,05).
Analizirajući rezultate istraživanja, može se zaključiti da ispitanici, iako su čuli za CAD/CAM tehnologiju, ipak nisu bili dovoljno informirani o tome, bez obzira na stupanj obrazovanja, mjesto studiranja i spol. Taj zaključak ukazuje na potrebu za dodatnom edukacijom u sklopu nastave na stomatološkom fakultetu, ali i kroz sustav cjeloživotnoga učenja i usavršavanja. |
Abstract (english) | As there is no available data on the awareness and usage of CAD/CAM technology (CAD - computer aided design/CAM - computer aided manufacturing) in Croatia, the purpose of this study was to assess the awareness of CAD/CAM technology among dentists and students of dental medicine in Croatia.
The study included 481 respondents, out of whom 118 were male (24,5%) and 363 were female (75,5%). They were divided into three groups: preclinical dental students (83 – 17,2%), clinical dental students (184 – 38,3%) and dentists (214 – 44,5%). Regarding the place of study, 400 respondents (83,2%) are studying or have graduated in Zagreb, while 81 respondents (16,8%) are studying or have graduated in Rijeka and Split. The study was conducted by using the questionnaire designed for the purposes of this study.
Most respondents have heard of CAD/CAM technology during classes at the School of Dental Medicine, they have seen a CAD/CAM generated restoration, yet only few have had an opportunity to complete a restoration by using CAD/CAM (p <0.05). Thus, they find that they are not sufficiently informed about it and that it should be incorporated in the curriculum to a greater extent (p <0.05).
Having analysed the results of the research, it can be concluded that respondents, although being acquainted with CAD/CAM technology, were not sufficiently informed about it, regardless of a degree, place of study or gender. Hence, the conclusion indicates the need of providing additional CAD/CAM education within the School of Dental Medicine, as well as lifelong learning programs. |