Title Dizajniranje osmijeha u fiksnoprotetskoj terapiji
Title (english) Smile design in fixed prosthodontic therapy
Author Gabriela Jelinić
Mentor Slađana Milardović Ortolan (mentor)
Committee member Slađana Milardović Ortolan (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Ketij Mehulić (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Lana Bergman (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb School of Dental Medicine (Department of Fixed Prosthodontics) Zagreb
Defense date and country 2018-09-28, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline BIOMEDICINE AND HEALTHCARE Dental Medicine Prosthetic Dentistry
Abstract Planiranje i provođenje fiksnoprotetske terapije veliki je izazov za svakog kliničara jer konačni protetski rad mora zadovoljiti sve funkcijske i estetske zahtjeve. Danas se sve veći naglasak stavlja na estetske aspekte jer svi žele imati savršen osmijeh. Kliničar svojim iskustvom, znanjima i primjenom suvremenih tehnologija upravo to može i ostvariti. Digitalno dizajniranje osmijeha relativno je nova metoda u fiksnoj protetici u kojoj se na temelju fotografija i videosnimki pacijentova osmijeha može računalno planirati, kreirati i vizualizirati konačna terapija u prilagođenom programu. Ovakvim se načinom rada osigurava bolja komunikacija između pacijenta i doktora dentalne medicine, ali i između doktora i dentalnog tehničara. Omogućuje se jasno definiranje ciljeva terapije u kojemu pacijent aktivno sudjeluje. Metoda digitalnog dizajna je brza, učinkovita i vrlo precizna te olakšava cjelokupnu fiksnoprotetsku rehabilitaciju jer je odgovarajući plan terapije ključan korak do uspjeha. Međutim, za korištenje ovakvih alata potrebno je temeljito poznavanje dinamike osmijeha, estetskih parametara, ali i terapijskih postupaka kojima se može doći do cilja. Na temelju znanja i iskustva, kliničar može odlučiti kojom vrstom nadomjeska može ostvariti novi osmijeh te koji je materijal potrebno za to odabrati. Materijal izbora u fiksnoprotetskoj terapiji kada je naglasak stavljen na estetiku svakako je keramika koja se ovisno o svojoj čvrstoći i indikacijama dijeli na nekoliko vrsta. Za uspješno provođenje terapije i dugoročno stabilne rezultate važno je poznavati prednosti i ograničenja svake od njih. Prema uputama doktora dentalne medicine i jasno definiranim ciljevima terapije, u suglasnosti s pacijentom, dentalni tehničar izrađuje konačni fiksnoprotetski rad.
Abstract (english) Planning and performing prosthodontic therapy is a big challenge for every clinician, since the final restoration has to satisfy all functional and aesthetic requirements. Today, more emphasis is being put on aesthetic aspects, because everybody would like to have a perfect smile. A clinician can achieve that with their experience, knowledge and use of new technologies. Digital smile design is a relatively new method in fixed prosthodontics that includes using photographs and video recordings of the patient's smile and planning, creating and visualising the final therapy by means of computer technology with a customised software. This ensures better communication between the patient and the dental practitioner, as well as between the dental practitioner and the dental technician. It provides clear definition of the therapy objectives, in which the patient actively participates. The digital design method is fast, efficient and very precise and it facilitates the whole fixed prosthodontic rehabilitation, since the appropriate therapy plan is the key step to success. However, for using such tools it is necessary to have a thorough knowledge of the smile dynamics, aesthetic parameters, as well as therapeutic procedures that can lead to the objective. Based on their knowledge and experience, a clinician can decide which restorations can help to achieve the desired smile and which material to choose. When the emphasis is put on aesthetics, the material of choice in fixed prosthodontics is definitely ceramics, which can be divided into several types, depending on its strength and indications. For a successful therapy and long-term stable results it is important to be acquainted with the advantages and limitations of each of them. According to the instructions given by the dental practitioner and clearly defined therapy objectives, in agreement with the patient, a dental technician makes the final restoration.
digitalno dizajniranje osmijeha
fiksnoprotetska terapija
estetski parametri
estetski protetski radovi
Keywords (english)
digital smile design
fixed prosthodontic therapy
aesthetic parameters
aesthetic prosthodontic appliances
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:127:560580
Study programme Title: dental medicine Study programme type: university Study level: integrated undergraduate and graduate Academic / professional title: doktor/doktorica dentalne medicine (doktor/doktorica dentalne medicine)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Created on 2019-01-08 10:06:57