Abstract | Vađenje zuba je oralno-kirurški zahvat koji ima svoju dijagnozu, indikacije, kontraindikacije, tehniku te instrumentarij. Izvodi se kad određeni zub ne možemo sačuvati nikakvom drugom stomatološkom intervencijom. Prije početka vađenja bitno je upoznati zdravstveno stanje pacijenta uzimanjem detaljne medicinske anamneze, obaviti klinički intraoralni pregled te analizirati rendgensku snimku zuba. U nekim situacijama zahvat je potrebno privremeno odgoditi. Ako s vađenjem krećemo odmah, potrebno je odabrati odgovarajući instrumentarij te postići analgeziju operativnog područja davanjem anestezije.
Dominantan oblik anestezije u oralnoj kirurgiji lokalna je anestezija koja se može primijeniti na površinu sluznice, infiltracijski ili u blizini izlazišta živca, što nazivamo provodnom anestezijom. Pri vađenju u području gornje i frontalnog segmenta donje čeljusti najčešće se primjenjuje infiltracijska (pleksus) anestezija, a kod vađenja donjih molara mandibularna anestezija.
Tijekom samog postupka vađenja može doći do komplikacija. One su najčešće posljedica nepažljivog rada ili grube tehnike vađenja. Međutim, neke od komplikacija svakako ovise o morfološko-anatomskom odnosu zuba prema alveolarnoj kosti, okolnim prostorima i tkivima, pa ih nije moguće izbjeći. Komplikacije tijekom vađenja zuba jesu fraktura krune ili korijena zuba, fraktura interradikularnih septa, fraktura alveolarnog grebena, fraktura korpusa mandibule, ozljeda susjednog zuba, ozljeda zuba antagonista, ozljeda mekog tkiva, iskliznuće zuba ili korijena, utisnuće zuba ili korijena u okolna tkiva, luksacija temporomandibularnog zgloba te oroantralna komunikacija. |
Abstract (english) | Tooth extraction is an oral surgical procedure which has its own diagnosis, indications, contraindications, technique and instrumentation. It is performed when a particular tooth cannot be preserved by any other dental intervention. Before the start of the extraction, it is important to be familiar with the patient's medical condition by taking detailed medical history, performing a clinical intraoral examination and analyzing the tooth x-ray. In some cases, the procedure needs to be temporarily postponed. If the extraction is immediate, it is necessary to select the appropriate instrument and achieve analgesia of the operative area by administering anesthesia.
The dominant type of anesthesia in oral surgery is local anesthesia which can be applied to the mucous membrane surface, infiltrating or near the nerve artery, which we call a conductive anesthetic. In extraction in the upper and frontal segment of the lower jaw, infiltration (plexus) anesthesia is most commonly used, while in the extraction of lower molars mandibular anesthesia is used more commonly.
During the extraction process, complications may occur. They are most often the result of the negligent work or rough extraction techniques. However, some of the complications certainly depend on the morphological-anatomical position of the tooth in relation to the alveolar bone, surrounding areas and tissues, so they cannot be avoided. Complications during tooth extraction are crown fractures or tooth root fractures, interradicular septa fracture, alveolar ridge fracture, mandibular corpus fracture, adjacent tooth injury, injury of the antagonist tooth, soft tissue injury, tooth or root dislocation, depilation of the teeth or roots in the surrounding tissues, temporomandibular joint luxation and oroantral communication (OAC). |