Title Sustav za strojnu endodonciju Komet f360
Author Ivana Čizmić
Mentor Eva Klarić Sever (mentor)
Committee member Eva Klarić Sever (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Anja Baraba (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Ana Ivanišević (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb School of Dental Medicine (Department of Endodontics and Restorative Dentistry) Zagreb
Defense date and country 2019-09-26, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline BIOMEDICINE AND HEALTHCARE Dental Medicine Endodonics and Restorative Dentistry
Abstract Endodontsko liječenje zuba sloţen je klinički postupak koji obuhvaća uklanjanje patološki promijenjene pulpe i bakterijskog biofilma, širenje i oblikovanje korijenskoga kanala te njegovo hermetičko zatvaranje materijalima za punjenje.
Jedan od ključnih postupaka u terapijskom postupku jest mehanička instrumentacija kanala. Njome se mehanički uklanjaju nekrotična pulpa, mikroorganizmi i inficirani dentin. Kanali se obraĎuju na način da je osigurano dovoljno prostora za uporabu medikamenata i irigacijskih sredstava te odgovarajuće punjenje.
Dugi niz godina bila je poznata isključivo tehnika ručne instrumentacije uz uporabu instrumenata od nehrĎajućeg čelika. Zahvaljujući industrijskom razvoju stvorena je NiTi legura od koje se sastoje instrumenti za strojnu instrumentaciju.
NiTi legura je unapreĎivana i naposljetku je stvorena ţica izrazite fleksibilnosti koja posjeduje svojstvo superelastičnosti i kontrolirane memorije što je čini otpornijom na ciklički zamor i smanjena je vjerojatnost loma. Karakteristike NiTi instrumenata nisu odreĎene samo svojstvima legure već i njihovom konstrukcijom. Upravo se promjenom koniciteta, poprečnog presjeka, radijalne površine, usponom navoja i drugih konstrukcijskim elementima razvijaju novi sustavi. Danas poznajemo sustave koji se koriste rotacijskim kretnjama, recipročnim kretnjama, zatim njihovom kombinacijom (adaptivni sustavi) te vibracijskim kretnjama.
U ovom radu pobliţe je opisan rotacijski sustav strojne endodoncije te je prikazan klinički slučaj sustavom Komet f360 (Komet Dental, Lemgo, Njemačka) koji mu pripada.
Svakodnevni razvoj tehnologije donosi nova rješenja koja unapreĎuju strojne endodontske sustave i na taj način, uz iskustvo terapeuta, dovodi do sve većih uspjeha u liječenju pacijenata.
Abstract (english) Endodontic treatment of a tooth is a complex clinical procedure which includes removal of pathologically altered pulp and bacterial biofilm, extending and shaping of the root canal and its hermetic closure with filling materials.
Mechanical preparation of a tooth canal is one of the key procedures during the treatment. It eliminates diseased pulp, microorganisms and infected dentine. Root canals are shaped in a way that ensures enough space for medicaments, irrigation and the proper filling.
For many years, the only technique that was employed for endodontic treatment was using hand instruments made of stainless steel. Thanks to industrial development, the NiTi alloy was created. It is used for making the instruments for mechanical endodontic instrumentation.
NiTi alloy had been improved over the years and finally, the new wire with great flexibility, superelasticity and controled memory was created. All that makes it more resistant to cyclic fatigue and chance of fracture is also reduced. Characteristics of the NiTi instruments are not defined only by the alloy's features, they also depend on the instruments' design. New systems are made by changing the taper, cross section, radial land, pitch and other structural elements. Engine-driven endodontic systems can be divided into rotary, reciprocating, their combination (adaptive systems) and vibrational.
This case report describes the rotary system in more detail and also shows a clinical case where Komet f360 (Komet Dental, Lemgo, Germany) rotary system is used.
Every day, industrial development brings new solutions which improve engine-driven endodontic systems. A combination of advanced systems and clinicians' skills brings growing success in patient treatment.
NiTi legura
strojna instrumentacija
rotacijski sustav
Komet f360
Keywords (english)
NiTi alloy
engine-driven endodontic systems
rotary system
Komet f360
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:127:269753
Study programme Title: dental medicine Study programme type: university Study level: integrated undergraduate and graduate Academic / professional title: doktor/doktorica dentalne medicine (doktor/doktorica dentalne medicine)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Created on 2020-01-21 11:26:16