Title Suvremeni postupci u dentalnoj implantologiji
Title (english) Modern procedures in dental implantology
Author Sanja Babić
Mentor Ivan Zajc (mentor)
Committee member Ivan Zajc (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Marko Granić (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Davor Illeš (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb School of Dental Medicine (Department of Oral Surgery) Zagreb
Defense date and country 2020-09-11, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline BIOMEDICINE AND HEALTHCARE Dental Medicine Oral Medicine
Abstract Dentalna implantologija grana je dentalne medicine koja obuhvaća znanja iz područja oralne
kirurgije, parodontologije i stomatološke protetike. Zauzima značajno mjesto u suvremenoj
dentalnoj medicini. Naime, dentalni implantati sve češće su terapija izbora za nadoknadu
izgubljenih zuba kod djelomično i potpuno bezubih pacijenata, ali i kod onih sa značajnim
gubitkom koštanog tkiva zahvaljujući mogućnosti augmentacije kosti i regeneracije mekih tkiva.
Cilj je implantoprotetske terapije nadomjestiti zube koji nedostaju sa svrhom uspostavljanja
oralne funkcije i estetike. Preoperativna dijagnostika, planiranje terapije i operativni postupci u
suvremenoj dentalnoj implantoprotetici povezani su s napretkom tehnologije. Digitalno
trodimenzionalno CT/CBCT snimanje i upotreba CAD/CAM sustava naslijedili su analognu
dvodimenzionalnu dijagnostiku te omogućili bolje razumijevanje složene prirode implantološke
kirurgije i protetike. Postoji nekoliko tehnika ugradnje dentalnih implantata. Najzastupljenija je
konvencionalna (tzv. free-hand) metoda. Razvojem računalne tehnologije u kliničku uporabu
uvode se statička i navigacijski vođena (dinamička) tehnika postavljanja dentalnih implantata.
Uspjeh implantološke terapije definiran je postignutom oseointegracijom, ispunjenim
funkcionalnim i estetskim zahtjevima, izostankom intraoperativnih (ozljeda donjeg alveolarnog
živca, perforacija dna nosne šupljine ili maksilarnog sinusa, kompresijska nekroza, krvarenje) i
postoperativnih komplikacija (resorpcija marginalne kosti, lom dentalnog implantata,
periimplantitis). To se ostvaruje detaljnim razmatranjem položaja suprastrukture tijekom
preoperativnog planiranja i postizanjem preciznog postoperativnog položaja tijela dentalnog
implantata. Nakon postavljanja dentalnog implantata potrebno je registrirati i analizirati njegov
planirani i ostvareni položaj te kvantificirati postojeću pogrešku. Suvremeni postupci u dentalnoj
implantologiji imaju svoje prednosti u usporedbi s konvencionalnom metodom, ali postoje i
određeni nedostatci koji ukazuju na potrebu za njihovim razvojem kako bi se implementirali u
širu kliničku praksu.
Abstract (english) Dental implantology is a branch of dental medicine that includes knowledge in the field of oral
surgery, periodontology and dental prosthetics. It holds a significant place in modern dentistry.
Dental implants have become a treatment option widely used for the replacement of lost teeth for
partially and completely edentulous patients, but also in patients with severe bone loss due to the
possibility of bone augmentation and soft tissue regeneration procedures. The goal of dental
implant surgery is to replace missing teeth for the purpose of establishing oral function and
aesthetics. Preoperative diagnostics, therapy planning, and surgical procedures in modern dental
implant surgery are associated with advances in technology. Digital three-dimensional (3D)
imaging using CT/CBCT and the use of CAD/CAM systems have inherited analog twodimensional diagnostics and provided a better understanding of the complex nature of implant
surgery and prosthetics. There are several techniques for implantation of dental implants. The
most common of these is the conventional (free-hand) method. With the development of
computer technology, static and navigation-guided (dynamic) implant placement techniques are
being introduced into clinical use. The success of implant therapy is defined by the achieved
osseointegration, functional and aesthetic requirements, absence of intraoperative (inferior
alveolar nerve injury, perforation of the nasal cavity or the floor of the maxillary sinus,
compression necrosis, bleeding) and postoperative complications (bone marrow resorption,
dental implant fracture, periimplantitis). This is accomplished by detailed consideration of the
position of the suprastructure during preoperative planning and by achieving a precise
postoperative position of the dental implant fixture. After placing the dental implant, it is
necessary to register and analyze its planned and achieved position and quantify the error.
Modern procedures in dental implantology have their advantages compared to the conventional
method. Nevertheless, there are certain disadvantages that indicate the need for their development
in order for them to be implemented in wider clinical practice.
implantologija dentalna
zubni implantati
konična računalna tomografija
računalom vođeno oblikovanje
Keywords (english)
Dental Implantology
Dental Implants
Cone-Beam Computed Tomography
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:127:395911
Study programme Title: dental medicine Study programme type: university Study level: integrated undergraduate and graduate Academic / professional title: doktor/doktorica dentalne medicine (doktor/doktorica dentalne medicine)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Created on 2021-01-15 12:52:44