Title Oralne manifestacije upalnih bolesti crijeva
Title (english) Oral manifestations of inflammatory bowel disease
Author Nora-Magdalena Tomić
Mentor Marko Nikolić (mentor)
Committee member Marko Nikolić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Neven Ljubičić (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Gorana Mirošević (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb School of Dental Medicine (Chair of Internal Medicine) Zagreb
Defense date and country 2021-07-09, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline BIOMEDICINE AND HEALTHCARE Clinical Medical Sciences Internal Medicine
Abstract Upalne bolesti crijeva, Crohnova bolest i ulcerozni kolitis, autoimune su bolesti nepotpuno razjašnjenog podrijetla. Smatra se da ih uzrokuje neodgovarajuća aktivacija imunosnog sustava, a ulogu u nastanku imaju genska predispozicija, mikrobiološki te okolišni čimbenici. Primijećeno je da se češće pojavljuju u visokorazvijenim zemljama i urbanim sredinama, kod osoba mlađe životne dobi, a u novije vrijeme sve više i u pedijatrijskoj populaciji. Za Crohnovu bolest karakteristično je da se
... More preskačujuće lezije pojavljuju cijelom debljinom stijenke crijeva kompletnog probavnog sustava, od usta do anusa, dok kod ulceroznog kolitisa
lezije zahvaćaju površinski sloj debelog crijeva, inicijalno rektuma, te se mogu širiti kontinuirano prema oralno. Klinički se prezentiraju bolovima u abdomenu, krvavim dijarejama te posljedično, pothranjenošću. Nerijetko se pojavljuju ekstraintestinalni simptomi u području oka, kože, hepatobilijarnog sustava, zglobova i usne šupljine. Oralne manifestacije upalnih bolesti crijeva dijele se na specifične, koje se javljaju rjeđe, i nespecifične, koje su češće. Posljedica su nutritivne deficijencije zbog oštećenja intestinalne sluznice, kronične dijareje, kirurških zahvata na zahvaćenom dijelu crijeva ili smanjenog unosa hrane. Oralne se
manifestacije mogu pojaviti i kao nuspojava lijekova koji su terapija osnovne bolesti. Najčešće lezije koje se pojavljuju su mukogingivitis, kaldrmast izgled sluznice, indurirane lezije nalik privjesku, granulomatozni cheilitis, edem usana, duboke linearne ulceracije, afte, angularni cheilitis, pyostomatitis vegetans, oportunističke infekcije, a primijećena je i povećana incidencija karijesa te parodontitisa. Terapija se temelji na potpornoj topikalnoj terapiji da bi se ublažili simptomi ukoliko sistemsko liječenje osnovne bolesti nije dovoljno. U većini slučajeva terapija gastrointestinalnih lezija, za koju se koriste imunomodulatori, kortikosteroidi i biološki lijekovi, daje rezultate i u usnoj šupljini. Less
Abstract (english) Inflammatory bowl diseases, Crohn`s disease and ulcerative colitis, are autoimmune diseases whose etiology hasn’t been completely clarified. Their cause is assumed to be an inappropriate activation of the immune system, which is supported by genetic predisposition, microbiologic and environmental factors. It is noted they appear in developed countries and urban surroundings more often, as well as in people of young age and lately more frequently in the paediatric population. The
... More characteristics of Crohn`s disease are skipping lesions which involve the whole wall of the intestine of the complete digestive system, while ulcerative colitis` lesions affect the top layer of the colon, initially rectum and can extend continuously towards the oral cavity. Clinical signs are abdominal pain, bloody diarrhoea and malnutrition. Extraintestinal symptoms rarely appear. They can be localised on the eye, skin, hepatobiliary system, joints and oral cavity. Oral manifestations of inflammatory bowl diseases are divided into specific ones, which come up rarely, and non specific ones, which are more frequent. They are consequences of nutritional deficiency due to a damaged intestinal mucosa, chronic
diarrhoea, surgery of the affected piece of the intestine or low oral intake. Oral manifestations can also occur as side effects of drugs which are used as therapy for the primary disease. The most common lesions are mucogingivitis, cobblestones, indurated tag- like lesions, granulomatous cheilitis, lip swelling, deep linear ulcerations, aphtae, cheilitis angularis, pyostomatitis vegetans, opportunistic infections; a higher prevalence of caries and periodontal disease is also noted. The therapy of oral manifestations consists of a supporting topical therapy which is supposed to calm the symptoms if the systemic treatment of the primary disease doesn’t suffice. In most cases the therapy for gastrointestinal lesions, made with immunomodulators, corticosteroids and biologic drugs, has results in the oral cavity as well Less
upalne bolesti crijeva
oralne manifestacije
Crohnova bolest
Keywords (english)
Inflammatory Bowel Diseases
Oral Diseases
Crohns Disease
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:127:808525
Study programme Title: dental medicine Study programme type: university Study level: integrated undergraduate and graduate Academic / professional title: doktor/doktorica dentalne medicine (doktor/doktorica dentalne medicine)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
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Created on 2021-08-27 09:15:35