Abstract | Povijest evolucije dentalnih implantata bogat je i fascinantan putopis kroz vrijeme. Od početka čovječanstva razne civilizacije koristile su se različitim načinima i materijalima kako bi nadoknadili gubitak zubi što je na kraju dovelo do izuma i upotrebe dentalnih implantata. Implantate, kakve danas poznajemo, slučajno je otkrio švedski ortopedski kirurg P.I. Brånemark 1952. godine. Zahvaljujući njegovu otkriću razvio se koncept oseointegracije koja predstavlja biološku osnovu uspjeha modernih implantata. Dentalni implantati imaju široku primjenu u dentalnoj medicini. Mogu se koristiti kod nedostatka jednog ili više zubi kao i kod potpune bezubosti. Za uspješnu implantoprotetsku terapiju važna je detaljna anamneza, klinički pregled i radiološka analiza kosti čeljusti. Za radiološku analizu danas se najčešće koristi CBCT koji nam omogućuje detaljan trodimenzonalni prikaz mjesta implantacije sa svim parametrima vaţnima za uspjeh terapije. Anamneza nam je ključni dio terapije, a sastoji se od medicinske i stomatološke anamneze. Njome upoznajemo pacijenta, doznajemo njegove sadašnje i prethodne bolesti te eventualno lijekove koje uzima. Sve te informacije imaju važnu ulogu u uspjehu ili neuspjehu terapije. Na ishod terapije utječu lokalni i sistemski čimbenici. U lokalne čimbenike spadaju pušenje, alkohol, oralna higijena što predstavlja pacijentove životne navike. Kvaliteta i kvantiteta kosti čeljusti, karakteristike dentalnih implantata te kirurška tehnika također spadaju u lokalne čimbenike. Razne sistemske bolesti, lijekovi i zračenje u području glave i vrata, imaju utjecaj na ishod terapije dentalnim implantatima. |
Abstract (english) | The history of the evolution of dental implants is a rich and fascinating history. Since the beginning of mankind, various civilizations have tried, in different ways and by using different materials, to solve the problem of tooth restoration. This has eventually led to the invention and usage of dental implants. Implants, as we know them today, were discovered by Swedish orthopedic surgeon P.I. Brånemark in 1952. Thanks to him, the concept of osseointegration was developed. This concept is the biological basis for the success of modern implants. Dental implants are widely used in dental medicine. They can be used in the absence of one or more teeth, as well as with complete edentulousness. Detailed anamnesis, clinical examination and radiological analysis of the jawbone are essential for a successful implant-prosthetic therapy. CBCT is nowadays most commonly used for radiological analysis, because it offers a detailed three-dimensional view of the implantation site with all the parameters important for a successful therapy. Anamnesis is a key component of the therapy, and consists of medical and dental anamnesis. It helps us get to know the patients, find out their current and past illnesses, as well as the medications they are taking. All of this information can contribute to the success or failure of therapy. The outcome of therapy is influenced by local and systemic factors. Local factors include smoking, alcohol, and oral hygiene, which represent patient's life habits. Other local factors include the quality and quantity of jawbone, characteristics of dental implants and surgical technique. Various systemic diseases, medications, and radiation in the head and neck area have an impact on the outcome of dental implant therapy. |