Title Vatrogasna taktika gašenja javne zgrade – osnovne škole
Title (english) Firefighting tactics for extinguishing of a public building
Author Jasminka Luketić Domitrović
Mentor Marko Kršulja (mentor)
Committee member Ivan Ivec (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Marko Kršulja (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Martina Lovrenić-Jugović (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb Faculty of Metallurgy Sisak
Defense date and country 2024-09-23, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline TECHNICAL SCIENCES Interdisciplinary Technical Sciences
Abstract Požar kao neželjeni događaj zbog njegove nepredvidljivosti razvija se bez kontrole, uz
mogućnost dovođenja u opasnost ljudske živote kao i uzrokujući velike materijalne štete. Faktori
koji utječu na njega ne mogu se sažeti u jedan okvir kojim bi se moglo opisati i shvatiti
Promatrajući javne zgrade govorimo o izazovima požara u zatvorenim prostorima. U takvim
prostorima zbog nastanka dima sa smanjenim pritokom kisika govorimo o opasnostima koje
dovode do stvaranja opasnih
... More spojeva, a time i do plamenih buktinja. Poznavanjem tipa požara s
njegovim karakteristikama ovisi koja će se taktika i sredstvo gašenja primijeniti.
U takvim zahtjevnim intervencijskim postupcima važna je brza evakuacija svih prisutnih te
sigurnost vatrogasaca. Stoga se zakonskom regulativom, normama i propisima postavljaju
zahtjevi prema odgovornoj osobi ustanove kao i osobnoj zaštitnoj opremi vatrogasaca koju mora
ista ispunjavati.
U eksperimentalnom dijelu radom se istražuje i analizira cjelovita taktika gašenja stvarnog
požara i usporedba taktičkog pristupa teoretskog požara. Temelji se na analizi stvarnog događaja
požara u Osnovnoj školi Mate Lovraka u Zagrebu iz 2020. godine i usporedbi te mjerenju
vremena vježbe evakuacije, spašavanja i gašenja požara u Osnovnoj školi „Braća Bobetko“
Sisak u 2024. godini.
Cilj rada je kritičkom analizom stvarne i teoretske akcije gašenja požara objasniti i usporediti
uporabljene taktike gašenja požara.
Rezultatima mjerenja i usporedbe stvarne i teoretske akcije, može se zaključiti kako se u
zahtjevnim intervencijskim zadacima promatranima u ovom radu pristupilo stručno,
profesionalno, ispunjavajući „Zakon o zaštiti od požara“ NN 92/10, 114/22, „ Zakon o zaštiti na
radu“ NN 71/14, 118/14, 154/14, 94/18, 96/18, i „Pravilnik o standardnim operativnim
postupcima“ NN 44/22 .
Radom se predlažu mogućnosti poboljšanja kojima bi se povećao učinak vatrogasnih
intervencija koje se odnose na javne zgrade - osnovne škole.
Radi efektnijeg ispunjavanja uvjeta održavanja, provjere stanja opreme i uređaja koji su jamac
uspješnijih hitnih intervencija u kriznim situacijama, uočena je potreba za zapošljavanjem
stručnjaka sigurnosti, zaštite na radu i radnog okoliša.
Upućena je osnivačima škola, te udruženjima stručnjaka sigurnosti i zaštite na radu u traženju
promjena zakonskih propisa koje se odnose na javne obrazovne institucije. Less
Abstract (english) Fire as an unwanted event due to its unpredictability develops without control, with the
possibility of endangering human lives as well as causing great material damage. The factors
influencing it cannot be summed up in a single framework that could be used to describe and
understand the action
Looking at public buildings, we talk about the challenges of fires in closed spaces. In such
spaces, due to the formation of smoke with reduced oxygen flow, we are talking about dangers
... More lead to the formation of dangerous compounds, and thus to flames. Knowing the type of fire
and its characteristics depends on which tactics and means of extinguishing will be applied.
In such demanding intervention procedures, the rapid evacuation of all those present and the
safety of the firefighters are important. Therefore, legal regulations, norms and regulations set
requirements for the responsible person of the institution as well as the personal protective
equipment of firefighters, which must be met by the same.
In the experimental part, the work investigates and analyzes the complete tactics of
extinguishing a real fire and a comparison of the tactical approach of a theoretical fire. It is based
on the analysis of the actual event of the fire at the Mate Lovrak Elementary School in Zagreb
from 2020 and the comparison and measurement of the time of the evacuation, rescue and fire
extinguishing exercise at the "Braća Bobetko" Elementary School in Sisak in 2024.
The aim of the paper is to explain and compare the used firefighting tactics through a critical
analysis of real and theoretical firefighting action.
From the results of measurements and comparison of real and theoretical action, it can be
concluded that the demanding intervention tasks observed in this work were approached
expertly, professionally, fulfilling the "Fire Protection Act" NN 92/10, 114/22, "Occupational
Protection Act" "Official Gazette 71/14, 118/14, 154/14, 94/18, 96/18, and "Regulations on
Standard Operating Procedures" Official Gazette 44/22.
The paper proposes the possibilities of improvement that would increase the effect of fire
interventions related to public buildings - elementary schools.
In order to more effectively fulfill maintenance requirements, check the condition of equipment
and devices that guarantee more successful emergency interventions in crisis situations, the need
for employment of safety, occupational health and work environment experts was observed.
It is addressed to founders of schools, and associations of occupational safety and health experts
in seeking changes to legal regulations related to public educational institutions. Less
javna zgrada
taktika gašenja
Keywords (english)
public building
firefighting tactic
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:115:015496
Study programme Title: University graduate study program in Occupational Safety, Health and Environment Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra inženjer/ka sigurnosti, zdravlja na radu i radnog okoliša (magistar/magistra inženjer/ka sigurnosti, zdravlja na radu i radnog okoliša)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Embargoed access Embargo expiration date: 2025-09-25
Terms of use
Created on 2024-09-13 08:25:29