Title Taktika gašenja zgrade kaznene institucije
Title (english) Fire extinguishing tactic in correctional facilities
Author Antonio Arcella
Mentor Marko Kršulja (mentor)
Committee member Ivan Ivec (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Marko Kršulja (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Drago Pupavac (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb Faculty of Metallurgy Sisak
Defense date and country 2024-09-23, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline TECHNICAL SCIENCES Interdisciplinary Technical Sciences
Abstract Ovaj rad istražuje taktiku gašenja požara u zgradama kaznenih institucija, s naglaskom na specifične izazove i zahtjeve koje takvi objekti postavljaju pred vatrogasne postrojbe. Zgrade kaznenih institucija imaju jedinstvenu arhitekturu i sigurnosne mjere koje dodatno kompliciraju vatrogasne intervencije. Analizirane su karakteristike požara u zatvorenim prostorima, uključujući načine na koje se požar može širiti i specifične rizike povezane s ovim tipom objekata. Razmatrane su različite
... More strategije gašenja požara, od tradicionalnih metoda do upotrebe naprednih tehnologija poput termovizijskih kamera i automatskih sustava za gašenje.
Rad također naglašava važnost sigurnosnih protokola, uključujući pravilnu procjenu rizika prije ulaska u zatvoreni prostor. Identifikacija opasnosti i implementacija mjera predostrožnosti ključni su za smanjenje rizika za vatrogasce i zatvorenike. Procjena rizika obuhvaća analizu strukturalne stabilnosti zgrade, identifikaciju potencijalno opasnih materijala i procjenu uvjeta unutar prostora zahvaćenog požarom.
Posebna pažnja posvećena je komunikaciji i koordinaciji među vatrogasnim timovima i drugim službama. Učinkovita komunikacija i koordinacija ključni su za brzo donošenje odluka i uspješno upravljanje intervencijom. Korištenje naprednih komunikacijskih sustava omogućuje neprekidnu razmjenu informacija, što je od vitalne važnosti u dinamičnim i opasnim situacijama.
Evidentno da uspjeh intervencija u zgradama kaznenih institucija ovisi o detaljnoj procjeni rizika, učinkovitoj upotrebi naprednih tehnologija i jasnoj komunikaciji. Potrebna je kontinuirana obuka vatrogasaca kako bi se osigurala njihova spremnost za specifične uvjete ovih intervencija. Rad također naglašava potrebu za daljnjim istraživanjima i razvojem novih strategija koje će dodatno poboljšati taktiku gašenja požara, s ciljem osiguravanja sigurnosti zatvorenika, osoblja i vatrogasaca. Less
Abstract (english) This paper investigates firefighting tactics in prison buildings, focusing on the specific challenges and demands these structures impose on fire brigades. Prison buildings have unique architecture and security measures that further complicate firefighting operations. The study analyses the characteristics of fires in confined spaces, including how fires spread and the specific risks associated with these types of buildings. Various firefighting strategies are considered, from
... More traditional methods to advanced technologies like thermal imaging cameras and automatic suppression systems.
The paper also highlights the importance of safety protocols, including proper risk assessment before entering confined spaces. Identifying hazards and implementing precautionary measures are crucial for reducing risks to firefighters and inmates. Risk assessment involves analysing the structural stability of the building, identifying potentially hazardous materials, and assessing conditions within the fire-affected area.
Special attention is given to communication and coordination among fire teams and other services. Effective communication and coordination are crucial for quick decision-making and successful management of interventions. The use of advanced communication systems ensures continuous information exchange, which is vital in dynamic and hazardous situations.
It is evident that the success of interventions in prison buildings depends on detailed risk assessment, effective use of advanced technologies, and clear communication. Continuous training of firefighters is necessary to ensure their readiness for the specific conditions of these interventions. The paper also emphasizes the need for further research and development of new strategies to improve firefighting tactics, with the aim of ensuring the safety of inmates, staff, and firefighters. Less
Taktika gašenja
kaznene institucije
sigurnosni protokoli
procjena rizika
komunikacija i koordinacija
Keywords (english)
Firefighting tactics
prison buildings
safety protocols
risk assessment
communication and coordination
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:115:184596
Study programme Title: University graduate study program in Occupational Safety, Health and Environment Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra inženjer/ka sigurnosti, zdravlja na radu i radnog okoliša (magistar/magistra inženjer/ka sigurnosti, zdravlja na radu i radnog okoliša)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Embargoed access Embargo expiration date: 2025-09-13
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Created on 2024-09-13 08:42:25