Abstract | Održivo gospodarenje šumama nedvojbeno podrazumijeva održivu radnu snagu. Rad u šumarstvu međutim predstavlja jedno od najtežih i najopasnijih zanimanja, a kao ozbiljne teškoće zadnjih godina javljaju se pomanjkanje proizvodnih radnika te izostanak interesa za rad u šumarstvu. Isto je najčešće uzrokovano različitim vanjskim i unutarnjim čimbenicima (unutar ili izvan dosega utjecaja samog šumarskog sektora) koji svojim utjecajem značajno djeluju na održivost radne snage u šumarstvu. Takvi čimbenici su npr. migracije stanovništva, starenje populacije, niska stopa rođenja i dr., tj. radni uvjeti, motivacija i kompenzacija radnika, sigurnost posla i sl. Cilj provedenogistraživanja je bio utvrditi stanje i značajke radne snage u šumarstvu Federacije Bosne i Hercegovine (FBiH) (profil i struktura, socioekonomska obilježja, vrijednosni kriteriji i dr.) te ispitati razmjere nedostatka proizvodnih radnika. Svrha rada se pritom sastoji u iznalaženju i definiranju mogućih strateških usmjerenja za jačanje održivosti radne snage, te razvoju instrumenata i postupaka za njihovo vrednovanje i donošenje odluka o optimalnim strateškim pravcima. Kao osnovne znanstvene metode i tehnike u istraživanju su primijenjene metoda anketiranja i intervjua, studija slučaja, SWOT analiza te AHP (Analytic Hierarchy Process) metoda višekriterijskog odlučivanja. Prikupljanje podataka putem anketnih upitnika kroz uzorak ispitanika je obuhvatilo tri sastavna segmenta tj. razine u šumarstvu FBiH: a) institucionalnu (šumarska uprava, znanost i obrazovanje, interesne grupe), c) razinu poduzeća (stručno-tehničko osoblje privatnih i javnih šumarskih poduzeća) i c) šumske radnike (sjekači, traktoristi, pomoćnici, kopčaši i dr.). Oblikovani anketni upitnik sastojao se od tri cjeline tj. grupe pitanja putem kojih su prikupljeni: a) sociodemografski podaci o ispitanicima, b) opći stavovi o radu u šumarstvu i profesiji šumskih radnika i c) podaci o vrednovanju činitelja održivosti radne snage u šumarstvu iskazani kroz elemente regrutiranja, zadržavanja i predanosti radnika. Paralelno s prikupljanjem podataka, pregledani su i analizirani strateški dokumenti FBiH šumarstva te senastojalo procijeniti stupanj strateškogplaniranja i upravljanja razvojemradne snage u šumarstvu s ciljem osiguranja njene održivosti. Metodološki pristup studije slučaja primijenjen je da bi se detaljnije analiziralo i opisalo odabrane primjere dobre prakse i pružilo II dodatne podloge za razradu mogućih 'scenarija' u jačanju održivosti radne snage. Na temelju spoznaja dobivenih provedenim analizama utvrđena su 4 strateška pristupa ili usmjerenja u unapređenju održivosti radne snage. U razradi pojedinih strateških pristupa definirani su njihovi glavni ciljevi, mjere, aktivnosti, dionici, nositelji i dr. Za tako definirane strategije provedena je SWOT analiza kojom su razmotrene snage, slabosti, prilike i prijetnje svakog pojedinog pristupa. Kao nadopuna SWOT analizi, za ocjenjivanje i usporedbu definiranih strategija, dodatno je primijenjena AHP metoda. Nalazi istraživanja pokazali su da velika većina ispitanika (93 %) problem nedostatka radne snage smatra vrlo izraženim i sve više rastućim problemom u šumarstvu FBiH. Prosječna dob šumskih radnika iznosi 43 godine, više od 60 % radnika starije je od 40 godina, a udio radnika ispod 25 godina iznosi tek 3 %. Više od dvije trećine šumskih radnika živi u ruralnim sredinama (naselja ispod 2.000 stanovnika) gdje je izraženo iseljavanje mladih. Glavnim uzrokom nedostatka radne snage smatraju se odlazak radno sposobnog stanovništva van zemlje te nepovoljni demografski trendovi. Osnovni razlozi otežanog privlačenja i zadržavanja radnika pritom su fizički težak i naporan posao u različitim terenskim uvjetima te općenito slab interes za rad u šumarstvu. Najznačajnijim čimbenicima uspješnog privlačenja i zadržavanja radnika označeni su oni u okviru financijske kompenzacije radnika (stabilnost posla i redovitost primanja, veće redovne plaće, nagrađivanje radnika, plaća prema ostvarenim rezultatima rada i dr.). Među najvažnijim čimbenicima osiguranja veće predanosti radnika poslu su konzistentni i transparentni kriteriji politike plaća, jasan opis posla i zadataka, te dobra suradnja i odnosi unutar poduzeća. Istraživanjem je također utvrđeno da u FBiH ne postoji sustavan i strateški pristup pitanju održivosti radne snage u šumarstvu te da se najodgovornijima glede toga smatraju federalno i županijska ministarstva šumarstva te javna šumarska poduzeća. Nadalje, kao mogući strateški pristupi održivosti radne snage u šumarstvu FBiH u radu su, s njihovim elementima, definirani: 1) Direktna financijska strategija, 2) Indirektna financijska strategija, 3) Obrazovna strategija i 4) Tehničko-tehnološka strategija. Optimalnim strateškim usmjerenjima, prema rezultatima provedene AHP analize, drže se tehničko-tehnološka strategija koja podrazumijeva veću primjenu mehanizirane (strojne) sječe, te obrazovna strategija koja stavlja naglasak na trening i obrazovanje šumskih radnika. Rezultati provedenog istraživanja omogućili su nove spoznaje o stanju, položaju i održivosti radne snage u šumarstvu FBiH. Također je razvijen inovativni metodološki pristup koji kroz kombinaciju više istraživačkih metoda i postupaka omogućuje uključivo kreiranje, obuhvatno sagledavanje te višekriterijsku ocjenu i racionalan odabir optimalnog strateškog usmjerenja održivosti radne snage u šumarstvu. |
Abstract (english) | Sustainable forest management undoubtedly implies a sustainable workforce. Work in forestry, however, represents one of the most complex and dangerous professions, and the lack of production workers and interest in forestry work has been a severe difficulty in recent years. The same is most often caused by various external and internal factors (within or beyond the scope of influence of the forestry sector itself), which significantly affect the sustainability of the workforce in forestry. Such factors are, for example, population migration, population aging, low birth rate, etc., i.e., working conditions, motivation and compensation of workers, job security, etc. The conducted research aimed to determine the state and characteristics of the labour force in the forestry of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina (FBiH) (profile and structure, socioeconomic characterfactorsriteria, etc.) and examine the extent of the shortage of forest workers. The work aims to find and define possible strategic directions for strengthening the sustainability of the labour force and to develop instruments and procedures for their evaluation and decision-making on optimal strategic recommendations. Basic scientific methods and techniques, survey and interview methods, case studies, SWOT analysis, and AHP (Analytic Hierarchy Process) method of multi-criteria decision-making were applied in the research. Data collection through survey questionnaires through a sample of respondents included three constituent segments, i.e., levels in FBiH forestry: a) institutional (forestry administration, science, and education, interest groups), c) company level (professional and technical staff of private and public forest companies) and c) forest workers (loggers, tractor drivers, assistants, choker setters, etc.). The designed questionnaire consisted of three parts, i.e., groups of questions IV through which the following were collected: a) socio-demographic data on the respondents, b) general attitudes about work in forestry and the profession of forest workers, and c) data on the evaluation of factors of sustainability of the labour force in forestry expressed through elements recruitment, retention, and commitment of workers. In parallel with the data collection, the strategic documents of FBiH forestry were reviewed and analyzed. An effort was made to assess the degree of strategic planning and management of labour force development in forestry to ensure its sustainability. A methodological case study approach was applied to analyze and describe selected examples of good practice in more detail and provide additional grounds for elaborating possible 'scenarios' in strengthening the sustainability of the workforce. Based on the knowledge gained from the conducted analyses, four strategic approaches or orientations in improving the sustainability of the labour force were determined. In developing individual strategic methods, their primary goals, measures, activities, stakeholders, holders, etc., were defined. For the strategies thus described, a SWOT analysis was carried out, which considered each approach's strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. As a complement to the SWOT analysis, for the evaluation and comparison of defined strategies, the AHP method was additionally applied. The research findings showed that the vast majority of respondents (93%) consider the labour shortage a very significant and increasingly growing problem in FBiH forestry. The average age of forest workers is 43 years, more than 60% are older than 40, and the share of workers under 25 is only 3%. More than two-thirds of forest workers live in rural areas (settlements with less than 2,000 inhabitants), where the emigration of young people is significant. The leading cause of the labor shortage is the departure of the working-age population abroad and unfavorable demographic trends. The main reasons for the difficulty in attracting and retaining workers are the physicallydemanding and tiring work in different field conditions and generally weak interest in forest work. The most critical factors for the successful attraction and retention of workers are those within the financial compensation of workers (job stability and regular income, higher regular wages, rewarding workers, pay according to work results, etc.). Among the most critical factors for ensuring more outstanding commitment of workers to work are consistent and transparent salary policy criteria, a clear description of work and tasks, and good cooperation and relations within the company. The research also established that in FBiH, there is no systematic and strategic approach to the issue of workforce sustainability in forestry and that the federal and county forestry ministries and public forestry companies are considered the most responsible in this regard. Furthermore, as possible strategic approaches to the sustainability of the FBiH forestry labour force, the following are defined with their elements: 1) Direct financial strategy, 2) Indirect financial strategy, 3) Educational strategy, and 4) Technical-technological strategy. According to the results of the AHP analysis, the optimal strategic orientations are the technical-technological strategy, which implies more effective use of mechanized (machine) logging, and the educational strategy, which emphasizes the training and education of forest workers. The research results enabled new knowledge about the workforce's state, position, and sustainability in FBiH forestry. An innovative methodological approach has also been developed, which, through a combination of several research methods and procedures, enables inclusive creation, a comprehensive overview, and a multi-criteria evaluation and rational selection of the optimal strategic orientation of the sustainability of the labour force in forestry. |