Abstract | S pomoću metode upravljanja projekta definirao se projekt renovacije stana i njegove prilagodbe za život četveročlane obitelji koji u trenutnom stanju ne zadovoljava njihove zahtjeve, nije funkcionalan i potrebni su veći koraci obnove njegovih prostorija kako bi bio pogodan za ugodan život. Investitori su obitelj koji su vlasnici stana, a zbog kompleksnosti radova u fokusu su im dva važna kriterija: vrijeme trajanja radova i ukupni potrebni budžet za renovaciju. U metodi selekcije projekta, projekt se detaljno razradio, provedena je analiza postojećeg stanja i prikazana su idealna rješenja za svaku od prostorija u stanu. Prikaz raspodjele poslova, ukupni troškovi i trajanje projekta napravljeni su s pomoću metode predprojekcije. Konačni kraj rada proveden je s pomoću metode grafičkog prikaza terminskog plana projekta u kojoj su napravljeni Ganttov i mrežni dijagram. Navedeni dijagrami prikazuju sudionike na projektu, vremenske rokove aktivnosti i sveukupni potrebni budžet za izvršenje projekta. U rezultatima renovacije stana je dobiveno idealno rješenje željenog izgleda stana, ukupni potrebni budžet u iznosu od 34662,50 € i potrebno vrijeme za njegu provedbu koje iznosi 51 radnih dana. |
Abstract (english) | With the help of the project management method, a project was defined for the renovation of the apartment and its adaptation for the life of a family of four, which in its current state does not meet their requirements, is not functional, and requires greater steps to renovate its premises in order to makeitsuitable for a comfortable life. The investors are a family that owns the apartment, and due to the complexity of the works, they focus on two important criteria: the duration of the works and the total required budget for the renovation. In the project selection method, the project was elaborated in detail, an analysis of the existing condition was carried out, and ideal solutions for each of the rooms in the apartment were presented. Presentations of the distribution of work, total costs, and duration of the project were made using the pre-projection method. The final end of the work was carried out using the method of graphic presentation of the project schedule, in which Gantt and network diagrams were made. The above-mentioned diagrams show the participants in the project, the timelines of the activities, and the overall necessary budget for the execution of the project. In the results of the renovation of the apartment, an ideal solution of the desired appearance of the apartment was obtained, the total necessary budget in the amount of €34,662.50, and the necessary time for maintenance, which is 51 working. |