Title Monitoring sitnih glodavaca u UŠP Vinkovci od 2018. do 2022. godine
Title (english) Monitoring of small rodents at Forest Administration Vinkovci from 2018. to 2022.
Author Lea Katarina Gobec
Mentor Marko Vucelja (mentor)
Committee member Marko Vucelja (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Milivoj Franjević (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Kristijan Tomljanović (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb Faculty of Forestry and Wood Technology (Institute of Forest Protection and Wildlife Management) Zagreb
Defense date and country 2024-09-30, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline BIOTECHNICAL SCIENCES Forestry
Abstract Sitni glodavci su neizostavan element šumskih ekosustava koji doprinose stabilnosti, vitalnosti i dinamici šuma, no u gospodarenim šumama također mogu prouzročiti značajne štete na pomaltku i sjemenskom materijalu te tako otežati obnovu šuma. Kontinuirano praćenje populacija sitnih glodavaca omogućava i olakšava predikciju nastanka šteta i pravovremenu reakciju, a uz korištenje odgovarajućih zaštitarskih metoda stvara preduvjete učinkovitom sustavu integrirane zaštite od štetnika. Periodički značajne poteškoćeu obnovi šumskih sastojina zbog aktivnosti glodavaca bilježi Uprava šuma podružnica (UŠP) Vinkovci koja zbog toga ulaže velika financijska i materijalna sredstva u mjere monitoringa i suzbijanja. U svrhu boljeg razumijevanja kretanja brojnosti sitnih glodavaca te njihovog utjecaja na pojavu oštećenja u državnim šumama, u ovome su radu analizirani rezultati sustavnog, višegodišnjeg monitoringa populacija sitnih glodavaca dostupni kroz godišnja izvješća Hrvatskog šumarskog instituta (2018. - 2022. god.) te pregled korištenja preventivnih i represivnih metoda njihove redukcije unutar UŠP Vinkovci. Rezultati su ukazali na pojavu prekobrojnosti glodavaca 2020. godine te naizražen pad brojnostitijekom 2021. i 2022. godine. Miševi su predstavljali dominantnu grupu sitnih glodavaca u ulovu, dok je voluharica bilo znatno manje. Ipak, miševi i voluharice prate iste trendove kretanja brojnosti u promatranom periodu. Najveći intenziteti šteta utvrđeni su na šumskom sjemenu. Veličine napadnutih, odnosno tretiranih površina u UŠP Vinkovci su vrlo visoki svake godine. Sa druge strane, primjećena su određena odstupanja u vrijednostima intenziteta šteta, relativne brojnosti i napadnute, odnosno tretirane površine, zbog čega je potrebno poraditi na metodologiji terenskoga uzorkovanja i određivanju šteta te uskladiti provedbu monitoringa na svim razinama administracije. Daljnji monitoring sitnih glodavaca predstavlja neizostavan element uspješne kontrole njihove brojnosti u budućnosti te je temelj preventivnog i pravovremenog djelovanja kako bi se osigurala stabilnost i vitalnost šumskih ekosistema, pogotovo uz rastuće pritiske poput globalnog zatopljenja i klimatskih promjena.
Abstract (english) Small rodents are a crucial element of forest ecosystems that contribute to the stability, vitality and dynamics of forests, but they are capable of causing major damage to saplings and tree seeds which can subsequently disrupt forest regeneration. Continuous monitoring of the population of small rodents enables and facilitates the prediction of damage and allows for a timely reaction, as well as creates suitable conditions for an effective system of integrated protection against pests by using the proper measures of protection. Periodically significant difficulties in the regeneration of forest stands due to the activityof rodents have been noted by the Vinkovci Forest Administration (FA), which invests large financial and material resources in monitoring and measures of protection. In order to better understand the trends in the abundance of small rodents and their influence on the occurrence of damages in state forests, this paper analyzes the results of systematic multi-year monitoring of small rodent populations through the annual reports of the Croatian Forestry Institute in the period from 2018 to 2022, as well as offers an overview of preventive uses and repressive methods for their reduction within the Vinkovci FA. The results indicated an overabundance of rodents in 2020 and a drastic drop in numbers in 2021 and 2022. Mice represented the dominant group of trapped small rodents, while vole numbers were significantly lower. Nevertheless, mice and voles follow the same trends in population dynamics in the observed period. The highest damage intensities were identified on forest seeds.The area of attacked and treated surfaces in the Vinkovci FA were veryhigh everyyear.On the otherhand, there are certain discrepancies in the values of damage intensity, relative abundance and attacked or treated area, which is why it is necessary to improve the methodology of field sampling and damage determination, and to coordinate the execution of monitoring at all levels of administration. Further monitoring of small rodents is an indispensable element of successful population control in the future and is the basis of preventive and opportune action to ensure the stability and vitality of forest ecosystems, especially with rising pressures such as global warming and climate change.
dinamika populacija
Keywords (english)
population dynamics
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:108:038163
Study programme Title: Urban Forestry, Nature Conservation and Environmental Protection Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: sveučilišni/a magistar/magistra inženjer/inženjerka urbanog šumarstva, zaštite prirode i okoliša (sveučilišni/a magistar/magistra inženjer/inženjerka urbanog šumarstva, zaštite prirode i okoliša)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
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Created on 2024-10-10 11:08:33