Title Fitocenološke značajke Motovunske šume u Istri
Title (english) Phytocoenological features of Motovun forest in Istria
Author Patrik Korijan
Mentor Joso Vukelić (mentor)
Committee member Joso Vukelić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Dario Baričević (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Irena Šapić (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb Faculty of Forestry and Wood Technology (Institute of Forest Ecology and Silviculture) Zagreb
Defense date and country 2016-07-01, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline BIOTECHNICAL SCIENCES Forestry Ecology and Silviculture
Abstract Motovunska šuma u Istri posljednja je sačuvana poplavna šuma hrasta lužnjaka i poljskog jasena u sredozemnom području u RH. U prošlosti je u više navrata fitocenološki istraživana i obuhvaćena jednom zajednicom. Cilj istraživanja je fitocenološki snimiti sastojine u posebnom rezervatu šumske vegetacije “Motovunska šuma” na temelju standardne srednjoeuropske škole (Braun-Blanquet, 1964) te međusobno usporediti istraživane sastojine. Terenski dio istraživanja obuhvatio je izradu 20 fitocenološki snimaka na različitim lokacijama. Ukupno je utvrđeno 76 biljnih vrsta, odnosno 27 vrsta prosječno po snimku. Dobiveni podatci analitički su obrađeni, provedena je statistička analiza i međusobna usporedba flornog sastava. Utvrdili smo da se Motovunska šuma ne može obuhvatiti samo s jednom asocijacijom, statističke analize pokazale su rasčlanjivanje u tri skupine. Grupa snimaka br. 1 predstavlja najvlažniji tip staništa unutar Motovunske šume, najzastupljenije su vrste vrlo vlažnih i močvarnih staništa. Kao razlikovne vrste izdvajaju se Carex riparia, Rubus caesius, Cardamine pratensis, Lycopus europaeus, Rumex sanguineus, Galium palustre, Ranunculus repens, Leucojum aestivum i Valeriana dioica. Druga grupa snimaka prestavlja najrasprostranjeniji stanišni tip koji zauzima srednje položaje između mokrog tipa 1 i najsušeg tipa 3. Za razlikovne vrste određene su Ligustrum vulgare, Rhamnus chatartica, Viburnum opulus i Circaea lutetiana. Treća grupa snimaka prestavlja najviša i najsuša staništa uz staro korito rijeke Mirne. Kao razlikovne vrste ističu se Vinca minor, Listera ovata,
Symphytum tuberosum, Lamium galeobdolon, Arum italicum, Allium ursinum i Euphorbia amygdaloides. Na temelju statističke analize ekoindikatorskih vrijednosti pojedinih biljnih vrsta zaključujemo da grupu 1 karakteriziraju vrste koje indiciraju heliofilnih, toplih i izrazito vlažnih staništa. Grupa 3 karakterizirana je skiofilnim vrstama hladnijih i suših staništa, dok grupu 2 pokazuje prijelazne uvjete između njih.
Abstract (english) The Motovun forest in Istria is the last preserved pedunculate oak and narrow-leafed ash flood plain forest in Mediterranean region in Croatia. It has been phytocoenologically explored and described as a single forest community. The goal of the research is to phytocoenologically record stands in a special reserve of forest vegetation "Motovun Forest" based on the standard central European school (Braun-Blanquet, 1964) and to compare the researched stands. The field work included the creation of 20 releves at different locations. Ther were found 76 plant species in total and 27 species in average per releve. The results were analytically examined. The statistical analysis and the mutual comparison of floral composition were conducted. We have found that the Motovun forest can not include only one association, statistical analyzes showed breakdown of the three groups. Group releves no. 1 represent the wettest type of habitat within the Motovun forest, the most common plant species are from very humid areas and wetlands. As a differential species of plant stand out: Carex riparia, Rubus caesius, Cardamine pratensis, Lycopus europaeus, Rumex sanguineus, Galium palustre, Ranunculus repens, Leucojum aestivum and Valeriana dioica. Another group of releves represents the most abundant habitat type which occupies an intermediate position between the wet type 1 and the driest type 3. The differential plant species are Ligustrum vulgare, Rhamnus chatartica, Viburnum opulus and Circaea lutetiana. The third group of images represents the highest and driest habitats along with the old riverbed of the river Mirna. The differential plant species that stand out are: Vinca minor, Listera ovata, Symphytum tuberosum, Lamium galeobdolon, Arum italicum, Allium ursinum and Euphorbia amygdaloides. Based on statistical analysis of the ecologically-indicated values of certain plant species, we conclude that the group 1 is characterized by species that indicate heliophilous, warm and very humid habitat. Group 3 is characterized by sciophilous species of colder and drier habitats, while group 2 shows the transition conditions between them.
Motovunska šuma
šumska vegetacija
florni sastav
Keywords (english)
Motovun forest
forest vegetation
floristic composition
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:108:516698
Study programme Title: Forestry; specializations in: Silviculture and Management Planning with Wildlife Management Course: Silviculture and Management Planning with Wildlife Management Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra inženjer/inženjerka šumarstva (magistar/magistra inženjer/inženjerka šumarstva)
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File origin Born digital
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Created on 2016-11-22 08:43:47