Abstract | Usporedbom s drugim gospodarskim granama, poduzetnici u ugosliteljstvu trebaju stvoriti pretpostavke za zadovoljenje potreba i motiva posjetitelja ugostiteljskoga poduzeća, a te sposobnosti sačinjene su od skupa znanja i vještina kojima se mora postići uspješno poslovanje ugostiteljskog poduzeća. Ugostiteljstvo kao uslužna djelatnost bavi se pružanjem usluga, a usluge se mogu definirati kao uporabne vrijednosti rada koji se iskaznje djelatnošću, a ne uporabom proizvodnih tvari, dakle njima se zadovoljavaju potrebe. Najbitniji element u ugostiteljstvu čini odjel hrane i pića, a navedeni odjel je jedini čije djelovanje ima proizvodni karakter, odnosno uporabom sirovina i namirnica, posredstvom ljudskog rađa, te uređaja i opreme nastaju usluge koje gosti konzumiraju. Upravo prema navedenom, odjel hrane i pića u svome radu troši energente, namirnice i sirovine koje, ukoliko se njima neracioualuo rukuje, stvaraju dodatne troškove poduzeću, a te troškove nije moguće tako lako opravdati, posebice jer smanjuju ukupan financijski rezultat poduzeća i time utječu na smanjenje ekonomičnosti samoga poslovanja.
Uporaba novih tehnoloških rješenja kroz uređaje, opremu, organizaciju rada, inovacije usluga poštujući sve standarde poslovanja, uz zadržavanje zdravstvene ispravnosti utječe i na smanjenje troškova energenata, namirnica, ali i olakšavaju poslovanje i smanjuju troškove radne snage. Kada se govori o uređajima i opremi, tada valja planirati nabavu istih jer s obzirom na visoku nabavnu cijenu, valja uzeti u obzir namjenu, odnosno prilagoditi opremu u odjelu hrane i pića načinu poslovanja, ponudi i broju gostiju, jer ukoliko se ne planira takav vid nabave na vrijeme tada oprema i uređaji nisu dovoljno iskorišteni čime dolazi do praznih hodova u radu, usprkos nabavljenoj opremi.
Problem nepoznavanja ekonomičnosti, posebice kod uređaja, dolazi do izraza upravo kroz eksploataciju nabavljene opreme i uređaja jer, primjerice, nabavljeni konvencionalni uređaji koji, usprkos nižoj novonabavnoj cijeni ne moraju nužno biti i povoljniji, posebice jer imaju samo jednu funkciju koju rade, vrlo često nisu opremljeni sustavima za idržavanje i regeneraciju temperature, preciznim senzorima koji smanjuju utrošak električne energije, a u konačnici uvijek treba netko obraćati pozornost na same uređaje, posebice u periodu termičke obrade jer ne postoji nikakva vanjska kontrola koja bi pomogla u olakšavanju rada, poput alarma, točne temperature, prikaza vremena i slično.
Racionalizacijom opreme i uređaja, prostora, tj. smanjenjem istih moguće je bolje organizirati radni proces, optimizirati radnu snagu, pri čemu se izbjegava previše zaposlenih u periodu manjeg posla, a premalo u periodu većeg prometa. Suvremeni uređaji i oprema su visokoekonomični, minimiziraju utroške energenata i radne snage i maksimiziraju produktivnost, efikasnost, ekonomičnost uz poštivanje visokih standarda pojedinog poduzeća bez obzira na organizaciju radne snage u proizvodnom procesu.
U doktorskom radu kroz analizu proizvodnog odjela hrane i pića hotela s 300 gostiju izvršena je usporedba modela konvencionalno opremljenog i suvremeno opremljenog odjela hrane i pića gdje je kroz ukupne troškove nabave uređaja vidljiva i njihova isplativost kroz izračun utrošaka energenata. Također su anketirani zaposlenici i menadžment hotela, te njihovi stavovi vezani za uvođenje inovacija i novih tehnologija u odjelu hrane i pića hotela s četiri i pet zvjezdica s područja Istre i Kvarnera, turističkih regija Republike Hrvatske koje svojom ponudom i kvaitetom ugostiteljskih i hotelskih poduzeća čine benchmark turističke ponude. |
Abstract (english) | Compared with other industries, entrepreneurs in the hospitality industry needs to create the conditions to meet the needs and motives of visitors of hospitality company, and these skills are made up of a set of knowledge and skills with which successful operation of a hospitality company must be achieved. Hospitality as a service industsy provides services, and services can be defined as the usage values of labor which is expressed with business activity , and not by using production things, so they are used to meet the needs. The most import elelement in the hospitality industry , and which actually makes "Food and beverage" department, and this department is the only one whose activity has the character of production, or with the use of raw materials and groceries, by means of human labor, and appliances and equipment, it results with services that guests consume. According to this, F&B department in its work consumes energy, groceries aud raw materials which, if handled them irrational, create additional costs to the company, and these costs canot be so easy to justify, especially as they reduce the overall financial performance of the compaby add thus affects the reduciug the effectiveness of the business.
The use of new technological solutions through appliances, equipment, organization of work, service innovation while respecting all the standarda of operation, while maintaining the health and safety standards, has an impact in reducing the cost of energy, groceries, as well as on easing business and reducing labor costs. When it comes to appliances and equipment, it should be planned for the purchase of the same, because, due to the high purchase price, the intended purpose has to be taken into account, or to adjust equipment in the F&B departmeut to way of douing business, to offer and number of guests, because if those are not planned, theu the equipment and appliances are not being used enough, which leads to idle time at work, in spite of the installed equipmeut.
The problem of lack of knowledge about the business efficiency, particularly when it comes to equipment, is obvious especially through the exploitation of the procured equipment and appliances as for example, the conventional devices, despite the lower price purchase price, are not necessarily cheaper, especially because they have only one function they are handling, they are also often not equipped with systems for maintenance and regeneration of the temperature, accurate sensors that reduce power consumption, and ultimately always there is always a need for someone to pay attention on the devices, especially duriug heat treatment because there is no external control to assist in the work, such as alarm, an accurate temperature, showing the time and similar.
By rationalization of equipment and devices, space - with a reductoin of the same - it is possible to organize the workflow better, optimize the number of workforce, avoiding too many employees for a petiod with less work, and not enough number of employees in the period of busy periods. Modern devices and equipment are highly efficient, they minimize the consumption of energy and wotkforce and maximize productivity, efficiency, costeffectiveness while respecting high standards of individual companies, regardless of the organization of labor in the production process.
In this thesis, through an analysis of production of food and beverage department with 300 guests, a comparison of two models was couducted: model of couventional and model of contemporary food and beverage department, where, through the total costs of devices purchase, their profitability is compared through the calculation of energy consumption. Also, employees and management of the hotel were interviewed, as well as their attitudes related to innovation and technology in the food and beverage department at the hotels with four and five stars from Istria and Kvarner tourist regions of the Republic of Croatia, which are a benchmark for tourist offers, because of their offer and quality of hospitality and hotel companies. |