Title Uloga NK-stanica u modulaciji specifičnog imunološkog odgovora na virus : doktorski rad
Title (english) The role of NK cells in modulation of specific immune response to virus
Author Maja Arapović
Mentor Astrid Krmpotić (mentor)
Committee member Stipan Jonjić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Ivica Valpotić (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Ivan Bubić (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Astrid Krmpotić (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Rijeka Faculty of Medicine Rijeka
Defense date and country 2013-01-01, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline BIOMEDICINE AND HEALTHCARE Basic Medical Sciences
Universal decimal classification (UDC ) 616 - Pathology. Clinical medicine
Abstract Cilj istraživanja:
NK-stanice imaju ključnu ulogu u ranom nadzoru virusnih infekcija i tumora. Kod mišjeg soja C57BL/6 NK-stanice izražavaju aktivacijski receptor Ly49H koji prepoznaje virusni protein m157 izražen na površini stanica inficiranih mišjim citomegalovirusom (MCMV). Aktivacija NK-stanica putem Ly49H-m157 međudjelovanja dovodi do ranog zaustavljanja virusne replikacije. Preliminarni rezultati ovog istraživanja pokazali su da u slučaju izostanka rane aktivacije NK-stanica putem Ly49H-m157 međudjelovanja dolazi do pojačane aktivacije CD8+ limfocita T u akutnoj fazi MCMV-infekcije. Vođeni ovim nalazom cilj nam je bio utvrditi mehanizam regulacije nastajanja i intenziteta specifičnog CD8+ T-limfocitnog odgovora u uvjetima izostanka rane aktivacije NK-stanica putem receptora Ly49H.
Materijali i metode:
Ly49H+ i Ly49H– mišje sojeve inficirali smo divljim tipom virusa (WT MCMV) ili virusnom mutantom kojoj je uklonjen gen za m157 protein (m157 MCMV). Važnost pojedinih limfocitnih subpopulacija u kontroli MCMV-infekcije pratili smo nakon uklanjanja ovih subpopulacija monoklonskim protutijelima te usporedbom rasta virusa u tkivima testom virusnih čistina. Fenotipski i funkcionalni status imunih stanica tijekom MCMV-infekcije testirali smo protočnom citometrijom te određivanjem razine citokina u serumu.
Istraživanjem je pokazano da se intenzitet CD8+ T-limfocitnog odgovora na MCMV razlikuje kod Ly49H+ i Ly49H– mišjih sojeva. Rezultati na mišjem soju C57BL/6 pokazuju kako je CD8+ T-limfocitni odgovor u prvom tjednu MCMV-infekcije određen angažmanom receptora Ly49H i kapacitetom NK-stanica da ograniče virusnu replikaciju tijekom prva dva dana nakon infekcije.
WT MCMV-infekcija rezultirala je snažnom aktivacijom NK-stanica, te posljedično slabijim specifičnim CD8+ T-limfocitnim odgovorom. Važnost aktivacije NK-stanica putem receptora Ly49H u modulaciji CD8+ T-limfocitnog odgovora na MCMV potvrđena je korištenjem virusne mutante m157 MCMV. Nemogućnost NK-stanica da ograniče replikaciju m157 MCMV-a rezultirala je visokim titrom virusa u organima, povećanom infekcijom konvencionalnih dendritičkih stanica i izlučivanjem velikih količina proupalnih citokina, a svi ovi čimbenici pridonijeli su razvoju snažnog CD8+ T-limfocitnog odgovora. Na modelu imunodeficijentnih miševa pokazano je da osim specifične aktivacije putem Ly49H-m157 međudjelovanja, imunoregulacijska uloga NK-stanica ovisi i o perforinskom citolitičkom mehanizmu.
Dobiveni rezultati proširili su spoznaje o imunoregulacijskoj ulozi NK-stanica u modulaciji CD8+ T-limfocitnog odgovora na MCMV. Specifična aktivacija NK-stanica putem Ly49H-m157 međudjelovanja i perforinskog citolitičkog mehanizma ključni su faktori u određivanju kinetike i intenziteta MCMV-specifičnog CD8+ T-limfocitnog odgovora tijekom akutne MCMV-infekcije.
Abstract (english) Objectives:
NK cells play a key role in the early defense against viral infections and tumors. In C57BL/6 mice NK cells express Ly49H activating receptor which specifically recognizes virally encoded protein m157 on the surface of cells infected with mouse cytomegalovirus (MCMV). The activation of NK cells through Ly49H-m157 interaction results in the early restriction of virus replication. The preliminary data from our study showed that the absence of an early NK cell activation through Ly49H-m157 interaction results in higher activation of CD8+ T cells in acute phase of the MCMV infection. Guided by these findings, our goal was to determine the mechanism that regulates the development and intensity of the specific CD8+ T-cell response concerning the lack of early activation of NK cells via Ly49H receptor.
Materials and methods:
Ly49H+ and Ly49H– mice were infected with wild-type virus (WT MCMV) or mutant virus lacking m157 gene (m157 MCMV). The contribution of individual lymphocyte subsets in the control of MCMV infection was determined after depletion of these subsets with monoclonal antibodies, and by comparing the growth of the virus in different tissues of MCMV infected mice by standard plaque assay. Phenotypic and functional status of immune cells during MCMV infection was tested by flow cytometry and by determination of cytokine levels in the sera of infected mice.
This study showed that the strength of CD8+ T-cell response to MCMV differs in Ly49H+ and Ly49H– mice. Our results in C57BL/6 mice demonstrated that CD8+ T-cell response in the first week of MCMV infection is determined by the engagement of Ly49H receptor and the capacity of NK cells to control virus replication during the first two days. Infection with WT MCMV resulted in strong NK cell activation that restricted virus replication, and consequently impaired MCMV-specific CD8+ T-cell response. The importance of specific activation of NK cells through Ly49H receptor in the regulation of intensity of CD8+ T-cell response was confirmed by using mutant virus m157 MCMV. The inability of NK cells to restrict the replication of m157 MCMV resulted in high viral titers in organs, increased frequency of infected conventional dendritic cells and high levels of proinflammatory cytokines, and all these factors contributed to the development of strong CD8+ T-cell response. By using model of immunodeficient mice, we have shown that, besides specific activation through Ly49H-m157 interaction, the immunoregulatory role of NK cells also depends on perforin mediated cytolytic mechanism.
The results of this study further expanded our knowledge about immunoregulatory role of NK cells in the modulation of CD8+ T-cell response to MCMV. The specific activation of NK cells through Ly49H-m157 interaction and perforin mediated cytolytic mechanism were shown to be the key factors in determining the kinetics and intensity of MCMV-specific CD8+ T-cell response during acute infection.
CD8+ limfociti T
Dendritičke stanice
receptor Ly49H
Keywords (english)
CD8+ T lymphocytes
Dendritic cells
Ly49H receptor
NK cells
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:188:777448
Study programme Title: Biomedicine Postgraduate (doctoral) study programme Study programme type: university Study level: postgraduate Academic / professional title: doktor/doktorica znanosti, područje biomedicine i zdravstvo (doktor/doktorica znanosti, područje biomedicine i zdravstvo)
Catalog URL https://libraries.uniri.hr/cgi-bin/unilib.cgi?form=D1130217073
Type of resource Text
Extent 115 str; 30 cm
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Closed access
Terms of use
Created on 2017-01-19 17:39:58