Title Optimizacija izbora lokacije i sadržaja luke nautičkog turizma : doktorska disertacija
Author Mirjana Kovačić
Mentor Čedomir Dundović (mentor)
Committee member Serđo Kos (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Čedomir Dundović (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Damir Zec (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Blanka Kesić (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Nenad Mladineo (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Rijeka Faculty of Maritime Studies Rijeka
Defense date and country 2008-07-02, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Economics
Universal decimal classification (UDC ) 656.6 - Transport by water
Abstract Doktorska disertacija pod naslovom: ,, Optimizacija izbora lokacije i sadržaja luke nautičkog turizma" ima za svrhu istraživanja definirati prostome mogućnosti i luke te predložiti kriterije radi optimalnog odabira lokacije i sadržaja nautičke luke. U radu su postavljeni i poseban cilj istraživanja koji obzirom na postavljeni problem zahtijevaju uporabu višekriterijske analize.
U radu se naglašava sustavni pristup analizi činitelja koji utječu na izbor lokacije i sadržaja luke turizma.
... More Analizira se njihova povezanost i djelovanje koje je omogućilo da se na temelju takvih spoznaja izradi prostorni i tehnološko- ekonomski model luke turizma u funkciji održivog razvoja. Definirani su kriteriji izbora lokacije i sadržaja luke turizma, a njihovo vrednovanje rezultiralo je donošenjem odluke o odabiru optimalnog rješenja. Strukturiranost ili definiranost problema predstavlja najvažniju karakteristiku s obzirom na metode i postupke podrške o konkretnom problemu. Dobro strukturirani problemi su vrlo uspješno rješavani metodama i tehnikama optimizacije i drugim ekonometrijskim metodama. Za ili nedovoljno strukturirane probleme neophodan je prijelaz na novu koncepciju podrške i novu generaciju modela koji omogućavaju i ostalim, višekriterijski pristup u rješavanju problema.
U radu se izlažu metode višekriterijske analize u funkciji izbora lokacije luke
nautičkog turizma i to na da se definira model, a zatim na primjeru izbora lokacije luke turizma na Sjevernom Jadranu daje i slikovni prikaz primjera rješavanja softverom Decision Lab za metodu PROMETHEE i Expert Choice
za metodu AHP. Naglašava se uporaba metode GAIA za vizualizaciju karakteristika problema geometrijskom interpretacijom te prezentiranje rezultata višekriterijske analize. U radu se elaboriraju rezultati višekriterijske analize verbalnom i grafičkom interpretacijom dobivenih rangova.
Provedeno istraživanje ukazuje na važnost sustavnog poimanja i prihvaćanja
integralnog upravljanja morskim i obalnim okolišem kao održivog razvoja.
Utvrđen je optimalni prihvatni kapacitet luka turizma i prostorno razvojna
koncepcija. Postavljen je optimizacijski model izbora lokacije i sadržaja luke
nautičkog turizma kroz definiranje kriterija, težinskih koeficijenata te
uspoređivanje dobivenih alternativa. Provjera primjene optimizacijskog modela izbora lokacije i sadržaja, korištenjem metoda višekriterijske analize, provedena je na konkretnim primjerima s naglaskom na primjenjivost na bilo koju lokaciju luke.
Primjena modela postizanje kvalitete i poslovanja luka nautičkog turizma kao nositelja razvoja turizma i sastavnice integralnog upravljanja pomorskim dobrom. Less
Abstract (english) The purpose of the doctoral thesis entitled "Optimisation of selection of the location and facilities of a nautical tourism port'' is to define physical capacities and limitations and to propose criteria for optimal selection of the location and of the facilities of a
nautical tourism port. General and special aims of the research have been set which, in terms of the set problem, require the application of multi-criteria analysis. The structure or the definition of the problem is the
... More most important characteristic in view of the possible support methods and procedures for making decisions about a particular problem. Well structured problems have been successfully resolved by applying optimisation techniques and methods and other econometric methods, but if the problems are partially or insufficiently structured it is necessary to orient to the new concept of support to the decision-making process and to the new generation of mathematical methods which allow for multi-criteria approach to problem solving.
In this paper, the author accentuates the systematic approach to the analysis of the factors affecting the selection of the location and facilities of a nautical tourism port. Their interrelation and effects that provided grounds for the design of physical and technological-economical model of a nautical tourism port for the purpose of sustainable development have been analysed. The criteria for the selection of the location and
facilities of a nautical tourism port have been determined, and their evaluation resulted in deciding about the selection of the optimal solution.
The author presented the methods of multi-criteria analysis for the purpose of selection of the location for a nautical tourism port: first a general model is defined and then, in an example of the selection of location for a nautical tourism port in the North Adriatic, an analytical and graphic presentation of solutions using Decision lab software for PROMETHEE method and Expert Choice for AHP method are given. The use of GAIA method for the visualisation of problem characteristics through geometric interpretation and presentation of the results ofthe multi-criteria analysis are pointed out. The results of multi-criteria analysis are elaborated in verbal and graphic interpretation of the obtained ·Ievels.
The research indicates the importance of systematic conception and acceptance of integral management of the sea and littoral environment as factors of sustainable development. The accommodation capacities of nautical tourism ports and physical development concept have been determined. Through defining the criteria, determining weighted coefficients and comparing the obtained alternatives, the optimisation model of the selection of the location and facilities of a nautical tourism port has been established. The verification of the application of optimisation model for selecting the location and the facilities, implementing methods of multi-criteria analyses and has been done on
specific examples with special attention given to applicability to any location of a nautical port.
The implementation of the model allows attaining the quality and efficiency of business operations of a nautical tourism port - the holder of the development of nautical tourism and element of integral management of maritime domain. Less
Luke nautičkog turizma
višekriterijska analiza
optimizacijski model
Keywords (english)
port of nautical tourism
multi-criteria analysis
optimisation model
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:188:797236
Promotion 2008
Study programme Title: Postgraduate (doctoral) university study programme - Maritime Studies Study programme type: university Study level: postgraduate Academic / professional title: doktor/doktorica znanosti, područje tehničkih znanosti, polje tehnologija prometa i transport (doktor/doktorica znanosti, područje tehničkih znanosti, polje tehnologija prometa i transport)
Catalog URL https://libraries.uniri.hr/cgi-bin/unilib.cgi?form=D1111225098
Type of resource Text
Extent 241 str; 30 cm
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Closed access
Terms of use
Created on 2017-01-19 18:55:09