Title Metodologija postupanja vodenim balastom na brodu : doktorski rad
Title (english) Methodology of ballast water management on-board
Author Željko Kurtela
Mentor Pavao Komadina (mentor)
Committee member Vjekoslav Koljatić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Pavao Komadina (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Josip Kasum (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Rijeka Faculty of Maritime Studies Rijeka
Defense date and country 2008-01-15, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline TECHNICAL SCIENCES Traffic and Transport Technology Maritime and River Traffic
Universal decimal classification (UDC ) 629 - Transport vehicle engineering
Abstract U ovom radu postavljen je problem postupanja s vodenim balastom na brodu s naglaskom na ekološki prihvatljive metode. Analizirane su štetnosti koje nastaju kao posljedica utjecaja ispuštenih organizama na morski okoliš i dani primjeri nepovratnih promjena u određenim akvatorijima. Definirane su faze prijenosa organizma u balastnim sustavima i analizirane karakteristike balastnih sustava prema tipovima brodova s naglaskom na faktore koji utječu na stupanj preživljavanja organizama.
... More Razmatrani su sadašnji i mogući budući načini postupanja s vodenim balastom na brodovima. Analizirane su metode izmjene vodenog balasta. Istražene su i predložene metode obrade s najvećim izgledima za moguću primjenu prema tipu broda i uvjetima putovanja.
Postavljeno je vrjednovanje datih metoda prema zadanim kriterijima sigurnosti, biološke efikasnosti i prihvatljivosti za okoliš. Iznesen je prijedlog procedure provjere postupanja s vodenim balastom. Utjecaj pravne regulative prikazan je pregledom i komentarom propisa koji se djelomično i potpuno odnose na problematiku postupanja s vodenim balastom.
Određeni su i raščlanjeni svi faktori utjecaja te je definirana sveobuhvatna metodologija postupanja vodenim balastom. Metodologija se temelji na relevantnim tehničkim, operativnim, normizacijskim, ljudskim i prirodnim faktorima utjecaja. Istraženi su elementi stanja navedenih faktora i dodjeljene pripadajuće razine štetnosti. Pridruživanjem metoda izmjene i obrade postavljen je model štetnosti postupanja s vodenim balastom primjenjiv za sve moguće scenarije ispuštanja vodenoga balasta s brodova. Primjena modela provjerena je na konkretnim primjerima karakterističnih tipova brodova. Analizom zbirnih scenarija uočeni su pozitivni i negativni sinergijski učinci pojedinih elemenata stanja.
Prepoznati su elementi stanja tehničkih i prirodnih faktora kojima je moguće smanjiti razine štetnosti. Posebno su razmatrana i predložena moguća konstrukcijska poboljšanja balastnih tankova i sustava balasta koja utječu na smanjivanje zbirnih scenarija štetnosti vodenog balasta.
Analizirano je postupanje s vodenim balastom u hrvatskim lukama za 2006. godinu s posebnim naglaskom na luku Ploče. Less
Abstract (english) This paper elaborates on the problem of ballast water management on-board with an emphasis to environmentaly friendly treatment methods. Harmful impacts of discharged organisms onto the marine environment have been analysed. Phases of transportation of these organisms in ships' ballast systems have been defined and characteristics of the ballast systems according to ship types with an emphasis on the factors influencing the survival rate of such organisms have been analysed.
... More present and possible future means of ballast water management on-board have been contemplated. Analyses of ballast water exchange methods have been made. The best applicable treatment methods according to ship type and voyage conditions have been explored and proposed.
Evaluation of the given methods has been made according to safety criteria ascertained, biological efficacy and environmental impact. Ballast water management evaluation procedure has been proposed. The legal regulations pertaining to water ballast treatment have been shown in a review and commentary on the provisions covering the water ballast management issue partially or in full.
All the factors influencing ballast water treatment have been determined and thoroughly analysed, and an overall ballast water management methodology has been set up. The methodology is based on relevant technical, operational, standardization, human and natural impact factors. Status elements of these factors have been explored each having been assigned its corresponding level of harmfulness. By assignment of exchange and treatment methods a ballast water management harmfulness model has been set up, applicable to all possible scenarios of ballast water discharge from ships. The application of the model has been tested on specific examples of characteristic ship types. By analysis of cumulative scenarios the positive and negative sinergic effects of particular status elements have been found.
The status elements of technical and natural factors enabling diminishing of the harmful impacts have been determined. Possible constructive improvements on ballast tanks and ballast systems directly influencing the reduction of cumulative water ballast harmfulness scenarios in particular have been contemplated and proposed.
Analysis of ballast water management in Croatian ports in the year 2006 has been made, with particular emphasis on the port of Ploče. Less
vodeni balast
sustav balasta
postupanje s vodenim balastom
metode izmjene
metode obrade
faktori utjecaja
elementi stanja
štetnost postupanja
model štetnosti
Keywords (english)
ballast water
ballast system
ballast water management
exchange methods
treatment methods
impact factors
status elements
management harmfulness
harmfulness model
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:188:031128
Study programme Title: Postgraduate (doctoral) university study programme - Maritime Studies Study programme type: university Study level: postgraduate Academic / professional title: doktor/doktorica znanosti, područje tehničkih znanosti, polje tehnologija prometa i transport (doktor/doktorica znanosti, područje tehničkih znanosti, polje tehnologija prometa i transport)
Catalog URL http://libraries.uniri.hr/cgi-bin/ucat/unilib.cgi?form=D1111201005
Type of resource Text
Extent 148 str.
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Closed access
Terms of use
Created on 2017-01-19 19:26:44