Title Prijelazni objekti i socijalno-emocionalna dobrobit i otpornost djece
Title (english) Transitional Objects and Socio-Emotional Well-Being and Resilience of Children
Author Tamara Komadina
Mentor Sanja Tatalović Vorkapić (mentor)
Committee member Renata Čepić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Sanja Tatalović Vorkapić (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Dunja Anđić (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Rijeka Faculty of Teacher Education Rijeka
Defense date and country 2023-05-25, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline INTERDISCIPLINARY AREAS OF KNOWLEDGE Educational Sciences (Child and Educational Psychology, Sociology of Education, Political Science of Education, Economics of Education, Anthropology of Education, Neurosciences and Early Learning, Educational Disciplines)
Abstract Prema Nacionalnom kurikulumu za rani i predškolski odgoj i obrazovanje (2014) bitna je zadaća podupirati socijalno-emocionalnu dobrobiti djece, naročito u razdobljima kao što su prijelaz iz obiteljskog doma u vrtić. S obzorom da su prijelazna razdoblja posebno zahtjevna za daljnji razvoj djece, ovo će se istraživanje usredotočiti na socijalno-emocionalnu dobrobit i otpornost te na funkciju prijelaznog objekta. Nadalje, s obzirom na to sa se perspektive odgajatelja i roditelja često suprotne, ova će se studija baviti razumijevanjem obje perspektive s ciljem boljeg razumijevanja onog što je potrebno za osiguranje što veće socijalno-emocionalne dobrobiti i otpornosti. Područje socijalno-emocionalne dobrobiti i otpornosti djece rane i predškolske dobi determinirano je nizom različitih čimbenika, posebice kada je riječ o specifičnim situacijama kao što je prijelaz iz obitelji u vrtić. Istraživanja i svakodnevna praksa pokazali su da je uloga prijelaznih objekata iznimno važna, što će biti analizirano u odnosu na socijalno-emocionalnu dobrobit i otpornost djece. Osnovni cilj ovog istraživanja je proučiti odnos između uloge i važnosti prijelaznog objekta i socijalno-emocionalne dobrobiti i otpornosti djece tijekom prilagodbe. Istraživanje je provedeno na prigodnom uzorku u kojem su sudjelovali roditelji (N=154), odgajatelji (N=12), i djeca (N=202). Korištena je anonimna anketa za roditelje i odgajatelje. Analizom dobivenih rezultata uočena je sličnost u procjenama roditelja i odgajatelja, odnosno roditelji i odgajatelji djelomično se slažu s činjenicom o važnosti i upotrebi prijelaznog objekta. Također, analizom rezultata potvrđena je sličnost u procjenama roditelja i odgajatelja, što znači da roditelji i odgajatelji ističu pozitivnu povezanost adekvatnog tijeka prilagodbe, s višom razinom socijalno-emocionalne dobrobiti i otpornosti djece. Osim navedenog istraživanja i brojna druga istraživanja, također potvrđuju hipotezu o povezanosti adekvatnog tijeka prilagodbe s višom raznom socijalno-emocionalnu dobrobit i otpornost djece. Nadalje, analizom dobivenih rezultata i prethodno provedenih istraživanja potvrđena je i posljednja hipoteza koja govori o povezanosti percepcije roditelja i odgajatelja o korištenju prijelaznog objekta, adekvatnog tijeka prilagodbe i socijalno-emocionalne dobrobiti i otpornosti djece s karakteristikama djece, roditelja i odgajatelja. Dobivenim saznanjima jasno je za zaključiti da prijelazni objekti imaju iznimno važnu ulogu za adekvatan prijelaz i socijalno-emocionalnu dobrobit i otpornost djece tijekom prijelaza uzimajući u obzir i karakteristike djece, roditelja i odgajatelja.
Abstract (english) According to the National Curriculum for Early and Preschool Education (2014), it is an important task to support the social-emotional well-being of children, especially in periods such as the transition from the family home to kindergarten. Given that transitional periods are particularly demanding for children's further development, this research will focus on social-emotional well-being and resilience and on the function of a transitional facility. Furthermore, considering that the perspectives of educators and parents are often opposite, this study will deal with understanding both perspectives with the aim of better understanding what is needed to ensure the greatest possible social-emotional well-being and resilience. The area of social-emotional well-being and resilience of early and preschool children is determined by a number of different factors, especially when it comes to specific situations such as the transition from family to kindergarten. Research and everyday practice have shown that the role of transitional facilities is extremely important, which will be analyzed in relation to the social-emotional well-being and resilience of children. The main goal of this research is to study the relationship between the role and importance of the transitional object and the social-emotional well-being and resilience of children during adaptation. The research was conducted on a convenience sample in which parents (N=154), educators (N=12), and children (N=202) participated. An anonymous survey for parents and educators was used. The analysis of the obtained results revealed a similarity in the assessments of parents and educators, that is, parents and educators partly agree with the fact about the importance and use of the transitional object. Also, the analysis of the results confirmed the similarity in the assessments of parents and educators, which means that parents and educators emphasize the positive connection of an adequate course of adaptation, with a higher level of social-emotional well-being and resilience of children. In addition to the aforementioned research, numerous other studies also confirm the hypothesis of a connection between an adequate course of adaptation and a higher variety of social-emotional well-being and resilience of children. Furthermore, the analysis of the obtained results and previously conducted research confirmed the last hypothesis, which talks about the connection between the perception of parents and educators about the use of a transitional object, the adequate course of adaptation and the social-emotional well-being and resilience of children with the characteristics of children, parents and educators. Based on the findings, it is clear to conclude that transitional objects have an important role for adequate course of adaptation, as well as on social-emotional well-being and resilience, taking into account the characteristics of children, parents and educators.
socijalno-emocionalna dobrobit
prijelazni objekt
Keywords (english)
social-emotional well-being
transition facilities
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:189:697917
Study programme Title: Education Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra ranog i predškolskog odgoja i obrazovanja (magistar/magistra ranog i predškolskog odgoja i obrazovanja)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Created on 2023-05-28 21:31:57