Title Motivacija za postignućem i školski uspjeh učenika
Title (english) The Motivation for Achievement and Pupils' Academic Achievement
Author Tina Magdić
Mentor Darko Lončarić (mentor)
Committee member Darko Lončarić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Sanja Skočić Mihić (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Renata Čepić (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Rijeka Faculty of Teacher Education (Department for Interdisciplinary and Natural Sciences) Rijeka
Defense date and country 2017-07-18, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline INTERDISCIPLINARY AREAS OF KNOWLEDGE Educational Sciences (Child and Educational Psychology, Sociology of Education, Political Science of Education, Economics of Education, Anthropology of Education, Neurosciences and Early Learning, Educational Disciplines)
Abstract Tema ovog diplomskog rada odnosi se na problematiku samoprocjene učenikovog motiva za postignućem i samoučinkovitosti te povezanosti različitih aspekata tih čimbenika s nezadovoljstvom učenika vlastitim uspjehom i učiteljevim opažanjima o njima. Za ispitivanje učeničke procjene vlastite motivacije, samoučinkovitosti te nezadovoljstva školskim uspjehom korištena je Skala motivacije za izbjegavanjem neuspjeha i Skala samoučinkovitosti (podijeljena na dvije subskale: samoučinkovitost u procesu učenja i samoučinkovitost u postizanju željenih ishoda). Obje skale su primijenjene u numeričkoj i grafičkoj verziji. Za dobivanje rezultata o učiteljevim opažanjima korištena je skala Percepcija učeničke samoregulacije (podijeljena na tri subskale: regulacija motivacije, regulacija strategija i metakognicija te regulacija okoline). U istraživanju je sudjelovalo ukupno 251 učenik i 30 učitelja iz ukupno sedam škola na području grada Rijeke. Podaci su prikupljeni metodom anketiranja u razdoblju od 45 dana.
Rezultati istraživanja pokazuju da je veća pouzdanost dobivena na numeričkim nasuprot grafičkim verzijama formata odgovora na skali motivacije za izbjegavanjem neuspjeha te skali samoučinkovitosti što ukazuje na činjenicu da grafička verzija skala nema zadovoljavajuću homogenost tipa unutarnje konzistencije. Mann Whitneyev test razlika pokazuje da ne postoji razlika između srednjih vrijednosti numeričke i grafičke verzije skale motivacije za izbjegavanjem neuspjeha te skala samoučinkovitosti, što govori u prilog tome da učenici jednako doživljavaju i brojeve i smajliće pri procjeni razine vlastite motivacije i osobine samoučinkovitosti. Između učiteljevih procjena samoregulacije učenika i učenikovih procjena vlastite motivacije i samoučinkovitosti pronađena je pozitivna povezanost u subskali opažene samoregulacije okoline i motivacije za izbjegavanjem neuspjeha te skali opažene samoregulacije okoline i samoučinkovitosti u procesu učenja. Između ostalih skala nije pronađena statistički značajna povezanost. Nadalje, rezultati ukazuju na to da učenici koji su nezadovoljni uspjehom u školi procjenjuju niže na skali samoučinkovitosti i skali motivacije za izbjegavanjem neuspjeha. U povezanosti školskih ocjena s korištenim skalama pronađene su pozitivne povezanosti u gotovo svim predmetima. Povećanjem procjene samoučinkovitosti učenika i učiteljevim procjenama učeničke samoregulacije povećavaju se i njihove ocjene. No, rezultati upućuju i na to se povećanjem učeničke motivacije za izbjegavanjem neuspjeha povećavaju i ocjene učenika iz pojedinih predmeta što ukazuje da u hrvatskom obrazovnom sustavu kod uspješne djece dominiraju obrambeni motivacijski obrasci.
Abstract (english) The main subject of this diploma theses deals with self-assessment of the students achievement motive, self-efficacy and correlations between different aspects of these factors with students satisfaction of their academic success and teacher's perception of students. To examine students self-evaluation of motivation, self- efficacy and satisfaction with school success two scales where used: Scale of motivation for avoiding failure and Scale of self-efficacy (divided in two subscale: self-efficacy in learning process and self-efficacy in achieving goals). Both scales were applied in numeric and graphical versions. In order to obtain teacher's observations one scale is used, Perceived students self-regulation, divided in three sub-scales: regulation of motivation, regulation of strategies and metacognition and regulation of the environment. A total of 251 students and 30 teachers from seven schools participated in the study, all of them in the area of the city Rijeka. The data were collected by a 45-day survey.
The results of the research showed greater reliability is obtained in numerical version comparing it with graphical version of format response of Scale of avoiding failure and Scale of self-efficacy pointing to the fact that the graphical version of the scale doesn't have internal consistency homogeneity that is satisfactory. Mann Whitney's Test doesn't shows any differences between the
mean values of the numerical and graphical version of the scale of avoiding failure or the self-efficacy scale, which points da students have the same experience with numbers and smiles when evaluating their own abilities. Among the teacher's assessment of student self-regulation and student self-motivation estimates of self-motivation and self-efficacy, a positive correlation was found in subscale of perceived self-regulation of the environment and motivation to avoid failure and the scale of observed self-regulation of the environment and self- efficacy in the learning process. No statistically significant correlation was found among the other scales. Furthermore, the results indicate that students who are not satisfied with their school success estimate their self-efficacy lower as well as the evaluation of their motivation for avoiding failure. In the correlation of school grades with the used scales, positive correlations have been found in almost all subjects. By increasing assessment of students 'self-efficacy and teachers' assessments, students grades also increase. However, the results that point to the fact that increasing student motivation to avoid failure increases student grades from individual subjects indicates that defensive motivational patterns dominate in the Croatian educational system for successful children.
motivacija za postignućem
samoučinkovitost učenika
zadovoljstvo učenika
opažana samoregulacija
školski uspjeh
Keywords (english)
motivation for achievement
self-efficacy of students
student satisfaction
perceived self-regulation
school success
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:189:424275
Study programme Title: Integrated graduate and graduate study of Primary School Education Study programme type: university Study level: integrated undergraduate and graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra primarnog obrazovanja (magistar/magistra primarnog obrazovanja)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Access restricted to students and staff of home institution
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Created on 2017-11-06 09:53:50