Title Povezanost vrtićkoga okruženja s poticanjem divergentno-eksploratorne likovne kreativnosti predškolske djece
Title (english) The Relationship Between Kindergarten Environment and the Divergent-Explorative Visual Creativity of Preschool Children
Author Dunja Stolac
Mentor Anita Rončević (mentor)
Committee member Darko Lončarić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Anita Rončević (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Mirna Marić (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Rijeka Faculty of Teacher Education Rijeka
Defense date and country 2019-02-27, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline INTERDISCIPLINARY AREAS OF KNOWLEDGE Educational Sciences (Child and Educational Psychology, Sociology of Education, Political Science of Education, Economics of Education, Anthropology of Education, Neurosciences and Early Learning, Educational Disciplines)
Abstract Tema istraživanja je povezanost vrtićkoga okruženja s poticanjem divergentno-eksplorativne likovne kreativnosti predškolske djece. Stručna literatura nudi razne definicije kreativnosti koje se predstavljaju u teorijskom okviru ovoga rada. U istraživanju se primjenjuju spoznaje iz definicija kreativnosti Renzulli i Reis (1985), Petrović Sočo (2000), Kaufman i Beghetto (2009) i Slunjski (2013).
U radu se raspravljaju čimbenici poticajnog okruženja u institucijskom kontekstu.
Za potrebe ovoga istraživanja koristio se EPoC test procjene potencijalne kreativnosti koji se provodi se u okviru OECD projekta Procjena napretka u razvoju vještina kreativnog i kritičkog mišljenja.
Provedeno je istraživanje na Učiteljskom fakultetu Sveučilišta u Rijeci među prvima provođenima u RH u području predškolskog odgoja i obrazovanja. Test se provodio u Dječjem vrtiću Rijeka, PPO Potok na uzorku od 25 djece te je dio većega istraživanja na području Istre i Kvarnera koje je obuhvatilo 105 djece te čiji su rezultati obrađeni u analizi i raspravi.
Cilj je istraživanja pokrenuti testiranje kreativnosti u predškolskim ustanova u svrhu razvoja boljeg razumijevanja kreativnosti u predškolskoj dobi i njenog mjerenja; u svrhu adaptacije odgovarajućega poticajnog okruženja u institucijskom kontekstu, a tako i prilagodbe programa i raznih edukacija za odgajatelje.
Svrha istraživanja je provođenje EPoC testa u predškolskim ustanovama u Republici Hrvatskoj, čime se započinju istraživanje na području koje je u dosadašnjim istraživanjima nije provođeno u vrtićima nego samo u školama.
Testom je ispitivana razina potencijalne kreativnosti kod djece u dobi od pet i šest godina te razina divergentno-eksplorativnog procesa razmišljanja kod djece predškolske dobi u odgojno-obrazovnoj instituciji. Dobiveni su rezultati uspoređeni s procjenom okruženja koju su dali matični odgajatelji iz njihove skupine. Tako se daje doprinos da se na temelju novih saznanja izrade smjernice za daljnju prilagodbu odgojno-obrazovnog programa potrebama djece. Uključenost odgajatelja u istraživanje omogućuje raspravu o prilagođenosti EPoC testa procjene potencijalne kreativnosti djeci predškolskog uzrasta s obzirom na eksplorativnu prirodu ovog istraživanja.
Potvrđene su dvije hipoteze: (1) da postoji statistički značajna razlika između djece različite dobi u rezultatima na EPoC testu procjene potencijalne kreativnosti te (2) da postoji statistički značajna razlika između ispitanika različite dobi u odgajateljevim procjenama poticajnog okruženja.
U analizi dječjih likovnih uradaka raspravlja se o kreativnosti i originalnosti u produciranju divergentno-eksplorativnog te konvergentno-integrativnog mišljenja.
Abstract (english) The study was centred around the connection between preschool surroundings and stimulating divergent and exploratory artistic creativity in preschool children. Expert literature offers various definitions of creativity that are presented in the theoretical framework of this paper. The notions concerning the definitions of creativity by Renzulli and Reis (1985), Petrović Sočo (2000), Kaufman and Beghetto (2009) and Slunjski (2013) are cited in the study.
The paper discusses the factors of stimulating surroundings in the context of preschool education.
For the purpose of this study, the EPoC potential creativity test was used. This test is also carried out as a part of the OECD project Assessing progression in creative and critical thinking skills in education.
The study was conducted at the Faculty of Teacher Education of the University of Rijeka and was one of the first ones in the field of preschool education conducted in the Republic of Croatia. The test was conducted at Rijeka Preschool (Dječji vrtić Rijeka), Potok Early Childhood Education Sub-Centre on a sample of 25 children and was part of a larger study in the Istria and Kvarner area, which covered 105 children and whose results are analysed and discussed in this paper.
The aim of the study was to promote testing and evaluation of creativity in preschools for the purpose of developing a better understanding of creativity in preschool children and its measurement; for the purpose of creating appropriate stimulating surroundings in preschool institutions, as well as adapting various programmes and workshops for preschool teachers.
The purpose of the study was to conduct the EPoC test at preschools in the Republic of Croatia, thereby initiating a study in a field that previously only included schools, and not preschools.
The test was aimed at investigating the potential creativity level in children aged five and six years and the level of the divergent-exploratory thinking process in preschool children at the educational establishment. The results obtained were compared with an assessment of the surroundings provided by the preschool teachers from their group. The aforementioned contributes to the drafting of guidelines for further adaptation of the educational programme to the needs of children based on new insights. The involvement of preschool teachers in the study enables a discussion on the topic of adapting the EPoC potential creativity test for preschool children, given the explorative nature of this study.
Two hypotheses were confirmed: (1) according to the results of the EPOC potential creativity test, there is a statistically significant difference between children of different ages and (2) there is a statistically significant difference between the subjects of different ages in the assessments of the stimulating preschool surroundings prepared by the preschool teachers.
In the analysis of children’s artworks, creativity and originality are discussed in the context of stimulating divergent-exploratory and convergent-integrative thinking.
divergentno-eksplorativno mišljenje
likovna kreativnost
Keywords (english)
divergent-exploratory artistic creativity
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:189:817963
Study programme Title: Education Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra ranog i predškolskog odgoja i obrazovanja (magistar/magistra ranog i predškolskog odgoja i obrazovanja)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
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Created on 2019-03-04 11:03:59