Title Evaluacija muzejskih radionica za djecu
Title (english) Evaluation of Museum Workshops for Children
Author Andrea Rubeša
Mentor Nataša Vlah (mentor)
Committee member Lidija Vujičić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Nataša Vlah (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Petra Pejić Papak (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Rijeka Faculty of Teacher Education (Department for Interdisciplinary and Natural Sciences) Rijeka
Defense date and country 2016-07-15, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline INTERDISCIPLINARY AREAS OF KNOWLEDGE Educational Sciences (Child and Educational Psychology, Sociology of Education, Political Science of Education, Economics of Education, Anthropology of Education, Neurosciences and Early Learning, Educational Disciplines)
Abstract Temeljni cilj rada bio je evaluirati muzejske radionice za djecu s aspekta učenika, voditelja radionica, roditelja i učitelja kako bi se utvrdilo njihovo stajalište, doživljaj i mišljenje o iskustvu iz različitih perspektiva. Specifični ciljevi istraživanja su utvrditi procjenu doživljaja muzejskih radionica iz perspektive učenika, razlikuju li se učenici i učenice u doživljaju muzejskih radionica, povezanost dobi učenika i njihovog doživljaja muzejskih radionica; čime su voditelji najviše, a čime najmanje zadovoljni obzirom na planiranje, organizaciju i provedbu muzejskih radionica, mišljenje roditelja o muzejskim radionicama te opisati učiteljeve utiske o učenikovoj motiviranosti radionicom i korisnosti radionice za učenike. Hipoteze koje se odnose na učenike, voditelje i roditelje testirane su kvantitativnom analizom, a istraživačko pitanje koje se odnosi na učitelje obrađeno je kvalitativnim pristupom kodiranja i tematske analize sadržaja teksta. U istraživanju je ukupno sudjelovalo 572 sudionika, od toga 340 djece (učenici razredne nastave), 25 evaluatora/voditelja radionica, 184 roditelja i 23 učitelja.
Prema osnovnim rezultatima istraživanja učenici su u radionicama vrlo pozitivno evaluirali istraživačku komponentu i vlastitu motiviranost, dok su aspekt primjene znanja evaluirali slabije. Razlike između djevojčica i dječaka utvrđene su na radionici Kad narastem bit ću kustos, gdje je utvrđeno da djevojčice više, a dječaci manje planiraju primijeniti naučeno te razmišljati o istom. Što su učenici mlađi, to im je veća motiviranost i želja za ponovnim sudjelovanjem na Malim arheolozima, a što su stariji to bi više primjenjivali i razmišljali o naučenom u radionici Kad narastem bit ću kustos. Voditeljice su izrazito visoko ocijenile zadovoljstvo organizacijom i vođenjem radionica, a najzadovoljnije su poticajnim sredstvima od strane muzeja, dok slabije procjenjuju zadovoljstvo provedenim metodama rada. Rezultati evaluacije roditelja pokazuju kako im je drago da je dijete učilo u pratnji svoje učiteljice i smatraju kako je dobro da škola surađuje s muzejima u realizaciji nastave. Učiteljice su motiviranost učenika ocijenile kao izrazito visoku te smatraju kako su učenici utvrdili i proširili prethodno znanje, ali su i nešto novo naučili.
Abstract (english) The basic aim of this paper was to evaluate the museum workshop for children in terms of students, workshop leaders, teachers and parents to determine their position, experience and opinion about the experience from different perspectives. Specific objectives of the research are to determine: the assessment of the experience of museum workshops from the perspective of students; differences between the girls and boys in the experience of museum workshop; correlation between age of students and their experience of museum workshops; with what are leaders the most and the least satisfied in the planning, organization and implementation of museum workshops; identify the parent's opinion of the museum workshops and describe the teacher's impressions on the student's motivation during the workshop and utility workshops for students. Hypotheses concerning the students, workshop leaders and parents were tested through quantitative analysis and research question concerning the teachers was treated through qualitative approach applying coding and thematic analysis of the content of the text. The study involved a total of 572 participants, of which 340 primary school students, 25 evaluators/workshop leaders, 23 teachers and 184 parents.
According to basic research results students in the workshops very positively evaluated the research component and their own motivation, while the aspect of the application of knowledge evaluated weaker. The differences between boys and girls were identified in a workshop When I grow up I will be the curator so girls more than boys are planning to apply and think about the lessons learned. Younger students have higher motivation and desire in re – participation in the Little archaeologists and the older students are applied to more and reflect on lessons learned in the workshop When I grow up I will be the curator. Workshop leaders extremely high estimated satisfaction with the organization and conduct of workshops. They are the most satisfied with incentives by the museum, while the lower estimate pleasure implemented in methods. Evaluation results show that parents were very glad that the child is taught accompanied by their teachers and they think it is good that the school collaborates with museums in teaching. Teachers have indicated that the students motivation was extremely high and they believe that the students identify and expand prior knowledge, but also learn something new.
muzejska pedagogija
muzejska radionica i evaluacija
Keywords (english)
museum pedagogy
museum workshops and evaluation
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:189:024426
Study programme Title: Integrated graduate and graduate study of Primary School Education Study programme type: university Study level: integrated undergraduate and graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra primarnog obrazovanja (magistar/magistra primarnog obrazovanja)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Access restricted to students and staff of home institution
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Created on 2016-09-03 14:05:09