Title Rezilijentnost kao suvremena kompetencija odgajatelja
Title (english) Resilience as a contemporary competence of preschool teachers
Author Lorena Stanić
Mentor Danijela Blanuša Trošelj (mentor)
Committee member Željko Boneta (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Danijela Blanuša Trošelj (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Anita Rončević (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Rijeka Faculty of Teacher Education Rijeka
Defense date and country 2021-09-24, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline INTERDISCIPLINARY AREAS OF KNOWLEDGE Educational Sciences (Child and Educational Psychology, Sociology of Education, Political Science of Education, Economics of Education, Anthropology of Education, Neurosciences and Early Learning, Educational Disciplines)
Abstract Rezilijentnost je zadnjih nekoliko godina značajan predmet istraživanja u svijetu. Odgajateljsko zvanje smatra se sve stresnijim, a kako vrijeme odmiče, postavlja se pitanje kako se odgajatelji nose sa zahtjevima istog. Cilj je ovoga rada bio ispitati
mišljenje odgajatelja o osobnoj rezilijentnosti. Na temelju cilja definirana su četiri istraživačka pitanja kroz koje se ustanovilo kako odgajatelji samoprocjenjuju elemente osobne rezilijentnosti, postoje li statistički značajne razlike u samoprocjeni elemenata
osobne rezilijentnosti obzirom na sociodemografske varijable, koji su čimbenici prema mišljenju odgajatelja najviše zastupljeni u razvoju rezilijentnosti te postoje li statistički značajne razlike u mišljenju odgajatelja o utjecaju čimbenika na rezilijentnost obzirom
na sociodemografske varijable. U istraživanju je sudjelovalo 139 odgajatelja iz dječjih vrtića Opatija, Matulji, Kastav i More. Za prikupljanje podataka o samoprocjeni odgajatelja, sastavljen je upitnik. Sastoji se od tri mjerna instrumenta: skale osobnih
elemenata rezilijentnosti odgajatelja, skale čimbenika koji utječu na rezilijentnost odgajatelja i sociodemografskih varijabli. Elementi koji su se pokazali najvišima u osobnoj rezilijentnosti su sigurni i bliski odnosi s barem jednom osobom izvan ustanove
te povjerenje u barem jednu osobu unutar odgojno-obrazovne ustanove. Čimbenici koji su najviše zastupljeni u razvoju rezilijentnosti odgajatelja su izricanje vlastitog stava i mišljenja u razgovoru i suradnji s kolegama te samopouzdanje potrebno za izvedbu osmišljenog plana za rad s djecom, dok je najniže ocijenjen čimbenik, cijenjenost struke od strane okoline. Sociodemografske varijable pokazale su povezanost dobi i radnog staža odgajatelja u određenim tvrdnjama, razinu obrazovanja preddiplomskog i diplomskog sveučilišnog studija kao važan prediktor u razvoju rezilijentnosti te mogućnost pohađanja tečaja faktor koji pospješuje individualni kapacitet rezilijentnosti odgajatelja.
Abstract (english) Resilience has been the subject of research around the world for the past few years. The preschool teaching profession is considered increasingly stressful and the question arises how teachers deal with this stress. Four research questions were defined to determine how educators self-assess elements of personal resilience, whether there are statistically
significant differences in self-assessment of elements of personal resilience with respect to sociodemographic variables, which factors are most prevalent in the development of resilience and are there any differences in preschool teachers' opinions on the influence of factors on resilience with respect to sociodemographic variables. One hundred and
thirty nine preschool teachers from kindergartens Opatija, Matulji, Kastav and More participated in the study. To collect data a questionnaire was drawn up. It consists of three measuring instruments: scale of personal resilience elements of preschool teacher, scale of factors that influence on resilience of preschool teachers and sociodemographic variables. The elements that have proven to be the highest in personal resilience are secure and close relationships with at least one person outside the institution and trust in at least one person within the educational institution. The factors that are most
represented in the development of preschool teachers' resilience are expressing their own views and opinions in conversation and cooperation with colleagues and the confidence needed to implement a designed plan for working with children, while the lowest rated factor is the appreciation of the profession by the environment. Sociodemographic
variables showed the relationship between the age and length of service of preschool teachers in certain statements, the level of education of undergraduate and graduate university studies as an important predictor in the development of resilience and the possibility of attending the course a factor that enhances individual resilience of teachers.
čimbenici rezilijentnosti
Keywords (english)
resilience factors
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:189:300326
Study programme Title: Education Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra ranog i predškolskog odgoja i obrazovanja (magistar/magistra ranog i predškolskog odgoja i obrazovanja)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Access restricted to students and staff of home institution
Terms of use
Created on 2021-10-13 11:43:37