Title Stvaranje radio-drame s učenicima nižih razreda osnovne škole
Author Melani Huljev
Mentor Vladimira Velički (mentor)
Committee member Vladimira Velički (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Marina Gabelica (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Marko Gregurić (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb Faculty of Teacher Education Zagreb
Defense date and country 2017-10-24, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline HUMANISTIC SCIENCES Interdisciplinary Humanistic Studies Teaching Methods in the Humanistic Sciences
Abstract U ovom radu prikazan je projekt stvaranja radiodrame u redovnoj nastavi učenika četvrtog razreda osnovne škole te detaljna priprema projekta, način provedbe i dobiveni rezultat. Projekt je osmišljen i proveden s ciljem motiviranja učenika za nastavu medijske kulture, sadržajnog oplemenjivanja nastave hrvatskog jezika te istraživanja mogućnosti primjene tehnologije u nastavi. Projekt, odnosno projektna nastava predstavlja jedan od mogućih vidova nastave u kojoj se uvelike potiče aktivno učenje. U projektnoj se nastavi tradicionalna uloga učitelja, u kojoj je on gotovo jedini izvor informacija, mijenja u ulogu u kojoj je učitelj voditelj. On je organizator situacija u kojima učenici preuzimaju sve veću odgovornost za rezultate svog učenja. Radio kao uređaj koji proizvodi zvukove djeca upoznaju vrlo rano, dok njegovu medijsku ulogu spoznaju tijekom školovanja tek u 3. razredu osnovne škole. Kako su djetetu od najranije dobi dostupni različiti privlačni i zanimljivi mediji, radio kao medij, uglavnom, ostaje u sjeni, neprivlačan i nezanimljiv. Radio do čovjeka dopire zvukom i riječima, intiman je i nenametljiv, a opet je poput velike knjižnice – svatko može pronaći nešto za sebe. Uz dječji, Hrvatski radio nudi i bogat obrazovni program, ali, nažalost, mnogi roditelji, pa tako ni djeca toga nisu svjesni. Jedan od takvih zabavnih i edukativnih programa je i radioigra, odnosno radiodrama. A stvarati radiodramu, zna pružiti i veće zadovoljstvo, nego istu samo slušati. To su osjetili i učenici koji su sudjelovali u ovom projektu. Provedbom projekta pokazalo se da primjena tehnologije u nastavi i iskustvo drugačijeg vida nastave, od onog tradicionalnog, izrazito motivira učenike za rad. Prema analizi samoprocjene učenika o radu na projektu, učenici su iskazali zadovoljstvo rezultatom projekta te kritički ocijenili vlastiti rad i suradnju s ostalim učenicima. U svojim odgovorima, učenici su naveli mnogo različitih stečenih znanja i vještina za koje smatraju da su ih projektom usvojili, što ukazuje na brojnost ispunjenih obrazovnih i odgojnih ciljeva i zadaća projekta.
Abstract (english) The paper provides an overview of project creating radio drama with fourth grade students of primary school and detailed project preparation, method of implementation and the result obtained. The project was designed and implemented with the aim of motivating students for the media culture lessons, making content in class of Croatian language better and exploring possibilities of using technology in the classroom. The project, or project teaching is one of the possible types of teaching that greatly promotes active learning. The traditional role of the teacher, in which he is almost the only source of information, changes into the role in which he is the leader. He is the organizer of situations in which students take on greater responsibility for the results of their learning. Radio as a device that produces sounds children meet very early, while his role as a media is recognized during schooling only in the third grade of primary school. As various attractive and interesting media are available to children from the earliest age, radio, working as a media, mostly, remains in the shade, unattractive and uninteresting. The radio reaches the human with sound and words, is intimate and unobtrusive, and again like a large library – everyone can find something for themselves. With children's program, Croatian Radio offers a rich educational program, but, unfortunately, many parents, as well as children are not aware of it. One of such interesting and educational programs is radio play, or radio drama. And creating a radio drama, can provide even greater pleasure than just listen to it. The students who participated in this project could feel that. The implementation of the project showed that the use of technology in teaching and the experience of a different vision of teaching, from the traditional one, are highly motivated for students. According to the analysis of the students self-assessment based on project work they expressed satisfaction with the results of the project and critically evaluated common work and cooperation with other students. In their responses, students listed many different acquired knowledge and skills for which they consider to have been adopted by the project, what indicates the number of filled educational goals and tasks of the project.
integrirano učenje
projektna nastava
Keywords (english)
radio drama
integrated learning
project teaching
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:147:464136
Study programme Title: Integrated Undergraduate and Graduate University Programme of Study of Primary Teacher Education and Integrated Undergraduate and Graduate University Programme of Study for Primary Teacher Education with English and German Language Study programme type: university Study level: integrated undergraduate and graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra primarnog obrazovanja (magistar/magistra primarnog obrazovanja)
Type of resource Text
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Created on 2019-05-02 11:49:42