Title Pristup pojmu mase u 3. razredu osnovne škole
Title (english) Approach to the Concept of Mass in teh 3rd Grade of Primary School
Author Martina Krcivoj
Mentor Dubravka Glasnović-Gracin (mentor)
Committee member Goran Trupčević (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Dubravka Glasnović-Gracin (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Marija Juričić Devčić (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb Faculty of Teacher Education Zagreb
Defense date and country 2017-07-05, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline NATURAL SCIENCES Interdisciplinary Natural Sciences Teaching Methods in the Natural Sciences
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline NATURAL SCIENCES Mathematics
Abstract U ovome radu prikazan je pristup pojmu Mjerenje mase u trećem razredu osnovne škole. Rad sadrži opise pojmova mjerenja i mase te kratki prikaz mjerenja mase kroz povijest do danas. Također, u radu su analizirani temeljni važeći kurikularni dokumenti Nastavni plan i program te Nacionalni okvirni kurikulum vezano uz Mjerenje mase. Uz njih se prikazao metodički pristup pojmu Mjerenje mase u trećem razredu osnovne škole u matematici. Na temelju važećih dokumenata i metodičkog pristupa, sastavljena su pitanja za istraživanje pojma mase tekućih udžbeničkih kompleta i metodičkih priručnika. Analiza dokumenata pokazuje da se Mjerenje mase u Nacionalnom okvirnom kurikulumu nalazi u zasebnoj domeni Mjerenje, dok se u Nastavnom planu i programu nalazi u području Geometrije. Također, oba dokumenta donose različita učenikova postignuća i ciljeve. Rezultati analize udžbenika pokazuju da nastavna jedinica Mjerenje mase u svim analiziranim i važećim udžbeničkim kompletima zauzima mjesto na kraju udžbenika, što može ukazati na umanjenu ulogu mjerenja u nastavi matematike u odnosu na, primjerice, sadržaje iz aritmetike. U sklopu ovog rada provedena je anketa na uzorku od N = 93 učitelja razredne nastave u Republici Hrvatskoj sa ciljem utvrđivanja mišljenja učitelja o pojmu Mjerenje mase u 3. razredu osnovne škole i načinu poučavanja učenika. Kvalitativnom i kvantitativnom analizom rezultata vidljivi su mogući uzorci problema nerazumijevanja pojma mase, mjerenja i procjene mase te preračunavanja mjernih jedinica za masu. Rezultati ankete pokazuju da 73 % učitelja stigne odraditi ovu nastavnu temu, a čak 96 % učitelja svjesno je važnosti procjene u nastavi matematike. Ipak, 10 % učitelja već na prvom satu mjerenja mase preskače pokuse i iskustvene aktivnosti s masom i sa svojim učenicima rade samo preračunavanje mjernih jedinica za masu. Uz to, čak 40 % ispitanih učitelja ovu nastavnu temu ne smatra važnom. Na kraju rada su predstavljeni prijedlozi nastavnih sati za nastavnu temu Mjerenje mase u trećem razredu osnovne škole na temelju metodičkih naputaka, analiziranih dokumenata i provedene ankete.
Abstract (english) The paper presents the approach to the concept of measurement of mass in the third grade of primary school. The paper contains descriptions of concepts of measurement of mass and mass and a short overview of measuring mass throughout history to present day. Furthermore, the paper show the analysis of current curricular documents, Teaching Plan and Programme, and the National Curriculum Framework relating to measurement of mass. The teaching approach to measurement of mass in the third grade primary school for the subject of Math is also shown. Based on the current documents and teaching approach, the questions for researching the concept of mass in present textbooks and teaching manuals were formulated. The analysis of documents showed that Measurement of mass in the National curriculum framework is contained in a separate domain entitled Measurement, whereas in the Teaching Plan and Programme it is contained in the area of Geometry. Furthermore, both documents list differing learning outcomes and aims. The results of the analysis of textbooks show that the teaching unit Measurement of mass is located at the end of all the textbooks indicating a rather undermined role of measurement in teaching mathematics in relationship to arithmetic, for instance. For the purpose of this paper, a survey was conducted on a sample of 93 primary school teachers in the Republic of Croatia (N=93) with the aim of establishing teachers’ attitudes on the concept of Measurement of mass in the 3rd grade of primary school and the method of teaching the concept. Through qualitative and quantitative analysis of results, possible causes for incomprehension of the concept of mass, its measurement, estimation of mass and conversion of units of mass are evident. The survey results show that 73% of the teachers manages to teach this unit, and 93% of the teachers is aware of the importance of estimation in mathematics teaching. However, 10 % of the teachers skips experiment and experiential activities with mass in the initial lesson of measuring mass and proceed to work only on calculating unite of mass measurement. What is more, 40% of the surveyed teachers considers this unit as irrelevant. Finally, the paper presents suggestions for teaching the unit Measurement of mass for the third grade of primary school based on teaching instructions, the documents analyzed and the conducted survey.
mjerenje mase
Keywords (english)
measurement of mass
weight scale
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:147:822980
Study programme Title: Integrated Undergraduate and Graduate University Programme of Study of Primary Teacher Education and Integrated Undergraduate and Graduate University Programme of Study for Primary Teacher Education with English and German Language Study programme type: university Study level: integrated undergraduate and graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra primarnog obrazovanja (magistar/magistra primarnog obrazovanja)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
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Created on 2019-05-08 09:08:53