Title Oblikovanje grafičke mape
Title (english) Graphic Map Design
Author Stela Benedik
Mentor Luka Petrač (mentor)
Committee member Marijana Županić Benić (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Ivana Gagić Kičinbači (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Luka Petrač (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb Faculty of Teacher Education Zagreb
Defense date and country 2017-06-29, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline FIELD OF ART Fine Arts
Abstract Grafika je područje umjetnosti za koje je karakteristično umnožavanje, odnosno dobivanje većeg broja otisaka. Otisak je krajnji rezultat postupka stvaranja grafike za čije je nastajanje potrebno poznavanje procesa određene grafičke tehnike. Grafičkih tehnika ima mnogo, a u pravilu se razlikuju prema načinima obrade ploče te prema načinu otiskivanja obrađene ploče, tj. matrice. Današnja grafika proširila je svoje granice mogućnosti pa tako možemo razlikovati umjetničku od primijenjene grafike, koja je nastala kao odraz suvremenih promjena u vizualnoj i medijskoj pismenosti. U osnovnoškolskom obrazovanju, djeca se susreću s raznim grafičkim reprodukcijama, pojmovima i tehnikama. Iako grafičkih tehnika ima mnogo, u školi su zastupljene one koje su pristupačne i učiteljima i djeci, kako s financijskog stajališta, tako i sa stajališta mogućnosti same provedbe pojedine tehnike i mogućnosti djeteta. Ovim radom željela se pokazati mogućnost stvaranja i oblikovanja grafičke mape zajedno s učenicima. Općenito, grafičku mapu čine grafički listovi na kojima se mogu nalaziti samo grafike ili u kombinaciji s njima i tekst. Grafičke mape vrlo su značajne za grafičare jer se različite grafike, jednog ili više autora, nalaze na jednome mjestu i zajedno s vanjskim koricama tvore jedinstvenu unikatnu cjelinu. Samo izlaganje pojedine grafičke mape značajan je trenutak kako za autora/autore mape, tako i za publiku koja posjećuje predstavljanje mape. Sama informacija o tome kako će se njihovi likovni radovi nalaziti u grafičkoj mapi, učenike je odmah motivirala i dodatno zainteresirala za rad, uz prethodno pojašnjenje što grafička mapa zapravo jest. Uz učeničke radove izrađene kombinacijom grafičke tehnike monotipije, crtačke tehnike tuš-pera i slikarske tehnike bijele tempere, grafičke listove grafičke mape „Život pod maskama“ čine i grafički radovi autorice ovoga rada, izrađeni grafičkom tehnikom linoreza u boji. Nekolicina učeničkih radova iz grafičke mape opisno je analizirana prema smjernicama tematske, likovno-jezične i likovno-tehničke analize.
Abstract (english) The graphics is an area of art which is characterized by duplication, i.e. the obtaining a plurality of prints. The print is the ultimate result of the graphics creation process for which a certain graphic technique is needed. There are many graphical techniques, and generally differ in the substrate material being treated by the graphical methods, the methods of substrate processing and the method of molding the treated substrate, i.e. the matrix. Today's graphics has expanded its border opportunities, so we can distinguish the art of applied graphics, which is created as a reflection of contemporary changes in the visual and media literacy. In primary school education, children are faced with various graphic reproductions, concepts and techniques. Although there are many graphic techniques, the most present are those that are affordable to both teachers and children, as from the financial point of view and also regarding the possibilities of the actual implementation of certain techniques and capabilities of the child. With this work the purpose was to show the possibility of creating and designing graphics folders; together with students. Generally, the graphics map consists of graphic sheets on which can be placed only graphics or graphics in combination with text. Graphic maps are very important for graphic designers because the different graphics, by one or more authors, are located at one place and together with the outer sheath form one unique entity. The presentation of individual graphic maps is an important moment both for the author/authors of maps, as well as for audiences attending the presentation. Just by informing the students about how their art works will be placed in the graphic map, the students were immediately motivated and interested in further work, with the previous clarification of what the graphics map actually is. With the student work done by a combination of graphic monotype techniques, drawing techniques and white-painted painting techniques, graphic sheets of the graphic map "The life under masks" contains also the graphic works of the author of this paper, created in graphics techniques linoleum in color. Several students’ works from the graphic map are descriptively analyzed according to the thematic, visual-linguistic and art-technical analysis guidelines.
grafičke tehnike
grafička mapa
Keywords (english)
graphical techniques
graphic map
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:147:218717
Study programme Title: Integrated Undergraduate and Graduate University Programme of Study of Primary Teacher Education and Integrated Undergraduate and Graduate University Programme of Study for Primary Teacher Education with English and German Language Study programme type: university Study level: integrated undergraduate and graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra primarnog obrazovanja (magistar/magistra primarnog obrazovanja)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Access restricted to students and staff of home institution
Terms of use
Created on 2019-05-21 07:11:32