Abstract | Downov sindrom je najčešći genetski poremećaj koji nastaje uslijed viška jednog kromosoma. Broj kromosoma kod osobe urednog razvoja iznosi 46, a kod osoba s DS taj broj iznosi 47 kromosoma. Jedno od 650 novorođene djece rađa se s Downovim sindromom i bez obzira na rasu, vjeru, dob svatko može dobiti dijete s Downovim sindromom. U Republici Hrvatskoj se podaci o osobama s Downovim sindromom koja su ostvarila određena invalidska prava, prate u Registru osoba s invaliditetom. U navedenom Registru su prema stanju na dan 28. veljače 2017. g. registrirani parametri za 1607 osoba, s podjednakom distribucijom kod oba spola (835 muški; 772 ženske osobe s Downovim sindromom).
Karakteristike izgleda djece s Downovim sindromom: rastu sporije nego djeca urednog razvoja, kosa je tanka, ravna, mekana, kod očiju karakterističan je kosi i uzak očni rasporak, lice je plosnato, nos je plosnat, usta trokutasta oblika, uške su male i obično niže smještene, vrat je kratak i širok. Veliki broj djece s Downovim sindromom imaju srčane mane, probleme s probavnim sustavom, poteškoće u funkcioniranju štitne žlijezde, te ozbiljne probleme vezane uz uho, grlo, nos. Intelektualne teškoće primarne su kod djece s Downovim sindromom i dijele se na četiri razine: laka intelektualna onesposobljenost, umjerena intelektualna onesposobljenost, teža intelektualna onesposobljenost, teška intelektualna onesposobljenost.
Djeci s Downovim sindromom ne smije se oduzimati pravo na život u obitelji i smještati ih u institucije. Razvoj i promjene u društvu, složenost razvojnih faza djeteta doveli su i do promjene društvene svijesti o obitelji i njezinom utjecaju na cjelokupan razvoj djeteta. Jedna od osnovnih potreba djeteta je potreba za sigurnošću i razvojem stabilne veze s roditeljem. Od obitelji se očekuje poticanje i vođenje kroz djetetov razvoj u svoj njegovoj složenosti – kognitivni, fizički, socijalni, emocionalni, moralni, seksualni, duhovni, kulturni i obrazovni. Upravo ta višedimenzionalnost, obitelj odnosno roditeljstvo čini složenim. |
Abstract (english) | Down syndrome is a genetic disorder caused by the presence of all or part of a third copy of chromosome 21. The number of chromosomes in a person with a regular development is 46, and in a person with DS this number is 47 chromosomes. One of the 650 newborn babies is born with Down syndrome and regardless of race, religion, age anyone can get a child with Down syndrome. In the Republic of Croatia, data on persons with Down syndrome who have been assigned with certain disability rights are monitored in the Register of Persons with Disabilities. In a mentioned Register, on February 28, 2017, registered parameters for 1607 persons, with equal distribution in both sexes (835 males, 772 women with Down syndrome).
Characteristics of the appearance of children with Down syndrome: Slightly slower than children with regular development, hair is thin, flat, soft, with eyes characteristic of hair and narrow eyelids, face is flat, nose is flat, mouth is triangular, small and usually lower positioned, neck short and wide. A large number of children with Down syndrome have heart defects, problems with the digestive system, difficulty in functioning of the thyroid gland, and serious problems with the ear, throat, nose. Intellectual disabilities are primary in children with Down syndrome and are divided into four levels: mild intellectual disability, moderate intellectual disability, severe intellectual disability and profound intellectual disability.
Children with Down Syndrome should not be deprived of the right to family life and be placed in institutions. Development and change in society, the complexity of the child's developmental phases, have also led to a change in social awareness of the family and its impact on the overall development of the child. One of the basic needs of a child is the need for security and the development of a stable relationship with a parent. The family is expected to be guided through child development in its complexity - cognitive, physical, social, emotional, moral, sexual, spiritual, cultural and educational. It is this multi-dimensionality that makes the family or parenting complex. |