Title Košarka u primarnoj edukaciji
Title (english) Basketball in Primary Education
Author Josipa Ćorić
Mentor Ivan Prskalo (mentor)
Mentor Mateja Kunješić Sušilović (mentor)
Committee member Marija Lorger (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Ivan Prskalo (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Mateja Kunješić Sušilović (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb Faculty of Teacher Education Zagreb
Defense date and country 2017-07-03, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Kinesiology
Abstract Cilj ovog diplomskog rada bio je otkriti koliko je košarka zastupljena u primarnoj edukaciji kroz nastavne teme iz Nastavnog plana i programa, jesu li učitelji/ice upoznati s osnovama košarke te poznaju li i poštuju li pravila košarkaške igre, ispituje se i opremljenost dvorana potrebnim rekvizitima (košarkaške lopte, koševi…) za sat Tjelesne i zdravstvene kulture te se time uspoređuje opremljenost matične škole u gradu i područne škole na selu. Za potrebe ovog istraživanja uključen je uzorak od 41 učitelj/ica koji rade s učenicama od prvog do četvrtog razreda u gradskoj školi OŠ Josipa Antuna Ćolnića u gradu Đakovu i okolnim seoskim školama: OŠ Satnica Đakovačka, OŠ Josipa Kozaraca, OŠ Drenje, OŠ Gorjani i OŠ Tomašanci. Metodom anketnog upitnika, ispitanici su odgovarali na 30 postavljenih pitanja koja se odnose na zastupljenost košarke u primarnoj edukaciji. Rezultati istraživanja, prikazanih kroz metodologiju, pokazuju da košarka nije najomiljeniji sport učiteljima/icama u razrednoj nastavi. Međutim, od 41 ispitanika njih 25 (61%) odgovara kako je košarka slabo zastupljena u primarnoj edukaciji. Većina ispitanika, njih 51,2% je u potpunosti upoznata s pravilima košarkaške igre („Dječja košarka). Zatim, po rezultatima je vidljivo kako ispitanici, njih 24 (58, 5%), smatraju da je učenicima potrebno 3 h TZK-a u 4.r OŠ. Učitelji/ice smatraju da učenici ne mogu dobaciti loptu do koša (56,10% ispitanika) te da bi koš trebao biti spušten na visinu primjerenu uzrastu učenika (73,17% ispitanika). Košarkaška lopta treba biti primjerena uzrastu učenika jer su u 1. i 2. razredu preteške za učenike te zbog toga učitelji radije biraju lakšu loptu poput odbojkaške ili gumene lopte. S obzirom na opremljenost škola, rezultati navedeni u metodologiji upućuju na manjak nastavnih sredstava i pomagala u dvorani gradske škole Josipa Antuna Ćolnića, dok je u seoskim školama situacija suprotna. Usprkos navedenom, ispitanici iz matične škole i područne imaju slične rezultate koji pokazuju dobru opremljenost s koševima i košarkaškim igralištima.
Abstract (english) The aim of this graduate thesis is to find out how much basketball is represented in primary education through syllabus, whether the teachers are familiar with the basics of basketball and whether they know and respect the rules of the basketball game, also examining the gym equipment and it’s requisite props (balls, basketball basket ...) for the class of Physical education and sports, comparing the equipment of the primary school in the town with the regional school in the village. For the purpose of this research, a model of 41 teachers from the first to the fourth grade in the Primary School of the Josip Antun Ćolnić School in the City of Đakovo and surrounding rural schools: Primary School Satnica Đakovačka, Primary School Josip Kozarac, Primary School Drenje, Primary School Gorjani and Primary School Tomašanci. With the survey questionnaire method, participants responded to 30 questions which are concerned with the representation of basketball in primary education. The research results that are presented throughout methodology method show that basketball is not the most favorite sport of primary school teachers. However, out of 41 participants, 25 (61%) answered that basketball is poorly represented in primary education. Most of the participants, 51.2%, are fully acquainted with the rules of the basketball game ("Children's Basketball"). Next, the results show that participants, 24 (58, 5%), think that students need 3 h of Physical education and sports in 4th grade. The teachers believe that the students cannot push the ball to their knee (56.10% of the participants) and that the basket should be lowered to the appropriate student age (73.17% of participants). The basketball ball should be appropriate to the age of the students of the 1st and 2nd grade; therefore teachers prefer to choose a light weight ball, such as a volleyball or rubber ball. Taking into consideration the given School equipment, the results in the methodology method show that there is lack of school supplies in the gymnasium of Josip Antun Ćolnić, while in the rural schools the situation is the opposite. Despite this, the primary school and regional participants have similar results that show that there is good equipment for basketball and basketball courts.
primarna edukacija
košarkaška igra
elementarne igre
Nastavni plan i program TZK
Keywords (english)
primary education
basketball game
elementary games
Physical education and sports syllabus
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:147:510795
Study programme Title: Integrated Undergraduate and Graduate University Programme of Study of Primary Teacher Education and Integrated Undergraduate and Graduate University Programme of Study for Primary Teacher Education with English and German Language Study programme type: university Study level: integrated undergraduate and graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra primarnog obrazovanja (magistar/magistra primarnog obrazovanja)
Type of resource Text
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Created on 2019-05-22 07:39:54