Title Aktualni problemi naglasne norme u hrvatskome jeziku
Title (english) Current problems of Accentuting standards in the Croatian Language
Author Ivana Mišković
Mentor Tamara Gazdić- Alerić (mentor)
Committee member Vesna Budinski (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Tamara Gazdić- Alerić (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb Faculty of Teacher Education Zagreb
Defense date and country 2017-07-03, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline HUMANISTIC SCIENCES Philology Phonetics
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline HUMANISTIC SCIENCES Philology Croatian Studies
Abstract Jedna od četiriju osnovnih normi hrvatskoga standardnoga jezika kojom se definiraju naglasci jest pravogovorna ili ortoepska norma. Pravogovor ili ortoepija podrazumijeva pravilan izgovor, odnosno označava normiran sustav izgovora riječi i naglasnih cjelina standardnoga jezika. Naglasak ili prozodija je isticanje pojedinoga sloga u riječi. U standarnome hrvatskome jeziku postoje četiri vrste naglasaka, i to dva koja obilježavaju uzlazni ton; kratkouzlazni i dugouzlazni te dva za silazni ton; kratkosilazni te dugosilazni. Budući da je naglasak najčešće povezan uz govorenje, dok se u pisanju ne bilježi često, postavlja se pitanje uči li se naglasak uopće, jer i kada je zabilježen na pisanoj riječi, malo je onih koji će ga znati pravilno pročitati. Opće je poznato kako bez pravilna naglašavanja nema dobra govorenja niti dobre jezične kulture. Potrebno je naglasiti da je pravilno naglašavanje zapravo pitanje kulture govorenja, pa tako i pitanje kulture uopće. Kao temelju kasnijih najviših oblika pismenosti, posebna pažnja treba se posvetiti prvogovorenoj i govorenoj riječi u školi i u životu. Na njegovanju kulture govora te razvijanju govorne vještine potrebno je raditi organizirano. Nepravilno naglašavanje koje sve više prodire i u javne medije, zapravo je produkt oponašanja površne prakse i neznanja. Zato je od neizmjerne važnosti da djeca u dječjim i odgojno-obrazovnim emisijama, koje su ponajprije namijenjene njima, čuju i naposljetku nauče i usvoje pravilan izgovor te pravilne naglaske. Dakle, važno je poštivati naglasnu, odnosno ortoepsku normu jer naglasak je nositelj dijela zvukovne punine svake samostalne riječi. Svaka riječ postiže posebnost kakva joj u jeziku pripada, a bez pravilnoga naglaska okrnjena je njezina cjelovitost.
Abstract (english) One of the four basic norms of the Croatian standard language, which defines the accents, is an orthoepic norm. Orthoepy implies a proper pronunciation, respectively, signifies a standardized pronunciation system of literary language. Accent or prose is, therefore, an emphasis on a particular slogan in words. There are four types of accents in the standard language of Croatia, two ascending tones; short-term and long-term and two downturns; short-sighted and long-sighted. Since the emphasis is most commonly associated with speech, while writing is not often recorded, the question is whether the emphasis is on the fact that even when it is recorded in the written word, there are few who will know it properly read. It is commonly known that without proper emphasis there is no good speech or good linguistic culture. It should be stressed that correct emphasis is actually a matter of speaking culture, and so is the issue of culture at all. As a basis of the later forms of literacy, special attention should be paid to the first-born and spoken word in school and in life. To foster speech culture and develop speech skills, it is necessary to work organized. The improper emphasis that penetrates more and more in public media is actually a product of imitation of superficial practice and ignorance. Therefore, it is of immense importance that children in children's and educational-related programs, which are primarily intended for them, hear and eventually learn and adopt a correct excuse and correct accent. Therefore, it is important to respect the accentuated or orthoepic norms, because the emphasis is the part of the volume of each independent word. Each word achieves a particularity in its language, and without its proper emphasis its integrity is defeated.
pravogovorna norma
kultura govora
govorni modeli
Keywords (english)
orthoepic norm
speech culture
speech models
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:147:740881
Study programme Title: Integrated Undergraduate and Graduate University Programme of Study of Primary Teacher Education and Integrated Undergraduate and Graduate University Programme of Study for Primary Teacher Education with English and German Language Study programme type: university Study level: integrated undergraduate and graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra primarnog obrazovanja (magistar/magistra primarnog obrazovanja)
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Created on 2019-05-22 09:04:37