Title Organizacija i vođenje dječjih ansambala
Title (english) Organising and Conducting Children's Ensembles
Author Matea Martinčević
Mentor Branimir Magdalenić (mentor) MBZ: 328960
Committee member Ivana Nikolić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Branimir Magdalenić (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Miroslav Novak (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb Faculty of Teacher Education Zagreb
Defense date and country 2018-09-27, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline FIELD OF ART Art of Music
Abstract Jedna od važnijih funkcija suvremene škole je i pruţanje mogućnosti učenicima da se angaţiraju u izvannastavnim aktivnostima. Činjenica je kako su u mnogim školama zanemarene izvannastavne aktivnosti, a one mogu ako potiču kreativnost, biti izrazito korisne za učenike. Ne samo kao poticaj za smisleno organiziranje i korisno provoĎenje slobodnog vremena nego i sprečavanje nastanka neprihvatljivog ponašanja učenika koje se impliciraju upravo u neorganiziranom slobodnom vremenu učenika. Rezultati većine istraţivanja pokazuju da vrlo vaţnu ulogu u izvannastavnim aktivnostima ima izvannastavna aktivnost vezana uz glazbu. Danas je gotovo nezamisliva školska priredba ili manifestacija u kojoj se ne pjeva, svira ili izvodi pokret i ples uz glazbu pa bilo da je tradicijska (folklorna) ili modernog glazbenog izričaja. Koliko je to vaţno govore činjenice da učenici glazbene aktivnosti doţivljavaju kao mjesto radosti, druţenja, učenja, odnosno, u tom okruţenju vlada atmosfera koju karakterizira zajednički rad, meĎusobno poštivanje, uvaţavanje i poticanje. Jedno od najvaţnijih glazbenih područja je pjevanje koje je stoljećima bilo jedina ili, u najmanju ruku glavna nastavna aktivnost. Postoje indicije da je prva glazba, zbog načina ţivota prvih ljudi, bila vokalna jer se radi prenošenja odreĎenih značenja mijenjala visina glasa, a samim time i visina tona. Koliko je pjevanje vaţno govori i svojevremeno njemački skladatelj G. F. Telemann koji smatra da je pjevanje temelj glazbenog učenja.
Tema mojeg diplomskog rada je usko vezana za izvannastavne glazbene aktivnosti s posebnim naglaskom na pjevanje odnosno voĎenje dječjeg zbora niţih razreda u koji se uključuju učenici od prvog do četvrtog razreda.
Abstract (english) One of the most important roles of modern school is giving students the possibility to engage in extracurricular activities. However, many schools neglect extracurricular activities, even though they can be extremely beneficial to students especially if they stimulate creativity. Besides being simulative for sensible organization and useful spending of spare time, they can also prevent the occurrences of students behaving unacceptably usually when spending spare time is not organized. The results of most researches show that extracurricular activity in connection with music plays especially important role among other extracurricular activities. Today, it is almost impossible to think of a school performance or manifestation without singing, playing instruments or dancing to music whether it was traditional folk music or some modern musical expression. The importance of music is manifested in facts that students see musical activities as possibilities to have fun, to socialize and to learn. There is an atmosphere of team work, mutual respect, appreciation and encouragement. One of the most important musical aspects is singing which was, through centuries, the only or at least major curricular activity. There are some indications that the first music, due to the way of life of the first people, was vocal because the pitch and therefore tone was changed to transfer certain meanings. The importance of singing was also pointed out by German composer G. F. Telemann who considered singing the basis for musical teaching.
My theses are closely related to extracurricular musical activities with a special emphasis on singing and conducting children choir in lower grades involving pupils from first to fourth grade of primary school.
izvannastavne glazbene aktivnosti
dječji pjevački zbor
Keywords (english)
children choir
extracurricular music activities
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:147:180435
Study programme Title: Integrated Undergraduate and Graduate University Programme of Study of Primary Teacher Education and Integrated Undergraduate and Graduate University Programme of Study for Primary Teacher Education with English and German Language Study programme type: university Study level: integrated undergraduate and graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra primarnog obrazovanja (magistar/magistra primarnog obrazovanja)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Created on 2019-05-27 07:19:14