Title Poremećaji autističnog spektra kod djece rane dobi
Author Marina Svržnjak
Mentor Tea Pahić (mentor) MBZ: 321223
Granter University of Zagreb Faculty of Teacher Education Zagreb
Defense date and country 2019-07-12, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Psychology
Abstract U skupinu pervazivno- razvojnih poremećaja se ubrajaju autistični poremećaj, Rettov sindrom, dezintegrativni poremećaj, Aspergerov sindrom i pervazivni razvojni poremećaj- neodređen. DSM- V za skupinu poremećaja sličnih autizmu, koji su se prema DSM- IV nazivali pervazivno- razvojni poremećaji, upotrebljava jedinstven naziv poremećaji iz autističnog spektra.. Točan uzrok poremećaja još nije poznat, pa se većinom govori o multikauzalnosti etiologije poremećaja autističnog spektra. Znakove koji upućuju na poremećaj iz autističnog spektra je teško prepoznati, a kriteriji za postavljanje dijagnoze autističnog poremećaja su početak poremećaja u djetinjstvu, socijalna interakcija, komunikacija te ograničeni interesi. U današnje vrijeme, sve je više djece s poremećajem iz autističnog spektra koja pokazuju izuzetne sposobnosti za neko usko područje, a ta se djeca nazivaju idiot-savant ili autistic savant. Nakon što se postavi dijagnoza, potrebno je osmisliti primjerene terapijske postupke. Postoje brojni terapijski postupci koji su se pokazali uspješnim u tretmanu poremećaja iz autističnog spektra, no za nijedan od njih se ne može tvrditi da može izliječiti poremećaj već može dovesti do značajnog poboljšanja. Za osmišljavanje tretmana treba procijeniti individualne sposobnosti, specifičnosti i potrebe svakog djeteta s poremećajem iz autističnog spektra pomoću psihometrijskih instrumenata. Djeca s poremećajem iz autističnog spektra se većinom uključuju u program redovnih vrtića, pri čemu je ključni čimbenik odgojitelj koji mora prilagoditi prostor i materijale u skladu s potrebama djece te surađivati s roditeljima kako bi zajednički djelovali na djetetov napredak. Dijagnoza poremećaja utječe na cijelu obitelj koja se teško nosi s novom životnom situacijom i promjenama koje ona donosi. Stoga je važno roditeljima, ali i braći i sestrama djece s poremećajem iz autističnog spektra pružiti podršku i razumijevanje kako bi se oni lakše prilagodili i mogli pomoći autističnom djetetu.
Abstract (english) The category of pervasive developmental disorders (PDD) includes autistic disorder, Rett syndrome, disintegrative disorder, Asperger's syndrome and pervasive developmental disorder not otherwise specified (PDD-NOS). DSM-V uses a unique term – autism spectrum disorders – for a group of disorders similar to autism, which were called pervasive developmental disorders according to DSM-IV. The correct cause of the disorders is not yet known, so it is often said that there is multicausality of the etiology of autism spectrum disorders. Signs which indicate the autistic spectrum disorder are difficult to recognize. The criteria for the diagnosis of an autistic disorder are the beginning of the disorder during the childhood, social interaction, communication, and limited interests. Nowadays, there is an increasing number of children with an autism spectrum disorder who show remarkable abilities in some narrow field. These children are called idiot-savant or autistic savant. After the diagnosis is established, a suitable treatment method needs to be developed. Many methods proved successful in the treatment of an autism spectrum disorder. None of them is to be said to completely cure the disorder, but they can rather lead to a significant improvement. For the development of the treatment, individual abilities, peculiarities, and needs of every child with an autism spectrum disorder must be assessed with the help of psychometric tests. Children with an autism spectrum disorder mostly attend full-time kindergarten programs, where an educator is a crucial factor. Educators need to adapt the space and materials to the children's needs, as well as cooperate with parents to affect the child's progress. The diagnosias of disorders affects the entire family, who have difficulty dealing with a new life situation and the changes it brings about. Therefore it is important to show support and understanding for the parents and siblings of a child diagnosed with an autism spectrum disorder in order for them to adapt more easily and to be able to help their autistic child
poremećaj iz autističnog spektra
podrška obitelji
Keywords (english)
autism spectrum disorder
support to the family
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:147:074127
Study programme Title: Undergraduate University Study of Early and Preschool Education Study programme type: university Study level: undergraduate Academic / professional title: sveučilišni/a prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) ranog i predškolskog odgoja i obrazovanja (sveučilišni/a prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) ranog i predškolskog odgoja i obrazovanja)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
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Created on 2019-07-15 08:42:51