Abstract | Cilj ovog rada je prikazati i analizirati teorijske implikacije pozitivnih učinaka video igara na motivaciju, razvoj sposobnosti i vještina kod djece i mladih. Pod igranjem video igara podrazumijevamo i video igre koje se igraju na konzolama poput Playstation-a ili Xbox-a, računalne igre i on-line igre. U radu će biti prikazana povijest video igara te njihova klasifikacija. Temeljno polazište ovog rada je igra i njezin utjecaj na učenje kod djece. Igra je jedan od prvih oblika učenja koji omogućava djetetu da spozna svoju okolinu kroz vlastito iskustvo. Igra je djetetu glavni interes i nezaobilazan dio svakodnevice. No, u današnje vrijeme multimedije, video igre su postale najčešći oblik zabave i razonode.
Česte su zablude da video igre nisu nimalo korisne, te da je njihovo igranje štetno za zdravlje. U stvarnosti je potpuno drugačije. Mnoga istraživanja pokazala su da djeca, koja dio svog vremena provode igrajući video igre, pojačavaju svoje sposobnosti i vještine brže od druge djece te pokazuju znatnu prednost u nekim sposobnostima vezanim za rješavanje problema, logičkog zaključivanje, percepciju i fokusiranje. Stoga je naglasak ovog rada na prikazu razvoja tih sposobnosti i pozitivnih učinaka igranja video igara koje su koncipirane kao simulacije, igre igranja uloga ili strateške igre. Osim pozitivnih učinaka na pojedine sposobnosti i učenje, u ovom radu spomenut će se i negativni učinci pretjeranog igranja video igara koji dovode do pojačane agresije, socijalne izoliranosti i na kraju ovisnosti.
Neke od komercijalnih video igara poput serijala Assassin's Creed, God of War, Civilization, The Sims i druge, danas mogu biti vrlo korisne kao nastavno sredstvo i izvor znanja u obrazovanju. U zadnje vrijeme nailazimo na pojam igrifikacije u obrazovanju koji podrazumijeva korištenje mehanizama, dizajna i elemenata video igara u neigraćem okruženju poput proizvodnje, poslovanja, marketinga i obrazovanja s ciljem motiviranja i aktiviranja ljudi, unapređenja nastave, i učinkovitom ostvarivanju ciljeva. |
Abstract (english) | The aim of this paper is to present and analyze theoretical information on the positive effects of video games towards motivaton, development skills in children and young people of different ages. Video games can be found on many platforms such as, Playstation or Xbox, computers and online.
The history of video games and their classification will be presented in this paper. The basic starting point of this work is play and its impact on learning in children. The children play is one of the first forms of learning that allows a child to know their surroundings through their own experience. The play is a child's main concern and an inevitable part of everyday life. But today in the time of multimedia, video games become the most common form of fun and entertainment.
There is speculation that video games are not useful at all and that they are actually only harmful to our health. In reality, this is not entirely true. Many pieces of research have shown that children who spend part of their time playing video games enhance their abilities and skills faster than other children and show a considerable advantage in some abilities to solve problems, logical conclusion, perception, and focus. Therefore, the emphasis is on developing these capabilities and the positive effects of playing video games that are conceived as simulations, role-playing games, or strategic games. In addition to the positive effects on individual abilities and learning, this work will also mention the negative effects of overplaying video games that lead to increased aggression, social isolation, and eventually addiction.
Some of the commercial video games such as Assassin's Creed series, God of War, Civilization, The Sims and others can today be very useful as a teaching tool and source of knowledge in education. Recently, we have come up with the notion of gamification in education, which implies the use of mechanic, design and elements of video games in non-existent environment such as production, business, marketing and education with the aim of motivating and activating people, improving teaching, and effectively achieving goals. |