Abstract | Djetinjstvo svakog djeteta povezano je s književnošću. Poezija je dio dječje književnosti. Ona se namjenjuje i prilagođava djeci te ima značajnu ulogu u njihovom životu. Čim djeca slušaju ili čitaju pjesme, oni postaju recipijenti. Zato je cilj rada teorijski pregled recepcije poezije u predškolskoj dobi te isto istražiti kroz aktivnosti u vrtiću. Recepcija poezije u predškolskoj dobi važan je stvaralački, dinamički čin za kognitivni razvoj djeteta, za razvoj jezičnog izraza, za stvaranje osjećaja za rimu, ritam i zvučnost. Recepcija književnoumjetničkog teksta je misaona aktivnost potrebna djeci vrtićke dobi kako bi ono iz umjetničkog svijeta mogli pretočiti u realni svijet. Čitajući djeci te interpretirajući im pjesme, utječe se na njihov doživljaj te stvaranje volje i želje za čitanjem u budućnosti. Djeca slušajući ulaze u svijet pjesme. Stvaraju slike u glavi, percipiraju ono što čuju. Stoga je njima potrebno sve prilagoditi dobi, sposobnostima, interesu i znanju kojim posjeduju. Dakako, nije potrebno da razumiju svaku riječ, već je važno da razumiju sam smisao pročitanog. Potrebno je provesti razgovor nakon svake pjesme o tome što se pročitalo ili recitiralo. Na taj način oni estetski doživljavaju povezanost s djelom, a odgojitelji time ulaze u svijet njihovog razmišljanja i mašte te saznaju jesu li djeca sve razumjela, je li ih pjesma dojmila te što misle o njoj. U predškolskim ustanovama je malo takvih organiziranih aktivnosti putem kojih se djeca upoznaju s dječjom poezijom. Kroz recepciju poezije djeca u predškolskim ustanovama imaju mogućnost razvijati se u svim razvojnim područjima. Kako su djeci u toj dobi od iznimne važnosti ilustracije, bitno je osmisliti aktivnosti na zanimljiv način, uz puno animacija, lutaka, radnji i promjeni koje će održavati i buditi njihovu pažnju. Djeca predškolske dobi jako vole aktivnosti vezane uz književnost, a istražujući poeziju, dolazi se do zaključka da i u tome rado sudjeluju. Kako bi ih se zainteresiralo, važna je i odgojiteljeva kompetentnost te velika volja za rad. |
Abstract (english) | Every child's childhood is associated with literature. Poetry is part of children's literature. It is intended and adapted to children and plays a significant role in their lives. As soon as children start to listen or read poems, they become recipients. Therefore, the aim of this paper is to theoretically review the reception of poetry in preschool age and to explore the same through activities in kindergarten. The reception of poetry in preschool is an important creative and dynamic act for the cognitive development of the child, for the development of linguistic expression, for the creation of a sense of rhyme, rhythm and sound. Reception of literary text is a thought activity needed for kindergarten children to translate it from the artistic world into the real world. Reading and interpreting poems to children affects their experience, will and desire to read in the future. Children, while listening, enter the world of poem. They create images in their minds and actively imagine what they hear. Therefore, it is required to adjust everything to the age, abilities, interest and knowledge od every child. Of course, it is not necessary for them to understand every word, but it is important for them to understand the very meaning of what has been read. A conversation should be conducted after each poem about what has been read or recited. In this way, they aesthetically experience the connection with the work, and the educators thus enter the world of their thinking and imagination where they can find out if the children have understood everything, whether the poem has impressed them and what they think of it. There are few such organized activities in preschools through which children are introduced to children's poetry. Through poetry reception, children in preschools have the opportunity to develop in all developmental areas. As illustrations are extremely important to children at this age, it is important to design activities in an interesting way, with lots of animations, puppets, actions and changes that will sustain and keep their attention. Preschoolers are very fond of literature-related activities, and by researching poetry, it is concluded that they are happy to participate. In order to be interested in them, the educator's competence and willingness to work are also important. |